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I tried to update this chapter yesterday (19th of May), but couldn't 😕

Anyways, belated birthday wishes to 'Forever Mine'! 😁

Thank you all for your votes and comments.

Thanks for completing the target too.

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy Reading!

Warning: A super long update! Longer than the previous one! And also, kids please stay away!


Devrath mumbled as Ramu walked away leaving him alone and his gaze never left the burning flame that was slowly engulfing her whole self. The sparks of fire ignited on the wooden logs, reminded him of her soulful eyes, the first thing that he noticed in her, which are turning into ashes now. "I failed", his words struck in his throat as tears blurred his vision. "I failed as a man, who couldn't protect his woman.. as a son, who snatched a daughter from her parents.. as a friend, who let the poisonous seed of jealousy spread in Ratan's heart and", a lone tear spilled out of his eyes. "It destroyed everything Shona.. It destroyed him, it destroyed you, it destroyed me, it destroyed all our lives.. And I am the reason for everything", he whispered as agony filled his heart.

"I love you Shona.. I still do.. May be that's what my mistake is! If I hadn't loved you then by this time you would've been somewhere.. alive", he blinked his tears. "But what did you do? What was your mistake? Why do you have to suffer because of me?", his eyes reddened in rage. "I won't let it happen.. No!", he shook his head. "The one who did wrong is deserved to be punished.... And also to redeem himself", he looked up at the blazing flame. "I will set everything right.. I will get you back.. I will give you everything as I promised.. Even if it means by changing the fate", he looked at the fire that was burning his future in it. "I promise you Shona.. I will bring you back.. I will bring our love back.. I will bring back everything that we lost.. And then, I will make you mine.. Forever Mine!", his orbs reflected the image of burning flame as a ray of determination filled his eyes. Reminiscing the moments of their togetherness he fell into the burning woods and it swallowed them together, uniting their souls while the ruby stood shining among the raging fire.


I jerked up from my sleep and looked around panicked. It took a minute for me to realize that I am in my room sleeping on my bed and all that I saw was nothing but only a dream!... Oh sorry.. A memory! Pushing my duvet aside, I stepped out of my bed and rushed into the washroom. Turning the faucet on, I splashed the water on my face until I got myself out of my so called dream. I looked up at the mirror and saw my panic striken face. "The great Dev Dixit gets scared of a simple dream.. Uff!", I shook my head. "It's just a dream Dev. A dream that is so far from reality now. Get that in this stupid brain of yours!", I poked by finger on my forehead.

Yeah, if I am not wrong, then this must be the last memory I had, as Devrath. I know it's strange but who even gets to see their previous life's incidents as dreams? I don't know if I am actually lucky or not to get to see all these. But well, by today's dream I got the answer to all my questions. The thing which I thought to be a 'curse' now seems to be a 'fortune' instead.. The Ruby! Yes, so if this is what had happened, then the ruby was the reason for why I am born again! Not only me but Sonakshi too. It fulfilled the last wish of Devrath of bringing her back. But wait, did it fulfil his other wish too? Uff... I think it needs some more hardwork from my side too.

Asiding the curtains of my room I let the sunlight pass in and waited for my moon to show up. Morning and moon..yeah you heard it right. But get this into your mind, my moon comes 24x7 in all the 365 days of the year including that one extra day in the leap year too. Leaning by the window pane, I peeped out at the window opposite to mine, trying to be as casual as possible. But when I sensed the curtains moving aside, I immediately stood alarmed and my lips curved up into a well known smile. There she came, my moon, my Sona!

Nothing changed in all these days. She looked the same, calm and serene, except one thing that is missing now, her soul brightening smile. How I wish to see it again, everyday, every night, like once I used to! Well, time changes and so do the people. But a few things never change, like, our love, Our Perfect Love! "Hiiiii!", I waved my hand at her hysterically but as soon as her gaze fell upon me, she frowned. Muttering something under her breath, which I guess to be 'Obhodro', she closed the curtains and went back into her room. But all these time, I stood there smiling like an idiot, still waving my one hand, with the other placed on my heart and kept staring at her closed window. Oh boy, you are whipped!

Whatever happens, these 20 seconds will always be the best time of my day. Her single glance at me is enough to lit up my whole tiring day. Well, doctors life you see! It's been almost six months since we got back to Delhi, after that unexpected incident. Though then I began to continue practicing here, I spend most of my time in research. Getting ready for the day, I put on my tuxedo and adjusted my collars, giving one last look at the mirror. Dev Dixit, who? Here is a completely different person who has no traces of the jovial, fun loving, cool, carefree guy who roamed around caring about no one! But well, only the outer appearances change, not the inner one. That's why they say, appearances are deceptive!


"So Mr. Williams, how are you feeling now?", I asked forcing a smile on my face looking at this 6 feet tall human infront of me. Yes, you heard it right. He is the same Williams! That day, a few minutes after I left the godown police arrived there and found Williams lying in nothing but blood, much to their shock. He was immediately taken to the hospital and treated. But the biggest shock happened after only that. "Better than before Dr. Dixit. But but", he stammered. "But what Mr. Williams?", I asked as if I don't know. "I feel like we know each other for a long time and also like I have heard you calling me as 'Mr. Williams' before too. But I don't know when", he said confused and I smirked to myself internally. May be you all must have guessed it by now... He lost his memories!

"Ofcourse I would've because that's what your name is right Mr. Williams?", I asked covering up but he seemed so lost in his thoughts. Wow.. How happy it feels to see the person who once troubled you the most to be in trouble right now! "But Mr. Doctor!", he said and I looked at him alarmed. Did I hear him right? Did he actually got back his memories? Oh god! No way! "I'm sorry Dr. Dixit. It was a slip of tongue!", he smiled and I sighed in relief. Thank God! "It's okay Mr. Williams. You are under medication for the past six months and it happens. I don't mind", I smiled at him though I felt like punching his face a hundred times. But well, doctors shouldn't take violence in their hands!

When he was brought to the hospital, he had a severe head injury and slipped into coma for almost three whole months. Later, when he got his consciousness back the first thing that happened was his investigation. Police were so much involved in finding about him and how he landed in that deserted bungalow with such severe injuries that for a minute, I imagined myself behind the bars for the rest of my life! Ofcourse because he was caught for kidnapping, he won't take a minute to get me jailed with him for the theft case! Breaking a museum in Japan and trying to steal a precious thing is not something to be proud of! But thankfully neither did he remember me nor about the ruby. So all the revenge and plot was resolved! "Thanks Doctor! I wish I get my memories back as soon as possible", he said and I smiled at him. I'm so sorry Mr. Williams, I will never let that happen!

I walked out of his ward to the adjacent ones. After checking them all, my feet finally landed me at the doorstep of the ward, to visit which I was eagerly waiting since morning. I opened the door with a huge smile pasted on my face but as soon as I glanced at the empty bed, it faded away. Quickly getting in, my eyes started scanning every nook and corner of the room but no one was there much to my panic. I searched even inside the washroom but no, even it was empty and a sudden fear crept inside me. "I should do before something happens", I murmured nervously and turned around to leave the room. But suddenly the door knob clicked open and a sudden relief washed over me as I looked at the person at the doorstep... Adithya!

Flashback (6 months ago)

It's almost been 24 hours since that tragic incident happened and everyone got back to the bungalow. Sonakshi was so much traumatized as she couldn't get herself out of the shock of losing Adithya right infront of her eyes. Dev's case was no less as he lost his only friend that too because of his misunderstanding. If he had known it was not Adithya but Ratan who did all these or If he had trusted Adithya enough to not believe that he would go to the extent of killing Sonakshi, then he wouldn't have lost him, he thought. He looked down at his hands that held the gun and shot Adithya. He felt so bad of himself for hurting a person who was totally unaware of what's happening around him.

"Dev", he heard Elena and looked up at her. "I know how it would feel like. But please stay strong. You did what you can. If you hadn't done that, then who knows, something wrong might have happened to Sonakshi", she said and Dev looked up at Sonakshi who was sitting numb on the couch, staring down at her hands. "It happened, already", he mumbled as a sudden guilt spread inside him. He walked upto Sonakshi and sat down on his knees infront of her. She came out of her reverie as he took her hands in his and she immediately looked up at him. "I am sorry Sonakshi. I seriously thought it was Adithya who did everything. But never in my dreams did I think that it was all done by Ratan instead. I can't justify my act but at that time, I didn't have any other choice than to shoot him. But I never thought that he will slip off from the cliff", he said as she kept staring at him even without a blink.

"But don't worry. Already we have police forces searching for him. We will definitely find him Sonakshi. Everything is going to be normal then", he tried to give her the strength which even he didn't have. "Mr. Dixit", he heard Rohan and stood up. "I got a call from police", he said and hearing him Sonakshi immediately stood up. "What did they say?", she was quick to ask. "They found him", he replied and everyone looked at him amused. "Is he?", before Elena could ask Rohan continued. "He is taken to the hospital", he said and a sudden silence filled the room. "He should be fine", Sonakshi mumbled under her breath. Dev held her hand and squeezed it in his hold. "He will be", he said assuringly and she too nodded at him.


Sonakshi kept glancing through the glass door of the ICU as all she could see was Adithya lying unconsciously and various pipes connected to his body. Though she felt relieved to know he is alive and infront of their eyes, seeing him in such a condition that too because of her, pained her the most. "Sona", Elena placed her hand over her shoulder and she turned around. "Look at him Elena. It's all because of me", Sonakshi said as tears blurred her vision and elena shook her head in a no. "Stop blaming yourself Sona. You did nothing!", she tried to convince her but it didn't seem to work. "He came there to save me Elena. If not for me, he wouldn't have been there. But I.. I doubted him. I didn't trust him enough. That's why he is here. It's all because of me", she closed her eyes letting the tears roll down her cheeks.

Seeing her all broken, Dev who was standing at one corner immediately rushed towards her and held her by her shoulders. "Sonakshi, it's not you. It's me who did everything. I am the one who is responsible. So please, don't let yourself go weak", he said but her sniffs didn't seem to stop. "I should have listened to him when he asked me to leave but instead I went to hit him. It's all because of me", she cried in his hold and understanding that she was not listening to any of his words, he engulfed her in his arms and caressed her back trying to ease down her cries. "I can't forgive myself if something happens to him. Please Dev, please save him", he sensed his shirt getting dampened in her tears and it pained his heart even more.

"Nothing will happen to him. I am here. I am here with you", he tried to assure her when he himself was not sure of what will happen. Hoping for the good, they waited for a few more hours until the doctor stepped out of the ward. "What happened to him doctor? Is he alright?", Dev was the first one to ask. "Both the bullets didn't get that deep into his flesh. So they are of no problem. He is out of danger now. But", the doctor paused making them nervous. "But what doctor?", Elena asked. "He got severe injuries in his backbone while falling down. So.. He will not be able to walk", he said shocking everyone. "But don't worry. His body is quite weak now. We can do a surgery after a few months. That might make him walk, though we can't guarantee 100%", he said assuringly. "He is conscious now. You can meet him", he said and walked away.

Sonakshi stood numb unable to believe what the doctor said. "Dev", she mumbled and Dev immediately turned back at her. "You said he will be alright. But, he is not", she said looking up at him. "He will be alright Sonakshi", he said but she shook her head in a no. "Didn't you hear what the doctor said? He can't walk. Adithya cannot walk!", she said stressing the latter looking everywhere but him. Dev held her face inbetween his palms and made her look up at him. "He will walk Sonakshi. Didn't you hear what doctor said? We can do the surgery he suggested after a few months and then Adithya will walk without any problem", he said. "What if he didn't?", she was quick to ask. "Think on a positive side Sonakshi. He will!", he said assuringly.

"Dev, even you are a doctor right? Do something to cure him. Use your powers or whatever it is and make him walk. If.. If he couldn't walk.. How will I see him sitting in a wheelchair for all his life?", she asked panicked. "Sonakshi listen. You are nervous now. Please calm down and come inside", he said clutching her wrist but she pulled her hand out of his hold. "No, I won't", she said looking away. "Sonakshi please. Stop being adamant and come inside. Adithya might be waiting to see you", he said but she shook her head in a no. "I am not coming inside", she said wiping her tears and before he could stop her she rushed out leaving him bemused.

**End of Flashback**

"Dev", Adithya called bringing Dev out of his reverie. "Didn't Sonakshi come to meet me even today?", he asked as the nurse pushed his wheelchair in stopping right before Dev. "Where did you go Adi? Do you know how much scared I was to see the room empty?", Dev asked helping him to get out of the wheelchair. "I'm not a kid okay? And how long will I stay inside this room Dev? I'm getting bored", he said settling himself on the bed. "Hello Mr. Sharma, for your kind information you are getting discharged in two days. So you can go wherever you want after that", Dev said but the smile of Adithya's face faded away all of a sudden. "But you don't seem to be happy about it, is it so?", Dev asked him doubtedly but Adithya quickly composed himself back.

"I asked you something. When are you going to bring Sonakshi here? It's been six months Dev! Six freaking months since I am hospitalized! But not once did she come to meet me. Tell me one thing Dev. Is she alright? Are you hiding anything from me? Or.. Or is she still angry at me?", Adithya asked worried while Dev sighed. "Adithya, she is not angry at you but with herself. She holds herself responsible for your state when she is not", he said and Adithya stared at him silently. "But she was not. You should tell her the truth that you were the one who shot me because you were jealous of me on getting close to her", Adithya said and Dev gave him a death glare. "That's not funny!", he mumbled. "Oh is it so? Sorry then", Adithya smiled at him meekly.

"But you should've made her understand. You know what, I feel disgusted of myself to realize that I was the one who held Sonakshi at knifepoint and threatened to kill her. Not only that but even her accident.. I.. I feel so ashamed of myself", Adithya lowered his gaze. "Oh my God! This is how exactly even Sonakshi is behaving since day one! When I tried to talk to her about it, she literally threw me out of her house. And see here I am living in the house opposite to hers but she didn't even glance a look at me for all these days. But one thing is clear, I am sandwiched between you two!", Dev sighed tiredly. "And who said Sonakshi didn't come to visit you in all these days?", he asked as his phone beeped and Adithya looked at him amused. "She comes here everyday, watches you from far and leaves without telling anyone about it. Even now, she must be outside the room and hearing what we are talking", he said the latter part more of whisper making Adithya surprised.

Gesturing him to stay silent, Dev stood up and slowly walked towards the door. Turning the knob, he quickly pulled the door open and smirked at Sonakshi who was standing on the other side of the door with a startled look pasted on her face. Rohan quickly hid his phone in his pocket which went unnoticed by Sonakshi. Dev lifted his brows at her questioningly and she gulped down for being getting caught. "What are you doing here?", he asked her smiling one sidedly and sensed her getting nervous. "I.. I came here to check", before she could say he interrupted her. "Your friend who is admitted here in this room for the past six months", he completed and she looked at him bemused. "Accept it Sonakshi. Why are you running away from the truth? He is here, inside the room waiting for you. Please go inside", he said but she turned away from him.

"Stop making your own stories Mr. Dixit. I came here to see my.. my employee who is admitted in the next ward", she tried to cover up. "Oh is it so? Tell me his name or atleast room number. I'll take a personal care of him", he said smiling. "I don't need any help from someone who cheated me behind my back", she said angrily. "Ugh! Cheated! That's a big word Ms. Bose!", he tried to defent himself. "Then what did you do? You betrayed me! Cheater! Thief!", she yelled crossing her arms across her chest and he gasped. "Why are you digging the past? I have asked you a thousand sorries after that. But you are so stone hearted that you threw me out of your house in the middle of the night! And I was pleading you to forgive me for the past six months. But you, you are so adamant. Even this stupid P. A of yours wouldn't have followed you as much as I did in all these six months. But you didn't even have a glance a look at me!", he said and Rohan's eyes popped out in shock. Why are they involving him in their cat fights?

But even before he could retort back, someone interrupted them. "Oh hello Mr. Devil! Rohan is not stupid, you both are!", there came elena to Rohan's rescue, much to his surprise. "Behave like a doctor and maintain peace atleast in the hospital", she added. "What's with you elena? Why are you supporting Rohan a lot nowadays?", Dev smirked and elena looked at him spellbound. "Oh hello! I didn't support Rohan. I came here to save Adithya from both of you. Please stop disturbing him for God's sake", she tried to cover it up which didn't go unnoticed by Dev while Rohan rolled his eyes off her. "So she came for Adithya! And here I was so stupid to think she came to support me instead!", he murmured to himself audible enough to only him. "Oh really! So you are not here to support Rohan, isn't it?", he asked her teasingly and elena couldn't hide her blush, for she didn't know why.

Taking this as a chance, Sonakshi tried to walk away from there silently before anyone could notice her. But she stopped in her traces hearing a well known voice. "Sonakshi!", everyone snapped their heads at the direction of the voice and were surprised to see Adithya sitting on his wheelchair at the doorstep. Sonakshi turned around and sensed her heart getting heavier seeing Adithya's state. She finally came face to face with her fear! He moved towards Sonakshi who was standing rooted at her place and stopped right infront of her. "I'm sorry", his words filled her heart with nothing but guilt. "As soon as I came to know about what I did to you, I tried to speak with you. I asked Dev and elena to bring you here so many times but everytime I did so, they came up with one or the other excuses. I tried to contact you so many times but you never picked up my call. I'm sorry for whatever I did, knowingly or unknowingly", he said genuinely and Sonakshi couldn't bear it anymore. He was saying everything what she was supposed to say!

"I am sorry", she finally muttered gathering her courage making him amazed. "I am sorry for not trusting you. I am sorry for not listening to any of your words. If I had done so, then you wouldn't be here, like this", she couldn't help the tears flooding her eyes. "What's with me? I am perfectly fine! Already my surgery was successful. So just in a very few days I am going to walk and even run", he said excitedly and she smiled a little. "This is why we tried to make you both talk with each other. But you were so adamant Sona", Elena said coming in between while Dev nodded at her. "Stop blaming her okay? Infact I should be thankful to Sonakshi. She took care of my business too for all these days as a single person without anyone's help", Adithya came to her rescue. "That's the least thing a partner can do!", Sonakshi said and Adithya smiled at her. "Shall we go in partner?", she asked pushing his wheelchair in, as he nodded at her.

"Oh that's it? I expected some big drama here", Dev said surprised. "Mr. Devil, you seem to be worried that they both solved their issues this soon", Elena cocked her eyebrows at him. "Oh why should I?", Dev was quick to ask. "May be you are still insecure about Sonakshi. Why you won't be? Adithya is better than you in every way and even he likes Sonakshi. So...", Elena said while Dev looked at her wide agape. "Oh god elena! Stop instigating him. Otherwise he will shoot me again", Adithya said as he settled himself on the bed while Dev rolled his eyes off him. "Dare he touch you again, I will shoot him if he did so!", Elena said chuckling and hearing her Rohan fumed more. "Beaware, another word against Dev and Sonakshi will burn us alive!", Adithya chuckled and Dev couldn't help but smile but only until he heard Sonakshi.

"Do whatever you want with him. I don't care! We already broke up!", she said and hearing her Dev's eyes popped out in shock. "What? When? Why?", Dev asked shocked. "Oh wow! So I still have a chance", Adithya smiled one sidedly earning a death glare from Dev. "The moment he lied, to me everything was over between us!", she said seriously. "But I apologized to you. What more do you want me to do? Should I fall on your feet? Tell me if you want, I will do that too", he said with a sad pout but she didn't look convinced. "Once a broken glass, will always remain a broken one", she said turning away to the other side and he looked at her worried while others sighed tiredly. "You both, please move away and break your glasses", Elena pushed them to the side, coming in between.

She took out a small rectangular box, with a compass inside it and moved it towards Adithya. "What are you doing?", Adithya asked seeing her moving the box from his head to toe. "Sssh.. Let me check!", she silenced him continuing what she was doing making everyone confused. Suddenly something striked Rohan and he butted in, "Isn't this the one which you used the other day on me... that one rupee ghost detector?", he asked while everyone looked at them quizzically. "Mind your tongue! This is the same one but it's not one rupee! May be you all forgot, but I didn't. We are still not aware about where Ratan's spirit is!", she said and it was then it striked to everyone. She was right. Among all these confusions and problems, they all literally forgot about Ratan!

After Adithya woke up after his accident, not even once he behaved different. Infact he himself didn't even remember what he did, or whatever happened to him. All that he could remember was he pushed Williams and he got himself hit. And then how he escaped along with Sonakshi, and how she refused to believe in him. But after that, everything happened remained unknown to him. After a few days when he became stable, Dev narrated him everything happened. Though initially he didn't believe Dev's words, he had no other choice than that. When the investigation about Sonakshi's accident began, after the police found footages about Adithya being the accused, Dev had no other choice than to produce a certificate that Adithya wasn't in his right mind when he did that.

They knew it's wrong but no one will believe them if they said it was all done by a spirit of a person who died a hundred years back! But what surprised them was in all these days, not even once did they sense anything abnormal with Adithya. Dev was careful enough to fix a camera inside Adithya's ward and keep him under monitoring for 24x7. But his behaviour was nothing suspicious to him. He seemed like the Adithya he knew since years and nothing like Ratan. But what remains as the biggest mystery is the Ruby! According to the rescue forces, when they found Adithya, they found nothing in his hand. So may be the ruby went missing somewhere when he fell off the cliff, they thought.

"But the compass isn't pointing anywhere", Elena said with a sad pout and placed the detector on the table beside. "Oh then it's good right? That spirit has gone away", Rohan grinned widely in relief. "But Elena, where do you get all these stuffs?", Dev asked her confusedly. "That's a secret! Only I can find such things which are as unique as me!", she said pulling up her invisible collars. "No! They are as weird as you!", Dev chuckled earning a death glare from her. "Oh shut up Devil!", Elena shouted. "Oh you shut up mushroom head!", Dev yelled back making everyone sigh. "Dev, from which angle her head looks like mushroom?", Adithya came to her rescue and pressing her lips together in anger, elena touched her head with both her hands. "From every angle", Dev was quick to reply making her fume more. "Oh Dev! You are jealous of her prettiness!", Adithya said and hearing him Rohan's eyes popped out. "Aww! Thanks!", Elena couldn't help but smile.

Unable to take it anymore, Rohan walked out of the room without anyone's notice. "Adithya, you should check your eyes first. She isn't worth your support!", Dev said annoyed. "Oh hello! Even you aren't worth a penny Mr. Devil Dixit. So stop talking about my friend", Sonakshi yelled at him and Elena nodded at her. It was then she looked to the place where Rohan was standing and was surprised to see it empty. She looked around and realizing he wasn't anywhere inside the room, she walked out of the room. "Rohan", she called him who was standing at one corner of the corridor with his back facing towards her. Hearing her, he stood alarmed and tried to walk away but she rushed towards him and stood infront him.

"What happened to you?", she asked him confusedly. "Why? Nothing happened to me", he tried to sound casual. "Then why did you come out without telling anyone?", she was quick to ask. "Why should I tell you?", he asked looking up at her. "Oh come on! Accept it Rohan!", she said and he narrowed his eyes at her, "Accept what?". "Accept that you can't see me being close to Adithya", she crossed her arms across her chest and his eyes widened hearing her. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't help but get uncomfortable whenever Elena was close to Adithya. And Infact in all these six months, his jealousy grew more seeing her being always with Adithya and helping him in one way or the other. He knew he shouldn't feel bad especially when Adithya was in such a condition, but no matter how much he denied to himself, the truth is, Elena was his first love!

Though he tried to cover it up with his sudden rude behaviour, it increased Elena's doubts even more. At first, she wasn't sure about it but then it didn't take her much time to realize what brought such a huge change in him. Neither was it any spirit or was it his unstable mind. She understood it was indeed his unstable heart that made him do things that he never did so! From the time, he punctured her car tires in her home when she was about to leave to the hospital to meet Adithya, to the time when he spilled the softdrink on her clothes when she was about to feed Adithya, she understood everything. Even though at first, it made her angry, she slowly started to realize this new side of him, his jealous side!

"What? Why can't I see you with Adithya? Stop your imaginations Elena. I hope you know that I already have a girlfriend. If not, then listen. Do you know Pinky, the hottest girl of our company? I am dating her since past 4 months! So please you..", his words died in his mouth as she pulled him by his collar and kissed his cheek, shocking him to the core. "Anyone can date, but not everyone can love!", she left his collars while he stood stunned. Seeing his shocked face, she smirked to herself and moved back. He blinked his eyes to understand what happened and caressed his cheek where she kissed him. He looked at his palm and his eyes widened seeing her lipstick mark smudged all over. When realization striked him he slumped down on the floor and elena who was seeing all this, giggled to herself and walked away.


"Says who?", Dev retorted back at Sonakshi and before she could say anything Adithya interrupted. "Ssshh! Silence!", Adithya shouted all of a sudden startling them. "What?", Sonakshi was quick to ask. But he kept his gaze fixed on the door which was clicked open. And soon his lips curved up a little on seeing the person entering in, which didn't go unnoticed by any of them.

Dr. Shreya Varma

"Mr. Sharma, how are you feeling now?", Shreya asked smiling holding his wrist, to check the pulse and Adithya couldn't help his heart pounding aloud in his chest. "Great!", he replied with a stupid smile pasted on a face and Shreya looked down hiding her blush which didn't go unnoticed by others. "Uhuhuhuuuu!", Dev coughed aloud breaking their reverie and she immediately left Adithya's hand. "What? Go out and drink water if you need", Adithya said annoyed. But Dev took the glass of water and forwarded it to him. "You need this more than me Adi. Everyone in the room can very well hear your heartbeats without any stethoscope! Calm down bro!", he winked while Shreya chuckled. Adithya muttered something under his breath which thankfully went unheard by him.

"Now I got to know why you seemed sad when I said you are going to get discharged in two days!", he added smiling teasingly looking at Shreya and Adithya mentally facepalmed himself. "Shut up!", Adithya gave him a death glare and looked at Shreya who was already blushing. "I'm sorry Dr. Varma. He turns out to be stupid sometimes", Adithya said to which Shreya nodded at him understandingly with a smile. "Most of the times", Sonakshi muttered to herself while Dev rolled his eyes off her. "Dr. Varma and Mr. Sharma, how cute it sounds!", Dev said smiling one sidedly earning another death glare from Adithya. "By the way Shreya, you are glowing nowadays, what's up?", Dev asked her teasingly and she couldn't help but blush even more.

"Flirt!", Sonakshi rolled her eyes off him while he smirked. "You both! Please stay out of the room for a while", Adithya said with a tight lipped smile while they both looked at him wide agape. "Okay! Okay!", Dev smirked at him and went near Shreya. Sonakshi let out a deep sigh and walked out of the room. "Do you know the patient in room 420?", he asked. "Mr. Williams?", she asked him confused. "Yes! I have a request", he added. "What Dr. Dixit?", she was quick to ask. "Instead of giving him pills, give him two big fat injections everyday", he said and she gasped, "Why?". "We have some unfinished business between us. So please consider it", he smiled at her and walked out, leaving her confused. "So?", Adithya broke her reverie. "Umm.. Are you going to get discharge in two days?", she sounded sad. "Yeah.. But, I guess I need to make a visit to my doctor often", he said smiling and hearing him her lips curved up into a bright smile, both unaware of the compass inside the detector circling on it's own accord and stopped pointing exactly at Adithya!


"Wait!", Dev rushed towards Sonakshi who stepped inside her car but she slided the glass up. "Hey! Get down. We need to talk", he knocked the glass but she didn't listen to him much to his annoyance. Inserting the key, she ignited the car to life but before it could move, she heard some hissing sound. When she looked down, outside the window she was shocked to the core. "What the hell Mr. Dixit?", she stepped outside the car while Dev dusted his hands and stood up. "I release the air from all the four wheels. Now you can't move", he smirked and she gasped in shock. "You truly are an idiot!", she threw the key at him and started to walk away. But he came infront of her and immediately kneeled down surprised her much. "Here I am, falling on your feet! Forgive me Sonakshi!", he joined his hands together with a sad pout and pleaded her. Suddenly Sonakshi felt something cold falling on her and looked up at the sky to find it's raining. She was about to walk away but he blocked her way again.

"Oh my God! Everyone is seeing us!", she said looking around as almost every single person at the hospital gave them weird glances. More than her, it would be shameful for him as every employee in the hospital would've definitely known him well. "I don't care. Please accept my apology", he remained unmoved blocking her way. "Dramebaaz! Just get up! Stop pulling your stunts. I am not going to forgive you anyhow", she whisper yelled at him careful enough of everyone's gaze on them. She definitely didn't want her name on the headlines of every newspaper in the city, the next day. "Sonakshi please. Accept your Dev, accept your Devrath!", he blinked his eyes dramatically and she rolled her eyes off him. Ofcourse she knew he got back his memories but that can't make whatever he said right. He accused her that she was not in love with him but on Devrath! But now after realizing that he was jealous on no one but himself, he was seeking for her forgiveness, she thought.

"Oh please stop looking at me like that. Your glances are scaring me. How I wish I can read your mind now!", he said with a sad pout while she sighed. The moment after Adithya pulled the ring out of Sonakshi's hand, Dev lost his power of reading and controlling minds. Though they still couldn't figure out why it happened, they all were aware of it, including Sonakshi. And even Dev accepted it wholeheartedly, because this is what he wished for now, a normal life like every other person. "You can never understand what's going on in my mind Dev. Neither when you had those powers, nor now when you lost them. You can never understand me, never!", she said angrily and was about to walk away but he grabbed her wrist stopping her in her place.

He quickly pulled her towards him and she landed on his chest. Even before she could understand anything, he latched his lips with hers and everyone around them gasped aloud. Sensing people's gazes on them, Sonakshi tried to pull away but he grabbed her by her waist and sucked her lips like never before, with rain droplets being an hindrance. Unable to take it anymore, she closed her eyes and finally gave into him. Her hands automatically went to his hair with her fingers entwined in them, pulling him closer. Amidst all the commotion around, they finally put an end to both their miseries of staying away from each other for the past six months!

Dev slowly pulled away from her and looked at her serene face. "So, did you forgive me now?", he asked more of a whisper and she shook her head slowly in a no with her eyes still closed. "Should I fall on your feet again?", he asked and she opened her eyes. Looking up at him, she shook her head again in a no. "Then?", he asked furrowing his brows at her. "Kiss me again and make me forget everything", she said looking into his honey brown orbs and he couldn't help but smile. "Everyone is looking at us", he said. "Let them", she was quick to reply. "Tomorrow the headline of every newspaper will be like, 'Indian's top industrialist Sonakshi Bose was found kissing her neighbour, near the hospital amidst hundreds of people shamelessly!'", he smiled and she chuckled.

"I don't care", she said pulling him and kissed him again taking him by surprise. "I'm shook", he muttered as they pulled away from each other. They could still hear the murmurs and whispers around them. She cupped his cheeks and caressed his stubbles with her thumbs. "I'm sorry", she looked into his eyes that showed her the depth of his soul. "For pushing you away for all these days and making you suffer", she said and he kissed her palm. "I deserve even more for what I did", he pressed his lips together and she smiled. "I love you!", she finally said and Dev's heart almost skipped a beat on hearing her. He blinked his eyes twice to let her words sink into his mind and when it did, he couldn't help but smile.

"Say again", he said and she chuckled. "I love you Mr. Dev Dixit!", she shouted aloud and he let out a deep breath. She moved her hand up and wiped a lone drop of tear from the corner of his right eye. "In this whole world, only I have the right to say this. I have waited a hundred years to hear these words from you Sonakshi!", he caressed her face and she chuckled. He forwarded his one hand to her while she looked at him confused. "Let's walk together, from here", he said and she smiled at him, giving her hand for him to hold. He pulled her closes and walked together, amidst the pouring rain, with their hands entwined.

"Thanks", he muttered and she turned towards him giving him a quizzical look. They both were already infront of her house and the rain almost stopped pouring, with just drizzles in between. "For forgiving me, for accepting me and for loving me", he said and she smiled. "Thank me for the first two but not the last one. Loving you was never my choice. It's in our destiny", she smiled and he narrowed his brows at her. "So do you meant to say that if you had a choice, you wouldn't have loved me?", he asked. "Yeah, you got it right! Why will I love a thief?", she asked suppressing her smile. "So mean!", he frowned. "I would've instead chosen someone better than you, in every means, more handsome, smarter and ofcourse a better person than you, like Adithya", she teased him intentionally and he flared his nose at her in annoyance.

"But Dev, I am still surprised about one thing, when I tried to remove the ruby from my hand to give it to you, it refused to come out. But when Adithya pulled it out, it came out so quickly. So is there any chances that he is Devrath and not you?", she asked and his eyes widened. "Because in the picture I found in Devrath's old house, there were two persons and one looked like you and the other like Adithya. So there may be chances that he was Devrath and you are Ratan, right?", she tried to play with him and he looked at her wide agape. "What! No!! Sonakshi even if I didn't, you have seen the sketches by Devrath in Shona's house. And also Ratan's spirit said Adithya looked like him and not me. So I am Devrath and not him. You..", he stopped looking at Sonakshi who was clasping her mouth trying to control her giggles.

He pressed his lips together trying to suppress his anger and hiped his hands giving her an angry glare. "Stop messing with me Ms. Bose!", he said seriously and Sonakshi nodded at him obediently. But soon she started laughing again annoying him much. Unable to bear it anymore, he turned around to leave but stopped sensing her holding his wrist. "Should you go for sure?", she asked and he turned around furrowing his brows at her. Looking at his confused face, she moved closer towards him. "Stay with me, tonight!", she said and as soon as her words dawned to him, his eyes widened. Quickly composing himself back, he smiled and slowly asided the tresses sticking on her forehead. "But it will be a long night. Are you ready for it?", he whispered huskily and she smiled. "Always!", she replied and within a blink of eye, he bent down and scooped her in his arms, carrying her inside her house.

Stepping inside her room, he put her down on her feet and pushed the door close behind. Before he could turn back, he sensed her hands already looping around his torso and her front pasted on his already wet back. He untangled her hand and turned back while she kept her eyes still closed. Pushing her back on the wall, he waited for her to open her eyes but when she didn't, he grabbed both her hands and held them up on her sides, pasting himself on her. She gasped as their wet bodies contacted each other and shot her eyes open with her lips parted a little. And even before she could think anything, he took her mouth in his, sinking himself into the depth of her soul and their minds went back to the moment, when they kissed each other for the first time, as Devrath and his Shona.

"Dev", the corner of her eyes flooded with tears as he pulled away. Opening his eyes, he cupped her cheeks and looked up at her panic stricken face. "Sometimes, even good memories turn painful", he whispered and she gulped her dry throat. "Let's live it together Sona!", he kissed her tears and she nodded at him slowly, holding his arms for support. He asided the wet hair sticking on her forehead and her flawless skin reminded him of the scars once she had, his shona had! Closing his eyes he kissed her forehead as if absorbing every pain she had gone through, at that time and she sniffed her cries. "Let it go", he mumbled and moved away and she hummed at him softly.

Caressing her cheeks, he moved down her neck. Flashes of his shona, with blood oozing out of her skin, remained still afresh in his memories. Kissing every inch of the sensitive skin of her neck, he sensed his heart getting lite and she felt all her pains wash away. He bent down on his knees and lifted her shirt up. Images of blood, all over waist, flashed infront of his eyes and tears blurred his vision. He traced his fingers on her waist over her invisible scars softly, as if even his touch would hurt her. Holding either side of her hip, he placed wet kisses all over waist and her toes immediately curled up. She entwined her fingers in his locks as he moved further down and she jerked her head back in pleasure.

Soon their clothes were lying scattered all over the floor and the room echoed with nothing but their moans and groans. "Dev!", Sonakshi hissed in pain as he finally claimed her as his. Tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes which he sucked quickly. "Sshh.. Relax", he kissed her forehead and she calmed down a bit. Sensing her getting comfortable, he hit her again making her eyes roll back in pleasure. Her hands roamed all over his naked back, with her nails pressed deeper into his skin, as if transferring all of her pain and pleasure to him as he let himself inside her everytime. Leaving all their fears, insecurities, guilt, sufferings and pain, both the souls which remained with each other over a hundred years, finally united to become one, with the fully glowing moon being the only witness of their soulful reunion.


Dev squeezed his eyes close, sensing bright rays of sun disturbing his sleep. But as soon as the reality striked him, a sudden warmth spread over his heart and he shot his eyes open. And the first thing his eyes got to see was the beautiful sight of his love, his Sona. Stretching his arms out tiredly, he sat upright and looked at Sonakshi who was standing near the window with his shirt. covering only till her mid thighs. His lips curved up into a playful smile and he quickly got out of the bed. Sonakshi asided the curtains of the window when she sensed a pair of hands looping around her waist and jerked in her place. "Dev! You scared me!", she tried to calm her raging heart beat as he hid his face in the croon of her neck.

"Do you know how many times standing at the window of my room, I have imagined myself holding you in my arms, when you open the curtains of this window every morning?", he asked pulling her closer and she chuckled. "Do you know how many times standing right here, I have imagined myself being in your arms, every morning?", she asked and he looked at her amused. Turning her to face him, he gave her a quizzical look. "Then why did you act like you never cared?", he asked. "Because I wanted to show like I never cared. But I couldn't", she sighed and he looked at her confused.

"I thought, every wrong thing happened to us is because we wanted to be with each other. I thought it's against our destiny. So I prefered to move away", she said and he gasped. "But very later, I realized that it's my biggest mistake ever. If I ignore you, it will be the biggest injustice that I'll do to you, to our love", she caressed his cheek. "When your love is enough to change our fates and create a new destiny, then even death can't make us fall apart", she smiled and he kissed her palms. "I love you Sonakshi", he said and she chuckled. "You replied very soon", she shook her head smiling at him. "Ofcourse sooner than you! I can't wait another hundred years to hear those words from you again!", he sighed and she giggled.

"Waiting makes things better!", she pulled his cheeks and he screamed. "But I can't wait anymore to say this", he held both her hands. "Even I want to tell you something", she said smiling nervously making his suspicious. "Let's get married!", both said together and a sudden silence filled the air. Realizing what the other said, both started laughing aloud. Dev pulled her by her wrist and engulfed her in his arms. She looped her hands around him and both closed their eyes with a constant smile playing on their lips. "You are Mine, Forever Mine", he said and her smile widened. Both stood there, sinking in each other's warmth as the mirror opposite to them, showed the reflection of Devrath and his Shona, finally united into one.

That was a pretty long one! So how was it?

Finally we came to the end of FM. Well not the actual end as we have a few bonus chapters left which will solve the left mysteries too.

So please tell me what you all wish to read in the bonus chapters. I will try to include them as much as possible.

Devakshi reunion in rain was requested by  anushka_07 . I hope I didn't disappoint you much with this chapter.

And Shreya's character in the middle was brought as once a reader requested me to write an ff on Arshi. I couldn't do that at that time, so please bear with this one now. Ofcourse you will get a few more scenes on them in Bonus Chapters too!

So thanks for everyone who supported this book for the past one year. Your each and every votes and comments value the most to me! Thanks a ton! 🤗

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

~See you soon ❤️

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