8. Blossoming Love

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Thank you all for your votes and comments.

Have a look at the note at the end of this chapter!

Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

As sonakshi saw the portrait, her face went pale. She stood numb unable to believe her eyes. Gulping down nervously she walked forward, her gaze transfixed on the huge portrait hanging on the wall. Her uneven breathes were the only thing that echoed in the silent room. She moved closer towards the picture and glanced at it. Yes, it looked like her. It looked so similar yet different. She could sense her heart pounding aloud in her chest and her hands shivering. She couldn't make anything about what's happening around her. She was staring at the picture even without a blink that she failed to notice someone standing behind her.

Suddenly the vase kept on the table beside fell down making her startled. She looked at the vase that was down on the floor shattered into pieces with a blood red coloured rose crushed in between them. She looked at the broken pieces carefully and her eyes widened in shock looking at the reflection in it. Each tiny bits of broken glasses reflected someone's image, someone very familiar. Regularizing her uneven breathes, she slowly turned around and her heart skipped a beat looking at the person standing infront of her, cladded in a black suit, the one she saw in Devrath's portrait. But his face wasn't visible in the dim lights.

He slowly walked towards her, the ticking sound of his shoes echoing across the silent room. Suddenly she heard the rhythmic music of the piano playing around, sending chills down her spine. Her gaze fixed on him, as she stood still in her place. He moved towards her, revealing his honey brown orbs and her breath hitched, knowing that it was him. She felt a gush of cold air pass through her body as he stood infront of her staring straight into her eyes that held nothing but fear. Her words died in her mouth as she trembled, with her breathing going uneven. He raised his hand up and was about to touch her but she stepped back in fear.

He slowly moved forward as she stepped back for every single step of his until she hit the wall behind. He smirked and inched closer towards her making her gasp sensing that she had no way to escape. His eyes fixed on hers making her drown into a sea of emotions. She felt her insides tremble, as he continued staring at her even without a blink. "Scared?", he whispered, his voice sending chills down her spine. She fistened her hands in fear and shut her eyes in horror sensing him nearing her. Suddenly she heard someone laughing aloud making her shot open her eyes.

Dev was laughing clutching his stomach and she looked at him shocked due to the sudden turn of events. "Hahaha.. Look at you", he said still laughing as she stared at him in disbelief. "Ms. Bose I won the challenge.. Hahaha.. You look as scared as a kitten", he said laughing even more harder and it was then it dawned to her. "You mean...this is..", she stuttered as he tried to suppress his giggles. "Yes, that's a prank", he said chuckling and she looked at him in disbelief as anger took over her. "What is this Mr. Dixit? Are you out of your senses? Is it something to play with?", she shouted at him in anger. She can't believe that he did all this just for the sake of a stupid prank.

"Relax Ms. Bose! I didn't do anything without your consent. It was you who challenged me today. Don't tell me you forgot that", he said calmly. "What? But will you go to any extent just for a stupid challenge? What about this picture..", her words died in her mouth as she turned around and saw that the wall that had the portrait hanging on it is now empty. She couldn't believe her own eyes yet again. Was she dreaming again? No, she was so sure that she saw a picture of herself, or precisely who looked alike her on the wall. But it's no more there much to her shock. "Which picture? I can't see any pictures around", Dev said as she kept staring at the empty wall.

"But I saw a picture.. there", she said pointing towards the empty wall. "But there isn't anything there. By the way, what kind of picture it was?", he asked her as she looked at him for a while, thinking whether to tell him or not. "No, nothing", she said nervously and was about to walk away but stumbled a little and collapsed down making Dev startled. He rushed towards her and held her by her arms before she could touch the floor. "Ms. Bose look at me", he shouted patting her cheeks and his eyes widened sensing that her skin was burning. "Oh god she has fever! Dev, you messed up everything", he murmured to himself and quickly picked her up in his arms, carrying her to her room.


"What happened doctor?", Dev asked as the doctor examined sonakshi. She was still unconscious and that made him more panicked. "She has high fever and her blood pressure seems to be high too. Didn't she take her medicines today?", the doctor asked making Dev confused. He had no idea on what medicines he was talking about. "I'm sure that Ma'am had her tablets. But don't know how her blood pressure went high so sudden", Rohan intervened and it was then dawned to Dev. May be it was because of him, that she is here, he thought and looked at her in guilt. "Is she alright now doctor? When will she get back her consciousness?", Dev asked nervously.

"I have given her some medicines. She will wake up probably by tomorrow morning until then keep her warm", the doctor said as he nodded at him. "By the way, seeing her medical records, it's better to not let her stress too much. Otherwise there are possibilities that previous conditions might happen again", the doctor said as Dev looked at him completely clueless. He can't understand about which medical condition he was talking about. "And take care of your wife well. Don't leave her alone anywhere", the doctor said to Dev who was a taken aback a little. "Doctor he is not..", Rohan was about to correct him but Dev interrupted. "I will take care of her Doctor", he said with a tight lipped smile and the doctor walked out leaving Rohan to wonder about the happenings.

"What happened to Ms. Bose?", Dev asked Rohan sounding casual. "Ma'am has fever", Rohan replied calmly. "Don't try to act smart. I am asking about what doctor said. What happened to her in the past?", he asked trying not to sound curious. "Nothing much. Ma'am often gets unwell due to the work pressure. That's it", Rohan said but Dev didn't look convinced. "I will ask one of the maids to stay with Ma'am tonight. You please go to your room and sleep", Rohan continued, diverting the topic. "No need of anyone. I will take care of Ms. Bose tonight", Dev said as Rohan looked at him in surprise. "Why should you strain yourself? I will ask any worker to stay by Ma'am side tonight", he said but Dev was adamant.

"Mr. Nerd, your worker can't provide Ms. Bose with what she needs. Only I can do that. So I need to be with her for tonight", Dev said seriously. "What is that which only you can provide her with and others can't ?", Rohan asked him confused making Dev facepalm. "Doctor asked to keep her warm. She may get cold during night. And at that time she will need me.. you know", Dev said smiling shyly making Rohan gawk at him in shock. "So please try to understand. Give us some privacy and get lost", he said with a tight lipped smile as Rohan stared at him in disbelief, understanding what he meant. Gulping down nervously Rohan rushed out of the room but stopped hearing Dev. "Close the door before leaving. I don't want anyone to invade our privacy", Dev said and Rohan quickly closed the door hurrying downstairs not before giving and let out a sigh.

Dev looked at sonakshi who was sleeping peacefully. Her face was pale and she looked weak. He somewhere felt himself to be responsible for her state. If he hadn't played with her, then at this time she would've been sitting and bossing around him as always, he thought and felt guilty. He sat on the chair beside her and looked at her pale face. He tugged the hair strands behind her ear and took her hand in his. He wanted to tell her so many things, but how could he? Placing her hand back on the bed and pulling the duvet covering her, he leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes due to exertion.

It was past midnight and Dev woke up due to the sudden jerk. He looked up and found sonakshi shivering due to cold. He mentally facepalmed himself for falling asleep leaving her alone. He quickly rushed towards her and covered her with the duvet properly. But still he could sense her trembling due to cold. Panicked of what to do he quickly walked out of the room and brought his comforter. Wrapping her with it, he sighed in relief as he sensed her calming down. Seeing her all fine, he was about to get back to his seat but stopped sensing a pull on his hand. He turned around and saw sonakshi clutching his hand tightly and soon his lips curved up. Keeping his one hand in her hold, he gently caressed her hair with the other. After staring at her for what felt like eternity, he too dozed off leaning on the back rest.


Next morning:

Sunlight peeped into the room, making sonakshi stir in her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and it took a minute for her to take in the surroundings. The last thing that she remembered was the moment she went to Devrath's room and Dev's prank on her. But what happened then, she couldn't remember. She felt her head heavy and dizzy. Thinking about last night, made the situation even worse. So brushing her thoughts away, she was about to get up but felt her hand being locked somewhere. Wondering where it was, she turned around and was shocked to see Dev sleeping leaning on the back rest, and holding her hands tightly.

She tried to move her hand and Dev who was sleeping peacefully till then woke up with a jolt and she retrieved back her hand quickly. He looked up and saw sonakshi looking at him with questioning eyes. "Mr. Dixit what are you doing in my room?", she asked him confused. Ignoring her question he placed his palm on her forehead as her eyes widened in shock. "What are you doing?", she asked trying to push away his hand but he shushed her off. "Keep quiet for a minute", he said calmly and she was about to say something but he placed a thermometer inside her mouth without letting her speak.

She was about to remove it but he clutched her hands together and gestured her to stay silent. After a few seconds, he took the thermometer out and sighed in relief seeing the temperature gone down. "Mr. Dixit! Why are you doing all these? And where are others?", she asked frustrated. "Relax Ms. Bose. Everyone is sleeping in their room. Last night, you fell unconscious and it was then we came to know that you had fever. So we called upon the doctor. But nothing to worry now as your fever has reduced", he asked her calmly.

"But why are you here?", she asked him as he sighed tiredly. "If not me, then who will look after you?", he asked asiding the flicks that were civering her face, but she quickly pushed off his hands. "Dont touch me! Why were you holding my hands when you were sleeping?", she asked him narrowing her eyes. "I didn't hold your hands Ms. Bose. It was you who held my hands throughout the night without even letting me sleep properly", he said smiling and she looked at him shocked. "No, I won't believe you", she said looking everywhere but him. "It's upto you Ms. Bose. And for your kind information, yesterday when you collapsed on the floor, it was me who took you in my arms and carried you to your room", he said smiling and she looked at him wide eyed.

"And, when you were shivering in cold at midnight, I made you feel warm", he said smirking and she gawked at him open mouthedly. "What.. do.. you.. meant.. by.. that?", she asked him stuttering. Her mind imagined all the worst possibilities and she felt her heart pounding aloud in her chest seeing him smiling at her mischievously. "What should I mean? It means only one thing", he said smirking at her and she gulped down nervously. "I made you feel better by giving my warmth to you", he said and she looked at him in disbelief. She couldn't understand why he was talking so quizzically while her mind lingered around only one thought, and that itself made her feel the worst.

"How dare you Mr. Dixit! How can you even stoop so low?", she shouted at him as he stared at her blankly. "What did I do wrong?", he asked her innocently. "Wrong? Seriously! When I was unconscious.. you.. took advantage of me. How dare you!", she yelled at him as he kept staring at her in confusion. "How can covering you with my blanket mean taking advantage of you?", he asked her confused. "What?", she asked shocked. "Yes, when you were shivering in cold last night I wrapped you with my very own blanket and provided you the warmth which is actually from my blanket so technically its my warmth", he explained proudly and she mentally facepalmed herself for her assuming stupid things.

"By the way, what did you think?", he asked her smirking. "No.. nothing", she said stuttering giving him a meek smile and was about to get up but he stopped her. "Hello madam, where do you think you are going? You still have fever and the doctor asked you to be in a complete rest", he said as she stared at him blankly. "Mr. Dixit I am very fine and you don't have to worry about me", she said and tried to stand up but hissed in pain and sat back on the bed. He hurried towards her and held her by her shoulders. "I told you not to get up, didn't I? You had heavy fever last night. Doctor gave you medicines some pain killers, so for the next 2-3 days you shouldn't move from your bed", he said strictly helping her to sit properly.

"2-3 days! What will I do till that?", she asked in shock. From the time she knows she never had this habit of sitting still in a place. She was always surrounded by loads of work that she hardly had time to even breath. So now resting for three days seemed to be like a decade for her. "Sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat and sleep", he finished and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Stop looking at me like that. I am very strict in what I am saying. So stay here, I will bring your breakfast. Have it, take your medicines and sleep", he said strictly. "I can't understand, who is the boss here", she murmured audible enough to him.

"You can be the boss Ms. Bose. But now your doctor asked me to take care of you. So its my duty to look after you until you become fine. So you should obey me till that", he said and she looked at him doubtedly. "But why did the doctor ask you to take care of me? There are so many people around", she asked him suspiciously. "It's because he thought that I am your husband", he said grinning widely and she gawked at him open mouthedly. "What? How can he say like that! Even if he said that, how dare you to accept it. You should have stated that you are an employee here but what you did is unbelievable", she started ranting at him and he closed both his ears with his hands.

"Oh god! No one will believe that you are not well now. Only now I am getting why rohan is like a scared kitten. It must be because of you only!", he said and she was about to begin again but he continued. "And I was just joking. He didn't really say anything like that. Since I was beside you at that time he asked me to take care of you. That's it", he lied because he knew if she gets to know whatever he said was true then she will chop him into pieces and will feed it to Bruno for breakfast. "Oh! But don't think that I will ask sorry to you. Because you deserve this for your lie", she said twitching her nose in anger and he smiled to himself.

"Okay, I will freshen up and bring you breakfast", he said and walked out of the room. She stared at his retreating figure and smiled a little unknown to herself. Sighing tiredly she was about to lie down again when her gaze fell upon the diary on bedside table. "I can atleast pass my time with this", she said and stretched her hand to take the diary. Leaning on the back rest comfortably and taking the diary in her hands, she flipped the pages and continued from where she left.


15th February, 1907

"And then, Kabir literally begged me to tell him where you are staying. But I said that I will ask you and tell later", Shona said as Dev gawked at her. "What do you meant by asking me?", he asked her shocked. "I meant, if you are interested in him, then I will give him your details", she said trying to suppress her giggles. "Interested! Seriously?", he asked her in disbelief and she started laughing aloud looking at his annoyed face. They both were sitting alone in their usual meeting spot and she couldn't help but tease the hell out of him for what happened the previous day. Still she couldn't believe that her neighbour kabir went crazy on seeing Dev sorry 'Devi' and was ready to even work as her slave to get to know about the new beauty in town.

"Ahem.. Ahem..", someone coughed to gain their attention and Dev turned around to see a gang of young girls standing behind them. "Hey, what are you all doing here?", Shona asked them and it was then he realised that they were her friends. "We should be the one to ask you that shona. What are you doing here with him that too alone?", one of her friends said pointing at Dev, smiling mischievously. Dev stared at them blankly thinking about how to react while shona gestured her to stay quiet, which didn't go unnoticed by him.

Ignoring her pleas, the gang turned towards Dev who was standing still at the same place. "We know that she won't tell us anything. How about you bhaiya? Oops! We can call you as 'Bhaiya' right?", she asked but another girl interrupted her. "Ofcourse we can. That 'No bhaiya zone' is only for shona. Not for us, isn't it bhaiya?", she asked giggling and everyone joined her. Dev looked at shona for answers and she gulped down nervously. "Will you draw a picture of us too or is it also for shona only?", another girl asked. "What question is this? He will draw shona only. Then only he can take her on that big car that too alone", another one said giggling and sonakshi facepalmed.

Trying to control himself Dev stared at shona but she looked down unable to meet his accusing gaze. "Yes otherwise if she walks on road, she may step upon any thorn. At that time, who will come running to save her?", another girl asked as others giggled. Sonakshi gestured them to shut their mouths but their laughter didn't seem to die. It was enough for Dev. He was definitely not expecting shona to tell everything happened between them to her friends. Fisting his hands in anger, he walked away from there not before giving a disappointed look at shona.

Shona, who saw Dev walking out angrily, gave her friends a death glare and rushed out following him. "Dev.. Please listen!", she kept on calling his name but he didn't even look at her. He kept on walking angrily and shona literally ran and stopped him, standing infront of him. "Dev, please..", she said panting heavily blocking his way. "How can you be like this shona? I didn't expect this from you. How can you tell your friends about everything happened between us?", he yelled at her in disappointment. "I am sorry", she said with a sad pout but he looked away from her.

"What else have you told them?", he asked her and she stared at him apologetically. "Did you tell them about that snake incident?", he asked and she nodded at him in a yes, still looking down. "About the gift I gave you?", he asked and she again nodded at him making his frustration grew more. "About yesterday?", he asked her and she stood still. "I am asking you only shona", he shouted at her making her gulp down. "Ye.. Yess", her voice came more of a whisper and punch the wall beside."Devvv!", she looked at him shocked as she had never seen him this angry. "Why should you tell them everything happening between us shona?", he asked her disappointedly.

He never wanted to show his anger on anger, but he couldn't help but get frustrated by her actions. "Because they are my friends", she whispered slowly audible enough to him and he let out a frustrated sigh. "Great! Then tell them this also", he said and held her by her shoulders. And before she could understand what happened, he pinned her to the wall and placed his rough petals on her soft ones, pecking it gently. But soon his grip on her loosened and he walked away, leaving her shocked. Realising what had just happened, her eyes widened as she stumbled and sat down on the floor with her hand placed on her chest, trying to generalize the unrhythmic beat of her heart and with her gaze never leaving his retreating figure, completely unaware of the love that was blossoming inside her.

How will shona react to this? 🤔

Precap : Dev Dixit taking care of Sonakshi... And a new entry!

Sorry for not including previous chapter's precap. This one already went long. Will include it in the next one.

Note :
I previously said that I am gonna take a big break in between due to my work commitments. So, from this week I am gonna join my new job. But luckily I got my job in my own city (I am the only one in my whole branch to get posted in my same city, so obviously its by luck🙈). So I am not going to take any break but updates will be slower. I will try to update one chapter per week which will be mostly on weekend. So, atleast before that try to complete the target.

My other works,

# Falling for you..

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

See you all on next weekend, until then bubye❤️

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