9. Be Mine

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Please ignore the mistakes. Happy reading!😊

Target: 100 votes

"Ahem.. Ahem..", Dev coughed to get Sonakshi's attention, who was all involved in reading the diary. Realizing someone's presence, she looked up from the book and saw Dev standing at the door step with a plate in his hand and a wide grin pasted on his face. He quickly walked towards her and placed the plate on the bed side table. He grabbed the book from her hand much to her shock and gave her a tight lipped smile. "Hey! Give me my diary", she said annoyed trying to get the diary from his hand but he was quick to keep it aside. "Yours?! That's my diary Ms. Bose", he said with a one sided smile and she looked at him wide eyed.

"I meant, I was the one who found this diary. So logically its mine", he said smirking and she rolled her eyes off him. "To your information Mr.Dixit, I own this bungalow and everything present here", she said trying to be calm as he settled down on the chair beside. "Ofcourse you own everything present here.. in this house, in this room and.. everything infront of you", he said with a smirk and she looked at him doubtfully. "Okay, now its time for breakfast. Be a good girl and eat this soon", he said diverting the talks and taking the bowl of soup in his hand. He took a spoon full of soup and forwarded it to her while she narrowed her eyes at him.

"What?", he asked her who gave him a questioning look. "What do you think you are trying to do?", she asked him doubtedly. "I am trying to make you eat", he said casually and she heaved out a long sigh.
"Neither I am a kid nor my hands are broken Mr. Dixit", she said but he was adamant. "But your doctor asked me to look after you Ms. Bose. I am just following his words", he said as she rolled her eyes off him. "Stop taking advantage", she said pushing his hands away as he sighed tiredly. "This is not taking advantage Ms. Bose. This is called as taking care", he said and she looked up at him.

"I don't need anyone's care Mr. Dixit. Remember what you are here for and do your work only. Stop bossing around me", she said sternly and was about to get off the bed but he grabbed her hand and made her sit down. "I am doing my work only", he said and before she could protest he forcefully made her eat while she looked at him in disbelief. But what shocked her the most was she didn't stop him from what he was doing. Somewhere she felt good to be taken care of, by someone. Things like these never happened in her life since the time her parents left her all alone. Ofcourse she had her grandfather with her but he had too many responsiblities than to look after her every minute.

She being a little kid at that time craved for someone's attention and love which he couldn't give her. But as time passed she understood him and grew up into a strong woman. Though she projected herself to be strong somewhere she still wanted to be loved the same way her parents loved her. She still craved for someone who could give her a little attention. And thus she couldn't stop Dev though she wanted to. Though he teased her, fought with her and even flirted with her she couldn't deny the fact that she was attracted towards him. She knew he was mysterious and may be that's what made her more interested in him. But little did she knew that there is a long way to realise that.

"Isn't it strange?", Dev asked breaking her reverie. "What?", she asked him confused. "First you were against me for feeding you but now you are behaving very obediently. Did that mean you like me?", he asked sonakshi who was having her soup silently without any protest and hearing him she almost choked her food. "In your dreams Mr. Dixit!", she said twitching her nose in annoyance. "Why? When no one was there to help you, I was sitting awake besides you for the whole night. Any girl in your place would've fallen for me", Dev said still feeding her and she rolled her eyes off him.

"I am not any random girl who will fall for your charms Mr. Dixit. And anyone would do this for someone who is ill. Even any workers here would've done that. So stop flaunting your deeds", she said with a tight lipped smile. "So, you mean to say I'm charming...Umm..Not bad", he said winking at her and she huffed at him tiredly. Whatever she said he was grasping only the words that's benefiting him, ignoring what she was trying to say making her all the more irritated. "I am comparing you with servants here. Aren't you feeling bad?", she asked him in disbelief.

"Why would I? They are the most helpful people. I am proud to be compared with them. And ofcourse I would love to be your servant.. your personal servant, for my lifetime", he said rubbing his thumb at the corner of her lips removing the food sticking over there and winked at her as she gawked at him open moutedly. She couldn't believe that someone could flirt with her so effortlessly and make her speechless with every word of his. She was angry on herself for letting him talk to her like that but everytime he did so, she couldn't stop her heart pounding aloud in her chest. She felt weak infront of him and she didn't even know why. Sensing his intense gaze she quickly pushed his hands aside and looked away as he tried to suppress his growing smile.

"Sona!! My jaanu!!!", they heard someone calling her and they both snapped their heads towards the door step to find a young girl, of about Sonakshi's age with a short hair, dressed in her casuals carrying two heavy luggages in her hand and Rohan struggling to lift a huge bag standing behind her. Sonakshi's lips soon curved up as she saw her only friend, Elena, after a very long time. Before she could react anymore elena quickly dropped the luggages on Rohan's feet making him scream in pain and rushed towards sonakshi. She hopped on the bed and hugged sonakshi with all her might. "Ele! How did you come here?", Sonakshi asked her still in shock.

"I missed you so much sona and I heard that you are unwell. So without anymore thoughts I quickly booked my tickets and see now I am here", she said grinning proudly and sonakshi too reciprocated back. "Hey! Be careful. You might hurt her", Dev who was standing and watching them silently till then said to elena who was almost crushing sonakshi. "Oh hello! I know how to take care of my friend. Who are you to say..", her words died in her mouth as she turned around and saw Dev who was standing infront of her. "By the way who are you?", her voice softened as she scanned him from top to bottom. "You might be her friend. But now she is my responsibility", he said calmly.

"Oh!", that's all what she could say. She was so much lost in him to even grasp his words. She was standing and smiling at him dreamily without caring about the world while sonakshi shook her head tiredly looking at her crazy friend. She by now knew what was going on Elena's mind and she couldn't help but facepalm herself. It's not the first time she was seeing elena standing awestruck because of a man. She was used to such things from their teenage as well. But the only thing that changed was the man she was blown away by. Well, it changes with every month and this was definitely not new to her. Dev, ignoring elena, walked towards sonakshi and after helping her with her medicines was about to walk out but stopped in his traces hearing elena.

"Thank you for taking care of sona, Mr. Handsome!", Elena said smiling at him dreamily making sonakshi again facepalm herself. "You are welcome Ms. Mushroom", Dev replied without turning back and walked out of the room leaving elena in all smiles. "Ele, are you out of your senses?", Sonakshi asked elena who fell back on the bed still in smiles. "Oh my god sona! Did you hear him? He called me mushroom so lovingly!", Elena said excitedly jerking up startling sonakshi. "What's loving in that?", she asked her in disbelief. "He gave me a nickname", Elena said grinning widely. "So what?", Sonakshi asked her confused.

"You give nicknames only to people whom you love and I know he loves mushrooms and me too", Elena said jumping excitedly while sonakshi rolled her eyes off her. "He gave a nickname to even Rohan. Did that mean he loves Rohan too?", Sonakshi asked disgusted and elena huffed at her tiredly. "That is different sona. But I am sure that he wouldn't have given you any nickname. Am I right or am I right?", she asked sonakshi who thought for a while before nodding in a yes. "But how do you know?", she asked elena confused. "Because he didn't love you. Just think sona, how can he love you? You are such a boring person", she said while sonakshi narrowed her eyes at her.

"What? Do you remember that Dhruv guy, the most handsome one in our school?", Elena asked sonakshi who thought for a while. "How would you remember? The whole school girls were behind him and he was behind you. But you were behind your books. Such a nerd you are", she said sonakshi who gave her a death glare. "Don't look at me like that. Still my blood boils, remembering that day. The day when he wrote a love letter to you, pouring his heart out. But you, what did you do!! You pointed out the grammatical mistakes in his letter and asked him to rewrite it! ", she said in disbelief.

"If that's not enough you even asked him write imposition for 100 times and even adviced him to join a better english tution centre. Like seriously? If I were in your place I would have by now settled down with him having dozens of children", she said huffing in dismay but Sonakshi didn't even seem to listen to her. "So what do you want me to do now?", Sonakshi asked her tiredly. "If you get such proposals in future, instead of rejecting, forward it to me. Atleast let me enjoy my life", Elena said while sonakshi rolled her eyes off her. "Let's see if it happens. I can't help you now", she said settling back comfortably on the bed.

"Even I don't want your help now. Right now, I am seriously involved in that handsome hunk. So I don't have time for any other extra curricular activities", Elena said while sonakshi looked at her in disbelief. "Ele, don't tell me that..", she was about to say something but elena interrupted her. "Ofcourse yes! I am in love!!", she said jumping excitedly. "For the 49th time!", Sonakshi said counting her fingers. "So what? Does that even matter? All is fair in love and war! And this is love", elena said smiling dreamily making sonakshi facepalm for the nth time. She knew how stupid her friend is in the topic 'love' and she also knew it wouldn't last longer because none of her so called love story lasted for more than a month. But little did she know that this love of elena, is going to change her life as well.

"By the way what's his name?", Elena asked her excitedly. "Dev.. Dev Dixit", Sonakshi said calmly. "Wow! Dev + Elena = Develena! How is it?", she said smiling dreamily and sonakshi gestured as if she was about to throw up. "Jealous soul", elena muttered twitching her nose angrily while sonakshi tried to suppress her giggles. "Do you remember the reason you came here for? I guess to take care of me", Sonakshi said as elena was immersed in her phone, lying on Sonakshi's bed, munching the fruits brought for her. "Oh yes! Firstly, I should get dressed for that", Elena said and rushed towards the other room which was arranged for her while sonakshi shook her head smiling to herself.

No matter what, she knew that only elena could make her smile even when she was at her lowest. Such a crazy and interesting person she was from their childhood, the only friend she had from the time she knew the world. Her gaze fell upon the diary that was kept on the bed side table and she stretched her hand out but couldn't reach it. But before she could stand up, Bruno rushed towards her from nowhere and grabbing the diary with his mouth, he handed it over to her making her smile. "Thank you Bruno!", she said ruffling his hair as he settled himself beside her comfortably. She opened the diary and flipped the pages, continuing it from where she left..


It's been two days since Dev met shona. Ofcourse it was on the day when anger overtook his conscience and he did something which Devrath in his usual mind would've never done. Though he knew what he did was not a good thing, he didn't regret that. He can never regret anything happened between them. Ofcourse he was ashamed on himself for touching her without her consent but he couldn't help. If it bothered her she would've punished him then and there for what he did, he thought and tried to convince himself. But still, she hiding herself from him for the past 2 days broke his heart. He so wanted to have a talk with her and explain himself to her but how could he if she was hell bent on not meeting him.

Giving up, he decided to make his final move. And that's why he is now standing infront of her house having Ramu along with him. "Dev bhaiya, think once again. Are you sure that we should go in?", Ramu asked Dev as they both stood infront of the closed door of shona's house to which he nodded at him making him gulp down nervously. "But what should we tell to her father? He is a very strict person. I think we should wait for another day. She will definitely come to see you tomorrow", Ramu said trying to convince him but Dev was adamant. "Right now I want to meet shona. Nothing matters to me other than that. And about her father, it's upto you to tell him anything", Dev said sternly and Ramu cursed himself for coming along with Dev. He knew how rude was shona's father and he didn't want to die in his hands.

Taking a long breath, Dev knocked the door and stood nervously. Soon the door opened and Dev's eyes softened looking at the person infront of him. Shona gasped in shock as she saw Dev standing infront her. She couldn't believe that he came all the while just to meet her. She looked at Dev who was already staring at her and they both were lost in each other to even notice Ramu's presence. "Shona, who is there?", asked her father, Bijoy from inside breaking their reverie. She quickly stiffened in her place and turned around nervously to see her father coming towards her. "Why are you silent?", he asked coming and standing beside her while she was stammering nervously.

It was then he noticed Dev standing at the doorstep and narrowed his brows at him. Before he could ask him anything, Dev quickly bent down and touched his feet taking everyone by surprise. "Get up beta. Who are you?", he asked Dev making him stand up and Dev looked at his sideways. And it was then he noticed Ramu standing beside him giving him a nervous smile. "Ramu! He is..", he said thinking for a while but Ramu interrupted him. "He is my guest, Dev", Ramu said nervously and he thought for a while. Somewhere he had heard this name but he didn't know where. Giving up he nodded at him understandingly. "Come in", he said letting them in as Dev too walked behind him not before glancing at shona, who stood dumbstruck by the sudden turn of events.


"So, do you like our village?", Bijoy asked Dev who was gazing around everywhere searching for shona and finally his lips curved up as his eyes met her. Thankfully, chotu was not there in the house much to his relief as he knew if he was there, he would definitely blabber something about him. "It is good. If you have someone who could accompany you everywhere, then any place would be beautiful", he said glancing at shona who was peeking from behind the wall. "Yes, it seems like Ramu has taken you everywhere", Bijoy said smiling at him. "Yes, what would I do without Ramu. He is with me always", Dev said giving him a tight lipped smile and Ramu's eyes popped out hearing him. How cleverly Dev was pulling him into every trouble!, he thought and cried over his fate.

"It seems like Ramu brought someone to your house Bijoy. Did you find a groom for shona even without telling me?", asked an old lady entering in. Dev looked at shona who averted her gaze from him, trying to hide her growing blush and smiled to himself. "No, it's Ramu's friend", Asha, shona's mother said and Dev turned around to see who it was. But as soon as he met her, his eyes widened as he somehow could remember who she was. Shona who was peeking from behind the wall, gulped down nervously seeing the same dadi, whom she met that day, along with Dev when he was dressed in woman's attire. "You! Have I seen you somewhere?", Dadi asked narrowing her eyes and examining his face while Dev looked everywhere but her.

"He is Dev, Ramu's guest. May be you would've seen him somewhere with Ramu", Bijoy said but she didn't look convinced. "No, not with Ramu, but with shona", she said and everyone looked at her shocked. Shona glanced at Dev who looked equally panicked while Ramu was about to stand up and run away from there before Bijoy could kill him. "I saw someone like him with shona.. But it was a girl", she said confused. "Do you have any sister?", she asked Dev coming closer towards him and looking at him carefully. "No", Ramu said quickly earning a death glare from Dev. "But how is it possible? She looked exactly like him. Even her name was Devi", she said confused and Dev gulped down nervously.

Shona realised that if she stood there for one more minute, then her father would definitely bombard her with questions. So she thought of quickly escaping from there before getting caught. "Dadi your vision is not proper nowadays. Even last month you said that you had seen someone like me near the temple. But I was out of town that time", Ramu said trying to cover up. He, by now understood that Dev and shona had done something without his knowledge and it was his duty to save them as a friend. Dadi thought for a while before nodding at him absentmindedly. Dev and shona sighed in relief mentally thanking god as well as Ramu, their saviour for pulling them out of the tragedy that was about to happen.

"But he looks good. You can consider my words of getting Shona married to him", Dadi said to Bijoy and walked inside while Asha too followed her. Ramu felt like giving her a standing ovation for making his work simple while Shona looked up at Dev who was smiling to himself staring at her and quickly lowered her gaze, blushing profusely. "Sorry, she is like that only. I am apoligizing to you on her behalf", Bijoy said to Dev breaking the awkward silence. "No problem", Dev said with a tight lipped smile. "Why would you have problem bhaiya? He didn't know that you came here for this only. But when he comes to know that he himself will push you out of the house", Ramu whispered in Dev's ears while he gave him a death glare making him shut his mouth.

"So, what's the matter you both came here for?", Bijoy asked them and they blinked their eyes thinking what to answer him while Sonakshi sensed her heart racing in fear. "What happened?", he asked them seeing them all silent. "Haa..Umm..woh.. I.. I mean we..", Ramu stammered in fear while Bijoy looked at him doubtfully. "We came here for..", Dev was about to say something but stopped hearing someone calling Bijoy from outside. "Just a minute", Bijoy said excusing himself from there leaving them sigh in relief. Dev saw shona still standing behind the wall and thought for a while. He coughed aloud making her startled and within a minute, he saw her standing infront of him with a glass of water.

"Are you a kid? Drink this water", she said patting his head and back gently as he was adamant to drink the water. "I won't", he said pushing her hand away. "I'm not pleading you. It's my order. Drink it", she said making him drink the water forcefully as he smiled to himself looking at her concern for him. After making Dev drink the entire glass of water she turned around to walk but Dev grabbed her hand stopping her in her traces. "Dev, leave me", she said turning around, trying to free herself from his hold but he was adamant. Ramu who was seeing all this, was running from one corner of the room to the other looking at the main door and the kitchen door panicked if her parents would arrive.

"I won't shona. I know whatever I did was not good. But I don't regret it. You may think that I did it because of my anger. But the truth is I did it because of my love, towards you", he stated the truth honestly, staring into her eyes and she stopped struggling in his hold. Her breath hitched hearing him and she stood numb trying to register his words. "Yes, I don't want to hide it anymore shona. I have fallen for you the very moment I met you for the first time. I thought that I can't love you more than that I used to. But you proved me wrong. With every second spent with you, you made me fall in love with you more and more".

"I don't want to be dramatic shona. You already own my mind, heart and soul. I don't have anything else to give to you, except myself. But I won't say that I will give my life for you. Because I want to live with you shona. I want to live for you, till my last breath. And I am shamelessly admitting it. I am ready to surrender myself to you shona. Will you be mine?", he asked her as she stared into his eyes that held a lot of emotions. She can't understand if she could reciprocate them but she could very well realise that something was happening to her, inside her, making her heart flutter, making her feel thousands of butterflies in her stomach, making every cell of her body to blossom like a new flower, everytime he looked at her like that. But she stood still, staring at him like he was the most precious thing she had ever got in her life, completely forgetting the surroundings, all lost in their own world, consisting only him and her.

What will she say now? 🤔

Precap : Devrath leaving to London😑

So, guys have a look at these fanfics of Devakshi. I know that you all would've have come across them. But still I'm suggesting a few of my favorites.

# You are the one by _Simply_crazy

# Conditional love by __the_dead_girl__

# Yeh dooriyan by The_Sibylline_Sapien

I will be suggesting a few more in further updates too. And this is not for any advertising but for the fact that the reads on Devakshi ffs are getting lesser with time.

I've few more suggestions from so many people and I will suggest them to you too once I read them. If you have any other favourite books don't forget to notify me about them. I would be glad to read them as well as getting them to my readers' notice. 😊

My other works,

# Falling for you.. [COMPLETED]

# A Journey towards her.. [COMPLETED]

# My Little Paradise - A sequel to AJTH [COMPLETED]

# All Credits To Love - A Sharica OS

# Mine - A Devakshi OS

# Happy Ending - A Sharica OS

For more updates and spoilers follow my instagram account 'mishti7593'

Next update will be on next weekend 😊

~See you soon ❤️

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