☔️ 10

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"You can't" I hear Jimin say and turn to scowl at him.

"Yes, he can!" I hiss out at him only for him to ignore me.

I watch as Namjoon frowns at Jimin's words, but he squares his shoulders and sits up straight.

"I can and WILL help," he says firmly.

I smile at his words. I had met Joon a few months after I had moved into my apartment. Mrs. Kim had taken me under her wing seeing I was all alone and with her sons had moved out she needed company.

We would sit out front and work on repotting her plants while I told her about my work, she was fascinated by the supernatural and never judged my beliefs. One day I went to knock on Mrs. Kim's door only to be greeted by Joon.

I'd never met him before, only seen pictures, but looking up at him I felt nervous. He had proven to be such a lovely man and just as curious as Mrs. Kim. We got along great and he started to come by more and more to visit his mother which made her extremely happy.

Our friendship grew, he'd even come down to the museum a few times to see me in action. There were a few times when our hands would graze and my heart would race or we would get stuck staring at each other. I could see a future with him, he was funny, caring and so smart, but neither of us made a move past friendship.

"Jimin, let him help. We can take all that we can get," I say and reach out to pat his shoulder only for my hand to go right through and he shivers.

He sighs and nods his head quietly. Before he can address Joon, the door opens, and in runs Jungkook.

"HEY, MAN! GRAB RAYNE AND LET'S GO!" he says in a rush totally missing the others sitting in the room.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asks confused as he watches Kook rush around the room looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Joon finally speaks up, drawing Kook's attention to him.

"Rayne, obviously. If I can find the cold spot, I can find her!" he says with a shrug of his shoulders like it's obvious.

"AHH, FOUND HER!" he says excitedly.

Jimin and I both snicker as we see him excitedly stand below the vent across the room thats blowing cold air.

"She's not there, idiot," Jimin says trying to rein in his laughter.

"I can feel her," Kook argues with a roll of his eyes.

"That's the air vent you're feeling," Tae speaks up pointing above Kook.

Kook finally notices the other two and pouts as his face turns red. I quickly rush over and grab his fingers so he knows I'm there.

"We have to go, Rayne," He says facing the opposite side as if he's talking to me. I laugh again and look at Jimin.

Jimin nods and stands up, grabbing his wallet and keys.

"I'm coming with you, guys!" Joon says standing up also.

"If he's going, so am I," Tae says too even though he looks nervous.

"Ugh, okay! But we have to go now!" Kook huffs out rushing back out the door.

We all follow and Kook pulls open the van door. Yoongi and Hobi are sitting in the front seats waiting for us to all climb in. I get in first and sit in the middle seat next to the window. Jimin gets in next and sits in the middle beside me.

"Who's he?" Hobi asks when he sees Joon getting ready to climb in.

Yoongi stares at him and answers before Joon can.

"He's her green string."

Green string? What are these strings? I only know the Red String of Fate, I never knew there were others colors.

"I'm Joon and this is my brother Tae," he motions to Tae who is nervously standing behind him.

"We are here to help," he says again firmly and Hobi nods.

"Okay, great. Hurry and get in the back, we have to go."

Joon and Tae climb into the back and Kook slides into the seat next to Jimin closing the door.

"Move over, man! I barely have any room," Kook whines and Jimin shakes his head no.

"Why not! There's a huge space right beside you," Kook continues his protest, pushing Jimin over and he places his hand out as he tries to catch himself from falling over.

"Rayne's right here, idiot! Be careful or you'll hurt her," Jimin grumbles out.

"Sorry," Kook says sheepishly as Jimin shoots him a glare.

"It's okay, Jimin, I can't get hurt in this form," I say softly.

Jimin looks at me and drops his scowl. Yoongi clears his throat drawing everyone's attention.

"If you guys are done with the drama, let me tell you all what's going on," he says his voice low and serious.

Hobi starts the van and we take off down the road quietly waiting for Yoongi to continue.

"We are going to the next town over. We got the address to the bar you saw, Rayne, and we'll start there."

"What's the name of the bar?" Joon asks.

"The Three-Legged Monkey," Hobi says chuckling at the name.

"OH! Our oldest brother has been checking that place out!" Taehyung says.

"Since when did Jin start looking for a new bar?" Jimin asks confused turning to face Tae.

"Hmmm, I wanna say like a few weeks now," Tae says rubbing his chin cutely.

"PERFECT! That means we have an in!" Kook says excitedly.

I listen to the others talk but feel myself become drowsy. I lean against the window watching as trickles of rain start to fall.

"Rayne?" Jimin whispers softly. "Are you okay?"

"Ya, just kinda tired," I say as I look up into his worried eyes.

"Jimin," Yoongi speaks up drawing our attention.

My eyes make contact with his and Hobi's through the rearview mirror and they exchange a worried glance.

"You need to hold her hand so she doesn't drift off," Yoongi says not turning around to look at Jimin.

"He can't," I say trying to scoot forward and grab Yoongi.

"He can. Just reach out and take her hand Jimin," Hobi says as he continues to drive.

I'm confused and look at Jimin who is nervously biting his plump lip. He takes a deep breath to steady himself. He reaches out and tries to lock his fingers with mine only for them to go through my hand.

"Focus, Jimin. Don't hold any fear or doubt," Yoongi says as his eyes squint at us through the mirror.

Jimin nods and closes his eyes as he reaches for my open hand again. This time he is able to grab hold of me. His eyes spring open and he stares down at our clasped hands.

"Good job, Purple. Now don't let her go," Yoongi says with a satisfied nod.

Purple? Is that another string?

"No fair! He can see and touch her now?! And I've been practicing so hard!" Kook whines again causing the others to laugh at his complaint.

A slow beautiful smile takes over Jimin's face and he tightens his hold on me.

"I won't," he says under his breath, but I hear him. My heart picks up its pace as I stare at him.

Who is this guy? What happened to the smug guy that wanted nothing to do with me? He didn't even protest holding my hand.

I shake my head and go to lean it against the window.

"You can rest your head on my shoulder, Rayne," Jimin says quietly so the others don't hear.

My eyes look at him in shock and I watch as he nervously swallows.

"I don't mind," he says and gives me a genuine smile.

I feel my face get hot but quickly nod and close my eyes leaning against him so he doesn't see my embarrassment.

My eyes feel heavy and his hand is warm in mine, the sound of the rain pelting the window comforts me. I feel myself start to drift off but, behind my eyes, it's not sleep that awaits me, it's myself and I again get a glimpse of where I am.


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