☔️ 9

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What the hell am I going to do?

He's gonna kill me! How could I lose her?!

One second I'm watching her annoyingly snuggle up to the guy who can't even see her and then the next she's just gone.

It's not like I'm jealous or anything but she's my responsibility. I obviously have a special connection with her if even her so-called best friend can't see her.

Nope, not jealous at all she's just some girl. I'm worried cause her safety is my safety. That Yoongi guy looks like he wouldn't have trouble hiding a body. More specifically, my body.

I tried so hard to keep my cool when she disappeared. I quickly gave Baekhyun my number promising to meet up again and rushed out of the woods.

I haven't seen her anywhere. My panic starts to set it, my eyes wild as I retrace our steps of the day looking for her like a lost pair of keys.

This is serious, what if something happens to her? What if I never find her again?

The only place I can think of is my apartment so I make a mad dash to my building. Once I arrive home, I don't even bother waiting for the elevator, I run up the stairs, skipping steps trying to make it to her.

My mind barely registers Tae and Namjoon in the hallway. I just rush past, struggling to get my keys in the door. I swing it open quickly rushing in and looking around my empty apartment.

"RAYNE?!" I shout.

"RAYNE, THIS ISNT FUNNY PLEASE COME OUT!" I yell, looking in my room.

I rush back into the living room at a total loss. My hands tangle in my hair as I pull it slightly trying to figure out where she could be or how I could find her.

"Jiminie, everything okay?"

I turn to see Tae entering my apartment followed by Joon.

Fuck this can't be happening now!

"Oh yeah, man. Why?" I ask trying to play it cool.

"You seemed flustered when you passed and you left your keys in the door..." Tae says glancing at me with worry.

UGH! What can I say?

I'm nervously fidgeting in my spot when Joon speaks up.

"Why were you calling for Rayne? Do you know her?" He asks with a confused look.

"You know her?!" I say excitedly.

Maybe he can help me find her! Maybe he knows a spot she could be at.

"Who's Rayne? Are ya'll talking about that freaky girl who use to live here?" Tae questions.

Joon's look of confusion switches to a look of irritation. His jaw clenches and I watch as he narrows his eyes at his brother.

"She isn't a freak," Joon says, his voice coming out tense and harsh.

I'm more than a little taken aback. He's gotten so defensive over a girl we didn't even know he knew.

I'm not jealous. I'm just annoyed that he's never said anything about her before.

Before I can reply and try to ease the tension in the room, she's there. Walking down the hallway out of my room. The pressure in my chest eases and I quickly rush toward her.

"Rayne! Oh, thank God! Where have you been?" I breathe out, reaching for her just for my hands to go through her.

She frowns and releases a sigh.

"It's a long story and I feel so tired," she mumbles.

I take a look at her and notice how her shoulders have hunched over slightly. Her beautiful vibrant eyes that always hold so much emotion look dull, and lifeless, reminding me of gravestones.

"Rayne...what happened? What's wrong?" I ask softly.

I'm worried, this isn't like her. This last week I may have ignored her and pretended I hadn't seen her but I did.

I saw it all, she was lively, quick-witted, saying the most sarcastic and silly comments thinking I couldn't hear her. She was sweet, she would sing to herself, offer the most random advice trying to look out for me and even though she thought I couldn't hear her, she would always wish me a good night and a good morning.

"He's definitely losing it, Joon. I told you he needs some help! Maybe it's all the alcohol?" Tae says trying to whisper behind me.

Rayne looks up and past me as she hears another voice behind me. She looks at Tae but then her eyes lock on Joon who is standing beside him and a large smile takes over her face. Her eyes fill with life becoming the clouds of an incoming storm. I turn around and can't stop the scowl that's taken over my face.

"Sorry, man. I just...I'm worried about you, Jiminie. You have been acting strange and now you're talking to yourself..." Tae mutters out thinking I'm angry with him.

"She's here? You can see her?" Joon asks calmly.

"She is and I can," I say tensely.

Tae's head darts between the two of us looking like we've grown a third head.

"Can you guys tell me what's going on? S-she's here? Y-you guys can see g-ghosts?" Tae stutters.

"How did she die?" Joon asks sadly, completely ignoring Tae.

Rayne fidgets beside me before she moves closer to Joon. Her hand goes through him as she reaches for his hand and I can't help but feel satisfied that she can't touch him.

She hasn't turned once to look back at me. It's like I'm not even here.

I'm not jealous. But even with Baeky, she gave me attention.

"She's not dead, just out of her body," I say smugly because I have more information than he does.

Tae is quietly backing up towards the door and Rayne sees him. I watch as her mischievous smile takes over and she walks over to him to run her hand along his spine. He yelps and runs back to grab onto Joon's arm as she cackles loudly.

I can't help but smile and chuckle a little at her silly antics. Our eyes finally meet and I smile at her just for her to quickly look away, a cute blush taking over her face.

Joon clears his throat looking at me waiting for answers. The cat's out of the bag, I might as well tell them both everything.

"Come sit down. I'll tell you what's up," I say as I motion to the couches.

We all sit down and I start to tell them all that has happened so far. Rayne eventually speaks up and tells me how she drifted to Yoongi and what she overheard.

My stomach turns realizing that this is serious, she could entirely disappear.

I'm not upset cause I care about her. It's just...she's someone I know. I'd be sad if anyone I know disappeared forever.

I don't care about her, right? Nah! She's just a friend that I'd like to keep.

After I relay the information to them, Joon looks like he's deep in thought and Tae looks terrified and ready to bolt at any second.

Rayne is sitting quietly beside me but her sole focus is on Joon. Her head is tilted cutely to the side as she takes in his expression.

My eyes bore into her hoping she'd turn and spare me a glance.

Just one...

"How can I help?" Joon finally asks.

I watch as Rayne positively lights up at his words. It's at this moment that the bitter taste of jealously fills my mouth and I realize I may, in fact, care just a little more for her than I originally thought.


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