Chapter 12

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Whoever they were, they were staring into the house at us. We couldn't see anything except the black outline of a person, but they were at the front door, looking at us through the foggy window.

"Did Sujin or Jungkook invite a friend over?"

"No, no I didn't. And Jungkook didn't mention-" I stopped remembering what had happened just a few days ago. "It's the person- it's the person our neighbors caught."

"Okay, okay before we panic, let's get upstairs. Where they can't see us."

"They're literally standing outside!"

"Yeah, so move!" Namjoon instructed, and we all headed up the stairs. We were in the upstairs hall, and there were no windows, so we crowded around.

"Why are you all freaking out?" Yoongi asked, folding his arms. "It could be like, the delivery service or something."

I heard Namjoon nervously swallow and noticed his sandwich was gone. "Okay, but remember what's been going on? There's no reason to not be cautious."

"I don't get why you're all having mini heart attacks, though. Why don't we just go outside and see for yourself?"

"NO!" Hoseok screamed, "That's a horrible idea! You could be opening the door to a murderer."

"Really?" Yoongi asked. The rest of the boys glanced around nervously. He sighed and walked headed back down the stairs as the rest of us held our breath.

"So," Namjoon said, straightening up, "I'm gonna go look with him. You know, just to make sure." He turned around and followed the older. They quickly returned. "Yeah, so they're still there and I don't think they're supposed to be..."

"Well darn," I said.

"But it's okay, we can just-"

"It's not a big deal. I'll call manager," Yoongi cut Namjoon off while pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"What were they doing?" Taehyung asked, putting a finger to his chin pensively.

"Standing there, looking- or at least trying to look- through the window. After they noticed we were moving around a little inside the house, which is probably all they saw because the window is naturally fogged, they moved. I think they headed to the back, which is when we came back because they would have been able to see us clearly from there."

"But if they think there's no one in the house, since we're all hiding here, don't you think they'd decide they could, like, break in or something?" Jimin asked.

"They know we're here," said Namjoon. "Like I said, they saw us moving through the window. They just couldn't see us clearly. Same as to how we couldn't see them, just their figure in the window."

"Ah," Hoseok nodded. "Can't we look through the security cameras?"

Yoongi put a finger to his lips as he put his phone to his ear. "Sejin?"

"No," Namjoon whispered as Yoongi walked down the hall a little so he could talk to Sejin without interruption. "Only manager can see it."

"Then it's a good thing we're calling him now," I said.

"Manager, don't freak out, please. I've got seven others already doing that here," Yoongi said into the phone. I laughed a little. He sighed before hanging up. "Manager insisted on calling the police and told us to stay here in case they tried anything, and so we can stay hidden. He's coming over from the company building as fast as he can. And of course, the highlight of the conversation, he told me to tell Sujin to pack her things as soon as the police get here. He's taking you home tonight."

"Wait, what?" I asked. "I don't want to tonight! I thought I was going to get another day here. With you guys."

"I know, Sujin," Jimin said. "But I agree, this is too many times it's happened. You were going to go anyways."

I sighed. "I wanted to stay one more night. I haven't even gotten to tell you about my whole day yet."

"I'm sorry," Taehyung said, hugging me from behind. "What if one of us came with you?"

"Tae," Jin warned. "We have a schedule in the morning."

"But if she'd feel more comfortable-"

"No, it's not that." I shook my head. "It's okay. I just wasn't quite ready. I'll have to finish packing quickly. It's okay. I trust Sejin."

"Awe," Tae cooed. "Alright. We'll get this sorted out."

A knock on the door alerted all of us, and we all froze in place. Yoongi's phone got a message, disrupting the silence. He looked at it before saying, "Sejin's letting us know it's the police. And he's right behind them. They don't see anyone, so we need to go downstairs and let the officers in."

We all did as told, welcoming in the two officers who searched the house. By the time they'd concluded the person was gone, Sejin was there to get out the footage. More officers showed up, and I had been expected to stay with the crowd safely as they discussed what was happening. The police deemed the person not an immediate threat, but they said they would work on it. Knowing that the boys were a band, they knew there'd be extra dangers

"Sujin," my uncle called the moment the police weren't directly talking to him. "Please go finish packing up. I'm hoping to finish up soon and go home."

I nodded and told him I would before heading upstairs. My heart was a little heavy as I packed. I knew I'd be back to my room, the boys, and this house, and I was still going to live with them after things blew over. I was still sad because it was going to be the first night since I'd come here and my life became wonderful that I wouldn't be sleeping in this bed with the boys a few rooms down.

With my school backpack and a duffle bag in hand, I trudged downstairs and noticed the officers were finally leaving. Sejin was talking with the boys. As soon as Taehyung noticed I had all my stuff he ran over to give me a hug. The handles slipped out of my grasp as I tried to embrace him back.

"I'm going to miss you, a lot Sujinie."

"I'll miss you too, Tae, but I'll see you at the company building each night. If Sejin wants to come, I'll visit the house too. I'm just a few neighborhoods away."

"I know, but we adopted you. You're our sister now. I don't like that you're leaving."

"I don't like it either, but we all trust Sejin."

"As long as you're happy and safe."

"Mm hm," I nodded and he pulled away. Once I'd given the rest of the boys a hug, they had me laughing. "You're acting like I'm moving. I'll be back soon, I promise."

"Yeah, yeah. But make sure you find Jungkook as often as you can each day at school. And text us whenever you can. Please," Jin said.

"That won't be a problem." With a few last goodbyes, I was out the door and into Sejin's car. As soon as I opened the door and sat in the back seats, I unexpectiedly started to panic.
"Uncle," I said as soon as he got inside. My breathing was quickening.

"Sujin?" he asked, turning around to face me from the front.

"Sejin, the last time I was in this car..."

"Oh. Oh!" He grabbed my hand. "Are you alright?"

I nodded and took a deep breath. The memories were coming back.

It was the day I met with Sejin at the cafe with my father. I was humming along with the singer and appa got mad. He tried to hurt me. And then Sejin saved me. But it was this car. I was thrown in this car before I saw my mom for the last time and she took me to the orphanage. At least I think-

I opened the side door and got out, grabbed my stuff, and entered the passenger seat in the front. Closing the door, I took another breath. It would be okay if I had a change of view.

"Are you okay now?"

I nodded. "If anything, this should be a good memory. Hey, I never actually thanked you, for real. That day when you got me away from my father... It changed my life. And I'm okay now. I got to be with my mother for a while. Before she passed. She was able to save me too."

"Sujin, I love you. I couldn't stand your father in the first place, and I couldn't imagine he'd do what he did. He abused his power and right to have a daughter, so I made sure he was stripped of that privilege. It was only what was right."

"It was right."

Sejin gave me a smile. "Is it okay if we go now?"

"Yeah, yeah," I said, sorry to have slowed him down.

As we drove, it was quiet and peaceful; an opposite to the chaos of the day earlier. Sejin broke the silence by asking me how school went, and I described what I had for the boys.

"So, you know an advantage to having brothers and an uncle in the industry backs us up on several certain occasions, right? We've got the money to sue, to request certain permission, especially if it's concerning safety, and we can compromise with the school to set rules to make sure you have the best experience possible."

"That's comforting, yes."

"So when you have a problem, of course tell the boys, but tell me too."

I promised to.

"And you can talk to me more often, you know?" he said with askance.

"Mm hm."

He nodded and we slowed before pulling up to a cozy neighborhood with sky-high buildings full for apartments. It seemed fairly small, but big enough to be comfortable.

Sejin had mentioned to me earlier that he wasn't married, and it was just him living by himself. [A/N: I don't know if Sejin is married or has children or anything, I've done much research and no one will say anything, I guess his personal life is pretty private, so I'mma stick with him being single 'cuz it might be too hard for me to make him a personal life lol, so here you go.]

We got out and he helped me with my bags before trailing up a cement stairs to get to the second floor of the apartment building where he had a front porch. There, he unlocked the door and we entered. A clean, fresh smell came from the house, as if the whole thing were bathing in laundry detergent.

When you first walked in, there was a kitchen and dining table all along the left side. The first door to the right was what I assumed Sejin's bedroom. Past that, there was a living room set up similar to how it was at the boy's dorm, and a room behind the wall that had the TV.

"Your room is the one behind the living room. Let's bring your stuff there."

The room had white walls and a twin bed to the centered against the wall to the left. The carpet was fluffy and grey, complimenting the darker shade of grey bed covers. A polished table with light colored wood was to the side of that, and in front of the bed there was a TV, a white painted wooden closed to the left of that, and to the right, a door which I assumed led to a bathroom. The setup was almost identical to my room at home. Sejin placed my bag on my bed and waved a hand around. "Feel free to do whatever you want with the place. You packed lightly, I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind dropping off some decorations and such from home?"

"I'll be okay." I walked to my bag and unzipped it, ready to unpack.

"Alright, then. I'll let you get settled. Find me if you need something, I'm probably just going to wind down."

He left and I took time to open the window at the end of the room, breathing in the fresh air. There was a window which I took a second to survey. The inside looked like a boy's room, and it was well lit, yet no one was inside.

After a little unpacking, I got on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt before heading to the living room.

Sejin was on the couch in a sweater with his computer on his lap and his brow furrowed with concentration as he typed furiously.

"How's the address situation coming along? Hasn't it become more of a problem since we now know someone's using it to their advantage?"

My uncle nodded to the couch. I took a seat and he answered my question, "Not more of a problem, no. Except I didn't get to tell you that the boys called a few minutes ago while you were unpacking and explained that a few fans showed up at their door."

"Oh?" I said in surprise. "Really?"

"The post with their address is still circulating. I'm shocked more fans haven't tried to come and say hi, even if it was just for dropping off a gift."

"I guess I am too. They didn't mean any harm, did they?"

"Nope, just wanted an autograph and a hug. The boys did, quickly, but I told them to watch the door better for now on. I think I'll have them ask me to check the cameras before they open the door. Better safe that way than sorry. How would you feel about moving?"

"What?" I asked. I wasn't sure if I heard him right. "Like to another dorm with the boys, or..."

"Yeah, actually. You know where you guys are living is more set up as a house. You've got plenty of rooms and your own property, but I'm thinking a place in an apartment building would be better. It would be a little less space, but-"

I sighed. "Man, that would be hard. We don't have much space even now."

"I know, but we'd make sure it had several rooms and all the appliances you've got right now. It'd be safer, and it'd have security. Other idols live there, too. Wouldn't some change be nice?"

"Well, yeah, maybe. Have you suggested it to the boys?"

He shook his head no. "But I think they'd be up for it. If you are, of course."

"I mean I just moved into the recent house, but I guess I'd be okay with it."

"I'm pretty sure you'd have your own room, being the girl of the house."

"That'd be nice, but would the others have to share?"

"Possibly, but they've been sharing since they were young. They've been together for a long time."

"They have."

We were quiet for a moment before I said, "I have school tomorrow."

"Heading off to bed, then?"

I nodded. "Thank you so much. Your house is so nice. I love it."

"Glad you feel comfortable here," he smiled, pushing his glasses up his nose. I leaned in to give him a quick hug and let his dark blue sweater emit a fresh smell into my lungs.

This was home.

"I'll see you in the morning. I love you Sujin."

"I love you too, uncle Sejin."

In the morning, I got ready for school as quickly as I could. It was hard, as I tried to get used to where everything was in the house. He had me in his car on time and we were on our way to school. I arrived slightly nervous as I scanned the swarn of students entering the front doors at once.

As we sat in the car while I watched the front doors, Sejin said, "Jungkook's usually there by now. You can text him now to make sure he's waiting if you want.

I shrugged. "I want to but I don't know..."

"Well I doubt you want me to walk in there with you."

I groaned. "No offense but you're right."

I was pulling my phone out of my pocket when a loud tap on the glass and a figure casted a shadow into the car, making me jump. I looked up and sighed when I realized it was Jungkook. "Okay, that works too. G'bye, Sejin"

"Good. I'll pick you up after. Stay with Jungkook until I come. I'll tell him the same thing."

"Right. Thanks." 

Don't have much to say this week, uh, hope you enjoyed. 

And sorry I kinda did a sloppy editing job. Been getting a lot of headaches recently.

Take care. 


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