Chapter 13

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050420 (My 2-year becoming a BTS fan anniversary :D)

"How are you, sis?" Jungkook asked as Sejin pulled away.

"Alright." I gave him a hug, happy to feel like things were somewhat normal for the first time since the night before.

"Are you ready for another day of school, or are you exhausted?" he asked as we started towards the door. He grabbed my forearm, but I didn't shy away. There were too many people, no one would pay attention to us at the moment.

"I'm okay. Sejin's apartment is really nice."

"That's good to hear. I kind of missed you."

"I kind of missed you too, JK," I laughed.

As we climbed up the stairs and I stepped inside the school, a pair of smiling eyes met me with more joy than I expected. "Hey, Sujin. How did you sleep?"

Jungkook looked at me confused, as if he wasn't sure why this stranger would care about something so personal. I ignored his glance and gave Jiho a smile. "Great, actually. I'm excited for today."

"That's nice to hear. " He shoved a hand into his pocket, while the other bore the small leather book I had seen in his palm the other day. His hand was sweating around it as he nervously glanced at it. "So, are you heading to class?" He wiped his hand on his pants before switching the book to the other hand.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Why don't I walk you? Or is your brother taking that job?"

"Ah-" I looked to Jungkook, who shook his head.

"Go on, you can stay with your... friend." He let go of my arm before taking a step back into the moving swarm of students. "Come find me at lunch, sis. Have a good day."

"Sure," I said as he turned and left. "You too."

"Hey, uh, sorry for yesterday. I know my friends might have made you uncomfortable." He nervously massaged a hand over the back of his neck. "Well, uh, shall we go find you class?"

"Oh, it's alright. And, uh, I mean, don't you have to find yours as well?"

"No, no. I'm in no rush."

"Alright." We headed off, walking into the sea of students all traveling the same direction to the classroom hallways. I didn't know what to say to Jiho, so I kept quiet. A piercing silence stood between us as he walked generously close to me while we made our way through the halls. Once we got to my locker upstairs, I stopped. Jiho did too.

"Do you mind if I-" I pointed to my locker.

"Not at all. Like I said, I'm in no rush."

"Cool." I got into my locker as he leaned against the door next to mine.

"So Sujin," he said nonchalantly. "I'm only a grade above you, yet you're taking AP classes. Maybe we should study together sometime."

"Sure," I said as I grabbed the books I needed for English class.

"I was hoping, maybe even tonight? What if we grabbed something to eat before as well?"

"Uhm, I'd have to ask my uncle. Long story short, I'm staying with him at the moment."

"Does it have to do with your brothers being idols and all that?"

"Yep. Uh, I can ask him but I'm not sure what he'll say. Sorry."

"Then suggest we go to that Coffee shop you met me at. I work there some nights, so I could make something nice before we study."

"Do you actually have homework, though?" I shut my locker door with a creak. "I haven't been assigned anything."

"Pre-assessments are coming up for me."

"Yeah, pre-assessments. They're to see how much you know now and compare it to later on in the year. You shouldn't need to study for them."

"There's no harm in it."

"Well, don't you want to be able to get a higher score when you take midterms? So you can show you improved?"

"You see, Sujin, my goal is to show the school system that they don't really teach us anything. The real stuff is in the arts. That's what I'm working towards, as a trainee, anyways."

"Well, yeah, but there's no use in studying for the pre's."

"I'm gonna anyways," he laughed. "So what do you say?"

"I say we'll see what my uncle says."

"Do you want to, at least?"

"Yeah, sounds fun. I'll ask."

"Cool, then. See you at lunch? This is your class correct?" he asked, nodding to the doorway near my locker that led to my English class.

"Yeah. Nice talking. See you." He waved and left me to head to class in search of Suho.


"Suho," I groaned, rubbing my forehead with my cold hand. I almost shivered as my fingers felt like ice on my skin that was abnormally warm. "I really can't brain right now. Please, what is the answer to number five?"

Suho pointed to one of the notes on the paper full of sheet music. "It's a D. It's literally the first note above C."

"I couldn't tell if it was on the line or not!"

"If it was, it'd be an E."

"I know! My head-" I shut my eyes and rubbed them. I had a headache that was adamant on attacking me. It had occurred right after lunch, and had pressed on through the rest of the day. I couldn't wait to be let out of school and head to Sejin's house where I could relax.

"It's alright," Suho said softly. He looked at me for a moment. The white classroom lights above us shone into his hazel eyes, making me notice the dark brown and green flakes that littered his iris for the first time. "Do you understand the next question?"

I nodded, bringing my attention to the worksheet in front of me. "I think so."

We both went back to work, silent as the rest of the students in the room chattered lightly.

"So," Suho said as our pencils scratched on paper. "Have you thought much about taking Jiho's offer? He really pressed on about it earlier."

"What?" I asked, looking up in hopes he would clarify. "Oh! I think I want to rest when I get home." I remembered how Suho had been there when Jiho had asked me a second time if I could hang out after school. I had given him the same answer as earlier, that Sejin hadn't answered my text asking if I could. Secretly, though, I hoped Sejin would say no. I wasn't feeling like it anymore.

"He sounded really interested in you. I'd be a bit careful around him."


"I've had girls overly interested in me, I know what it looks like."

I laughed slightly, "Why? Does it matter to you if he's interested in me?"

"It doesn't."

"Then I don't see a problem with it."

"There isn't a problem with it, I'm just trying to watch out for you. Your brother didn't seem to like him either, so I'm just keeping an eye on him." He paused for a moment, thinking about what to say. "So. Are you interested in him?"

I paused for a moment and then laughed lightly. "I don't know."

"Do you find him visually appealing?"

I snickered. "That's a funny way to say it."

"I'm serious," he sighed, his eyes widening, "I'm not the best with wording things concerning relationships, so please forgive my 'funny way' of saying it."

"Then how'd you get a girlfriend? Multiple ones from what I've heard."

"That's different, I don't have to directly talk about the relationship, it just happens," he pointed out, going back to writing on his assignment. "Besides, it's not like they lasted long anyways. As it turns out, relationships aren't really for me. Apparently I'm not good at keeping a girl happy, which is ironic because when we were friends I served as a fine entertainer of the group."


As soon as we got to Sejin's house, I shrugged my shoes off and dropped my backpack onto the entry room chair. My uncle trudged in behind me.

My stomach turned, as if it were shifting with the sickening pain in my head.

"My head is bothering me. I don't think I got enough water today," I said, massaging in between my eyebrows.

"That's no good. Go get some water."

"I will," I said. Although, it didn't sound pleasing, considering I'd been trying that the whole day to see if it would ease the pain. "I'm going to go relax in my room. Sorry, I wanted to do something tonight but I don't know if I'll feel up to it."

"It's that bad?" he asked, eyeing me as he got his shoes off. I nodded. "Should I call the boys?"

"It hasn't been this bad since I've been with them. They wouldn't know what to do."

"Aecha, then?"

"It's okay," I assured him. "I just might go rest for a little. See if that helps."

He nodded. "I'll have dinner ready in a little bit."

"That will help. If I'm feeling a little better, I'll come and we can do something."

"No worries."

I turned and headed to my room, a new feeling seeping into me. This was home, a place where I could rest and relax. But I just wasn't used to it yet.

I plopped onto my bed before grabbing my phone. Almost instantly, a new message popped up. It was Taehyung.

Taehyung-ie: How is my princess?

Taehyung-ie: How was school?

I quickly typed out a response. 

I'm okay, school went smooth

Three dots appeared as soon as I sent my message, indicating he was typing already.

Taehyung-ie: Sejin mentioned he'd take you out to dinner tonight. Where are you going?

I hadn't known that was the plan before. I realized he must have changed when I told him how I was feeling.

I'm not feeling up to it today. Maybe we'll go another day.

Taehyung-ie: Why not?

Taehyung-ie: Are you sure everything is okay?

Yeah, I'm sure. I've got a headache, though.

Taehyung-ie: Oh. That's odd. It doesn't happen often, does it?

Nope. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm dehydrated.

Taehyung-ie: Then drink water!

I am.

Taehyung-ie: Aish, this is what happens when you leave us for more than 24 hours.


It's okay, seriously. I'm just going to relax for now. Sejin's making dinner.

Taehyung-ie: Hm

Taehyung-ie: I have an idea. I need to go now I'll text you in a little. Is that okay?


I'll talk to you later, oppa

Thanks for checking in

Taehyung-ie: No problem-o, my princess. See you later ;)

I exited out of the conversation and turned to Youtube for a while. After about an hour, the smell of dinner found its way into my room. I was about to decide to go and see how things were coming along when Sejin's loud doorbell rang and I heard Sejin go to open the door. I exited my room and entered the living room when the sound of rustling and coats being taken off came, as well as an assortment of voices. Before I could think through who it could be, a voice shouted loud and clear, instantly making me want to run to greet them.

Happy two year anniversary of being an ARMY to me! Wow, I can't begin to explain everything BTS has done for me! Though two years is a pretty solid amount of time, I still feel like a baby army 0_0 But I'm not hehe. I'm so glad I'm still a part of the fandom. I can't believe how far I've gone with this story in two years, too! I'm just at home today (like every day since quarantine) trying to celebrate by myself, so that's been interesting. How long have you guys been a fan? What era did you come into? Hehe I came in right before the Fake Love era!

Uhm also in editing this chapter I realized how sucky it sounds. Ahh sorry about that. I'm literally writing chapter 22 right now so this was written a while ago.. Yeah sorrrrrry.

Okay enough rambling, take care!


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