Chapter 22

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The beginning might be a little slow but I promise it gets better. This is a "fun" chapter. Aha ha. *Nervous laughter*

Namjoon never did talk to me again about the situation on Saturday morning. I spent the majority of Sunday in my room reading, drawing, and practicing dance. Hoseok stopped by when he heard the music and asked if I wanted to go to the studio with him. I said yes and he told me he'd take me out for dinner afterwards.

The other members protested, because they thought it was unfair that only Hoseok got to spend time with me that evening since I'd be returning to Sejin's the next day. Namjoon pointed out that I would have spent the rest of the day alone in my room anyways, so it wasn't going to make much of a difference. I tried to tell myself I wasn't thankful for him saying that.

The members didn't argue after that.

Jungkook came with us, and after I'd selected both an outfit for exercise and one for eating out, we left in the company Sedan. Jungkook drove. I actually didn't mind, since he was careful and driving seemed to be one thing he was cautious about.

When we arrived, we all raced to the dance room. I was ready to start but Jungkook reminded me we needed to stretch and warm up.

[Feel free to start the audio above]

Jungkook and I followed Hoseok's lead as we stretched. When we were in the studio, Hoseok really had his ways. He was silently labeled as the dominant one in the room and it was captivating. It was impossible not to follow him. You could feel his passion and how his soul had grown up loving dance, the beautiful art that had carried him through a lot of his life.

After a few minutes of pulling our limbs as far as they could reach in every way possible, we started warming up. Hoseok started some more upbeat r&b music and led us in a series of simple movements.

We were bopping up and down, moving our hands the opposite direction our bodies were. The music seemed to seep through my ears and down my body, into my bloodstream and pumped through my heart. I felt it, I really felt it. And it was moving me itself.

The beat was so sweet, and relaxing. In a way, it made me want to move more.

Hoseok closed his eyes, moving slowly, but with the beat. When I looked at Jungkook, he too seemed to be in his own world. I took a deep breath, and then started moving on my own. Swiveling on my feet, letting my arms flow by themself, all while staying in time with the beat.

I let my feet loose, skipping and hopping smoothly one the floor. My white sneakers were squeaking every other second, and my legs were moving every which way. Hoseok's eyes opened and landed on me, and a small smile formed on his face.

I broke out of the same moves I'd been doing for the last few minutes and started something new. As I watched myself in the mirror in front of us, I was a little embarrassed. I couldn't tell how neat my moves were. But it was okay. We were dancing and feeling the music in our own ways. It gave me such a sense of feeling.

With the studio lights beating down on us and the glassy mirror in front, I could see Hoseok and Jungkook's smiles as the song came to an end. With puffing breaths, our hands went to our hips and Hoseok went to change the music.

"Nice warm up," he said.

"Warm up?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "That was, like, a work out."

"Eh," he tilted his head to the side, grabbing his phone and going through songs to sample them.

He decided on a song, and then started moving again.

"Freestyle," he said, moving in robot-like motions. This was a classic for Hoseok. "I was a street dancer," he said, moving his body in machine-like ways. It was impressive. "Before I was a trainee, dance was my life. And it still is. That's how I got into Bangtan."

I nodded, taking a breath through my mouth. I was trying to mirror Hoseok's moves as much as I could, though I definitely felt I was making a fool of myself.

Jungkok was doing his own thing. This wasn't completely his type of music, but it was close enough. He had his own style and moves that definitely fit him.

"Try something of your own, Sujin," Hoseok instructed. "I bet you've got some good things in there."

"Hoseok," I whined. "I really don't know what to do without you guiding me.

He walked over, stopped the music, and turned to me. "What?"

"Well, I told you I like to dance, I never said I was good or that I knew what I was doing. I used to just be one of those people learning covers of Kpop dances thinking I could do it just as well as they did. I know I'm not that good."

"We've seen you dance, you don't suck."

"Oh man," I said through heavy breaths. "That's the first time one of you didn't go into great detail of 'how good' I was." I laughed. "Even though I know I'm not that good."

"Well no one can be good right off the bat."

"I know that, that's why I want to practice."

Hoseok nodded and turned to put the music back on. He walked in front of me again while Jungkook continued to practice some moves in front of the mirror in his own world.

Hoseok started bopping up and down again, in perfect time with the beats. He put his hands behind his back, and let the rest behind his hips. "Start with your feet." He shuffled them a few times, then let them go in every direction he could think. He'd step halfway down, and then step again just to switch to the other foot and try again. He moved his torso, swaying and letting it go the opposite direction of his feet every time. "Street dancing tip," he said through breaths. "One part of your body always goes in the opposite direction of the other. You bring one foot out, the other stays put or ends in the direction. You even swivel one to one side, the other goes to the opposite. This will be the same with hands, hear me? Start with your feet. Figure out a pattern and do it again and again until it feels natural and I'll instruct you from there."

My heart was racing even more, but not from the exercise. I felt his expert eyes on me, but I moved. I started with a small hop on one foot, and then a slide to one side. Then a hop, switch, hop, slide. I bobbed my head along with it, then torso. I was doing the wave with my upper body, my hands behind my back and my feet moving. Once I could do the sequence again and again without stumbling, Hoseok nodded. I stopped and watched him.

"Do it again, go on," he prodded. I did as told. "Now find some way to mix it up every other time or so."

"Aish." I looked down at my feet. "I'll try." I attempted to turn one leg in and one out every half second before I slid. I did it once but ended up tripping the next time.

"Try again," he encouraged.

I did, and stumbled before missing all the beats.

"Okay, then try something else."

I did the sequence a few more times, but I couldn't figure out something to do. The music had played to a new song, but Hoseok restarted the last one since I'd already been practicing with that beat.

"If you can't find a way to add, change. Exaggerate. When you slide, fall to the floor lower."

"Okay." I tried that, and it worked.

"Now hands. Continue your feet, don't do anything else, and find something to do with your hands and arms. No, wait, hands first. You'll be doing both hands and arms, it's really cool. Stop the feet if you really have to but your hands should reflect your feet in an opposite way."

We continued like that until I was able to freely start a new sequence of moves I'd made entirely myself. I was satisfied, until Hoseok started freestyling again himself. Then I was just a moving blob of limbs and I needed Hobi's guidance to figure out a few more moves.

We danced for another hour, him doing whatever he felt the music pull him to do while I tried to follow and experiment with my own moves. By the end, I felt I had a pretty good idea of how street dancing worked.

Once we decided to finish, we stretched to cool down. I went to go changge, and as I wiped sweat off my forehead, I entered the bathroom down the hall.

I struggled to find the lightswitch that was off, making the rest of the room pitch black where the light from the open door wasn't hitting. When the heavy door shut behind me, I panicked, running my hands along the wall to find a switch. I hit one, but the only thing that came from it was a loud noise and a new whift of air. Nope. That was the fan. I searched more, faster, until my hands hit another piece of plastic. I couldn't tell if it was the same one I'd just hit, but I hit it again to see if it would turn off the fan. It didn't, but I could see now. I lowered my hand to turn off the fan, and then continued to change.

I was just heading out of the bathroom when Jungkook came rushing to the door and bumped into me.


"Listen, listen, here!" he shoved his phone at me, and I noticed he was on a call with Taehyung.

"What is-"

"It's important, listen!"

I took his urgency seriously and closed my mouth, putting the phone on speaker and holding it out in front of us. Jungkook had our side on mute so the others couldn't hear us, and we listened. Hoseok came up, giving the same confused face, but Jungkook just put a finger to his lips and he went silent.

As we listened, I realized it was Namjoon. He was speaking, but calmly. It was a sort of calm I'd never heard him speak in. Or maybe it was the phone. I wasn't sure.

"No, I am sorry, I really am. But I don't want to give in to it. Taehyung, you were right. As soon as I realized the misunderstanding, I couldn't think of how harshly I reacted. It was a low stoop and I am sorry about it."

"Is he apologizing to-to me?" I asked Jungkook, looking up.

"Taehyung hyung said Namjoon hyung doesn't know we're listening. He called me and told me he was putting his phone in his pocket."

I nodded, and put my attention back to the phone.

"Okay," Taehyung said, "you can continue."

"Why?" Namjoon asked, "the others told me I need to apologise to Sujin and I agree."

"Go ahead and practice, here, with me."

"Ah, alright."

"Why would Tae do that?" I asked. "If Namjoon's just gonna apologise later..."

"Did you want him to apologise to you?" Jungkook pointed out.

"Oh. I guess not." I had told myself earlier I didn't feel like having to accept an apology. I'd forgive him, yes, but it was odd having to accept one from Namjoon.

"Also," Hoseok said, "this has happened before with Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin was apologising and I called JK. Later, when Jimin was actually saying it to his face, it just wasn't the same. I guess he wasn't ready to fully say sorry. You can hear the sincerity better this way."

I laughed slightly. "You guys are interesting. This is interesting."

"Yes, now listen," Jungkook hissed.

We all went silent again, and listened to the phone.

"No, I just want to apologize to you Tae, you were right, I was just frustrated about the performances and everything else at the moment. And I know it wasn't her fault, but after Jiho called and asked if he could take her out, it made me even more angry because I feel like she'd been keeping secrets about her hanging out with him a lot because it seems like she is.

"And with the fans arriving at our doorsteps the other day, and then seeing the masked dude again, oh man I just broke on her. It wasn't right."

"The heck," I said, making a sour face at Jungkook. "Jiho asked me out?! And even worse, the masked person came back? What else aren't you telling me?"

Jungkook bit his lip. He knew too.

I turned to Hoseok, who could only give me the same sorry expression.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Jungkook put a finger to his lips. I quieted and listened to Taehyung again.

"Again," Taehyung said, "don't tell me this. Tell Sujin."

"I-I will. I think. I'll try."

"Namjoon, there's no use in telling me if you won't tell her. None of us will benefit from it."

"Aish, I know," I heard him sigh.

"It's okay Namjoon, I know a lot of us, and fans, and probably Sujin always see you as the composed one who always solves the issues and never fights, but it's okay. We're not perfect. She understands. She was just hurt at the moment and she already said she'd forgive you."

"Right thanks, I'll-"

The phone call ended, and we all looked up in surprise.

"Oops," Jungkook said, "I think he accidentally ended it."

"Nooo," I awed.

Hoseok sighed from beside me. "Sorry?"

I remembered what Namjoon had said halfway through the call. "Okay, I thought we'd all been through this before. Why are you still keeping secrets?"

"We just thought maybe there was a better time to tell you, I- we, I don't know," Hoseok said.

I looked at Jungkook for a further explanation and he just shrugged.

"Do you expect me to just shrug it off too?" I asked him.

"Jeez, I don't know."

"Let's wait to discuss it until we get back to the dorm. It sounds like we'll be meeting anyways for you and Namjoon to talk."

I groaned. "This just sounds like a bunch of useless drama. Why don't one of you text him and say I forgive him, no big deal we can move on?"

"I thought you were the one curious about 'our secrets'."

I pursed my lips. "Right. But that doesn't make me any more happy about 'discussing it'."

"I'm sorry. Why don't we go eat and think about it later."

"Sure." I sighed, and we continued down the halls to exit the studio. "Okay, but Jiho asked me out?"

"Er," Hoseok said. "Kind of."

"What do you mean by that?"

"We asked us first, so he didn't technically ask you out."

"Okay, I figured," I said as Jungkook held the door open for me. "But that doesn't explain why you didn't tell me."

"That's the hard part," Hoseok said.

Jungkook continued, "It's cuz Namjoon hyung said no."

"He what?" I stopped right outside of the car door and looked at them for an explanation. "Why?"

"It was Friday night while he was practicing for his announcer position. He was tired, probably busy, and he was in a bad mood," Jungkook explained.

"That's probably why he wasn't in a good mood the next day as well," Hoseok added. "He told Jiho no and just got angry. I don't know. Maybe he was already angry when he answered it."

"That's no fair," I whined as we climbed into the car.

"Hyung, where are we going for dinner?" Jungkook asked Hoseok.

"Where do you want to go, Sujin?"

"I don't know. But that's not fair, I wish Jiho had just asked me first."

"Voice your concern to Namjoon," Hoseok suggested. "He's the one who said no in the first place. He's the one Jiho asked."

"Namjoon shouldn't get to decide." I crossed my arms and Jungkook pulled out of the company building driveway.

Hoseok sighed, "Then I'll talk to him. Or I'll talk to Jiho!"

I looked at him for a moment, slightly feeling bad. "I know you're trying to help, Hoseok. Thank you Hobi."

"Mm," he said before looking down. He really did a lot for us.

After a few minutes of silent driving, I gasped as Jungkook slammed on the brakes and the car shrieked to a stop.


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