Chapter 23

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My hand was slammed against the seat in front of me, and I could only see Jungkook's wide eyes as he leaned over the wheel. All three of our heads watched as a person in head to toe black sprinted in front of the car, having been just barely missed by us. He had a black snapback, black mask with white design I didn't recognize, and boots.

"That was so stupid," Hoseok said, leaning back in his seat. A driver behind us honked, and Jungkook hurried to get the car moving.

"I didn't see them, they just sprinted the whole way. Do you think I would have hit him, hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"It would have been pretty darn close, but I'm not positive. Sujin, you're quiet. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but why do we keep running into..." I stopped. It was just too weird.


"I don't know, just, people all dressed in black, doing stupid things?"

Hoseok sighed, "Hopefully we'll find that out sometime soon, 'cuz I have no clue."

I took a deep breath as we pulled up to a line of restaurants and parked the car. The road where the person ran in front of us was just down a little ways, and as we got out, I tried to look back to see who it was and where they were headed in such a hurry. To my dismay, I couldn't see them anywhere.

Hoseok and Jungkook joined me, and they asked where I wanted to eat. I told them I was fine with anything, so the decision landed on Jungkook who chose Thai, the same restaurant we'd gone to with Aecha a few months back.

We entered the restaurant to be greeted by a waiter and taken to our seats. Sitting down in a booth with Jungkook and I facing the entrance side and Hoseok in the other seat, we ordered quickly.

Hoseok put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands. "Ahh, Jiminie's been doing better."

"Hyung has?" Jungkook asked, looking up from his phone. "With the... eating?"

"Mm hm."

"You guys talked to manager about it a while back, right?"

"After the whole... incident blew over," Hoseok waved a hand in the air. "I mean, surely you've noticed?"

"I have. He eats at dinner now."

"Mm hm. Eating here just reminded me of it."

Jungkook nodded. "A sure lot has happened since we were last here."


We got out food and ate, enjoying the calm background music and sounds of other people chatting and eating. It was really nice to just eat and chill with Hoseok and Jungkook. While we ate, Hoseok shared a little bit about how him and Yoongi were working on making music while Jungkook told us about how school was going for him. I was enjoying the time so much, I almost forgot I had school myself the next day.

A sinking feeling replaced the warm one, when someone entered the restaurant that made my heart drop. It was the person in all back, and I was mostly sure it was the one we'd almost hit while driving here. He still had on the baseball cap and mask, but he raised his head enough for me to see my eyes. They looked straight at me, making my heart pound and beat faster every second. Then, he winked. I knew it was at me.

I tried to gasp, but had a mouthful of food and ended up choking on it. I coughed furiously as Hoseok and Jungkook gave me surprised looks. Jungkook gave me a few pats on the back as I coughed, my throat stinging more and more as I reached for my glass of water. But mixed with the blocked and gaggy feeling in my throat, plus the nausea settling in from the nervousness of seeing the man suddenly, I knew more food was going to come up. Desperately needing to get out of the booth and to the nearest restroom, I had no time to ask Jungkook to move. His eyes widened as I threw myself on top and over his lap, being freed from the booth and sprinting to the bathroom.

I slammed the door open and ran to the first open stall before leaning over and releasing the food I'd just eaten. It stung a lot, my throat already being raw from coughing. My head pounded, and nervousness made my hands shake. I was trembling all over and I didn't know what to do.

Great job, Sujin, I told myself. You just put yourself away from the boys and in the perfect position for the man to come find you.

After a few shaky breaths, I was calming down. I let my eyes close, and then I heard the bathroom door open and a comforting voice was echoing through my ears. A hand was going in soft circles on my back, and when I leaned over again to release another round of my dinner, a hand pulled my hair back. Tears were seeping out of my eyes when I was done.

"Sujin," cooed Jungkook. "Be more careful when you eat for now on, alright? Maybe it was because we danced too. You worked too hard. Are you alright now?"

I nodded and wiped my mouth with a piece of toilet paper. "Kookie," I mumbled.

"Are you sick again? You're trembling."

I shook my head. "I saw him."


A cry escaped my throat. I felt so weak and vulnerable.

"I think you are sick. Hoseok hyung's concerned. Let's finish up here and head home. Can you do that?"

"But he's here."

"Who? Your father? Sujin, I don't think you're okay... Is it really this again? Honey, you know he's in jail, he can't be here now."

I shook my head harder. "No, I saw him."

Jungkook got to his feet. "Let me get hyung. Stay here, okay? Let your stomach calm down, I'll be right back."

Before I could plead with him not to leave, he was up and out the door, leaving me vulnerable to the haunting thought of the man coming to find me. I wanted to race after Jungkook, because I couldn't stand being alone.

"What happened?" Hoseok said as soon as he busted through the bathroom doors.

"I saw someone..."

"Someone?" He came and knelt next to me. My breathing was still hard and I was focusing on slowing it.

"A man..."

"Your father?" Hoseok glanced at Jungkook who'd just come in.

"No, it was the guy Jungkook almost ran over..."

Hoseok looked at Jungkook again. I could tell he wasn't buying my story. "Can you make it to the car? We'll take you home and have a doctor look at you," Hoseok suggested, dismissing my explanation.

"Do you not believe me?"

"I believe you may have seen someone or something, but Jungkook nor I saw the person you were talking about, did we?"

Jungkook shook his head, making me frustrated.

Maybe I was sick. Maybe he wasn't really there.

"Let's get home, then," Hoseok said, putting a hand on my back. "I called a doctor."

I sighed, seeing the two weren't going to listen sincerely. With Hoseok's hand on my back, we trailed out of the restaurant. I hoped I hadn't made much of a scene in public. Especially if this was going to make its way to the news.

Jungkook was walking right next to me, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me.

"You really didn't see him?"

He shook his head. His eyes were wide and glossy, and I realized right then how truly concerned he seemed about me. "Sujin." He bit his lip. His face turned sour, and I realized he was about to start crying.

We were exiting the restaurant when he stopped and wrapped me in a hug. He smelled like vanilla and I could feel the warmth of his arms seep through his royal blue sweater. The stitches in the fabric seemed to make an imprint on my cheek that was being pressed softly to his chest.

"Sujin." I could hear his sobs as he said my name.

"What?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him. It was weird when Jungkook cried.

"I-" He lowered his voice, and said into my ear, "I'll tell you at home. Let's get home."

The ride home was extremely quiet. As soon as we walked in the doors to the dorm, the boys were all rushing towards me. Hoseok or Jungkook had obviously told them what happened.

"Are you okay?"

"Does she look okay?" Namjoon butted in.

Jin sighed, "Calm down. What happened Sujin?"

"She's sick!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I'm okay."

"Clearly not," said Yoongi.

"I didn't mean to cause a scene."

Jimin wrapped me in a big hug. "Hoseok told us everything. Seriously, what happened? You're not sick are you?"


"Yes, she is," Hoseok said, glancing at my face that I suspected was still a bit too pale. "What else happened?"

I let go of Jimin. "I told Jungkook, I saw him!"

"Your father?!" Taehyung asked, and the rest of the boy's eyes widened as well.

"No, I know how ridiculous that sounds. It was the guy, the guy Jungkook almost ran over on the way here."

"Jungkook almost ran over someone? That's a new one," Taehyung said with a small chuckle. I didn't appreciate his attempt to lighten the mood.

"Seriously!" I said. Jimin wrapped an arm around me, as if he worried I'd collapse. "Jungkook and Hoseok who I'm talking about. And I know that's who I saw."

The boys dismissed the idea, believing I wasn't feeling my best and the doctor arrived. After twenty awkward minutes of all the boys talking to both me and the doctor with furrowed eyebrows and nervously shooting eyeballs, he left telling me to get rest and that he'd have to do research on my past to see how that could have affected me. He'd be back.

As soon as the front door shut, Jungkook grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs, ignoring Yoongi's shouts reminding him I needed to "rest".

We entered Jungkook's room and he gave me another hug before walking to his desk. The top of his body collapsed, and his arms caught him so he was leaning heavily against the wood. His eyelids shut painfully.

"Are you okay, Jungkook?" After a moment, when he didn't answer, I became more concerned. My body was still uneasy from the earlier events and I wasn't feeling up to anything but sleep. The nausea was returning and I couldn't stand much longer on my shaking legs. "Wasn't I supposed to rest?"

At the request for my health, Jungkook's head shot up and he rushed over to me. "Then sit."

I looked at his bed, and in the next instant he had me wrapped in his arms and flung onto the bed. "Sorry."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. He flumped heavily onto the bed next to me and stared in front of himself. After another few moments, I wanted the silence to stop.

"You're scaring me, Jungkook."

He looked at me again, his wide doe eyes studying mine. They searched my face for words he obviously couldn't say to me. I could tell they were in there.

"I didn't mean to scare you."

I remembered how many times I'd seen a smile, or a smirk on Jungkook's face. I wouldn't forget the first time I saw him break down in front of me when there was the fan scandal and I scared the heck out of all of them. And how whenever I tried to talk to him in those first few months I'd been living with him, he resented me. But this was a new Jungkook, a different one. He was vulnerable and hurting, and I wanted to stop it. Inside, though, I knew there was something in there that had to do with me.

"Would you tell me, Sujin," he said as his eyes kept focusing on my face. I felt like I was growing smaller every second under the heat of his opinions, though I knew there was some love in there. "What you truly were thinking today, at the restaurant."

"I will. Happily. It's the same exact thing I told you and Hoseok and all the others earlier."

His eyes teared up, and he looked at his lap. When his eyes shut, a few tears rolled down his cheeks. It felt so weird. Jungkook never cried, ever, and I didn't know what to do.

"It was so beautiful, that moment you forgave me when you first came here. I'll never forgive myself for pushing you away from the start. Back then, you were happy. And you were okay, and safe, and we could have all been perfectly fine."

"Things are okay now." I put a hand on his arm. "Once we figure out what's happening with this person we keep seeing."

"That's the thing," he said, lowering his voice. "Things aren't okay. You didn't see that person today. I would have seen him."

I bit my lip. "Jeon Jungkook... You... You don't think I'm okay?"

"None of us do!" he said, raising his voice. I didn't even have to think about his words. They seemed to go straight past my head and into my heart, stabbing at it ever so slightly.

"What do you mean by that?" My vision was blurring. They didn't think I was okay? Healthy? Safe?

"Namjoon hyung has talked to all of us. A lot. They want to take you to counseling." His voice cracked at the word. He put a hand over his eyes, and rubbed as his breathing shattered.

I took a sharp breath. I didn't know what to say.

"They've been considering it since the summer, Sujin. And I saw their faces just now. They're going to do something about it. They don't believe you, Sujin, I'm scared for you. I also don't think you're completely fine, because your father did terrible things and especially after what happened a few months ago... Sujin."

I shut my mouth that I realized had been open.

My voice was quiet when I asked, "You're scared for me, Jungkook?"

He wiped his eyes again and sniffed. "I want you to be healthy again."

"You think I'm not," I realized. I gave myself a sad look, because I knew he wasn't looking at me.

"Do you remember when you thought you saw your father here at the dorm? When you were sitting with Yoongi?"

I slumped back in the bed, and kept quiet. I remembered all too well. It was embarrassing.

"Do you remember when you thought you saw Chinhae and ran towards him on the road?"

"You saved me though," I whispered. "You kept me from getting hit. You-"

He stopped me, his breath coming out heavily through his nose. "No, Sujin. No."

I was hesitant to publish this chapter because... Idk. Some parts I love and others I hate. So. That's great. 

Summer school ended so yay! It's officially summer for me. I hope you are all doing well. 

Also, Sujin just appeared in @im-soo-fancy 's adopted fic, it's my literal favorite BTS adopted fic on here and it's awesome, their whole fic is so amazing so check out Ten Million Fireflies if you can!


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