Chapter 28

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I leaned in for a hug from Jiho as we sat on the benches in the park. He'd just asked me how I felt, if I was okay now since I'd gotten out of the orphanage and I had him and the boys. "I mean, sure, I'm okay." His clothes never failed to smell so good.

Once I pulled out of the hug, he looked satisfied. "So how did you get through it?"

I thought for a second, looking up at the sky that was starting to collect a few dark clouds.

"I'd watch other kids go home with new families and it'd make me so mad. I'd try so hard to impress the people who came. I guess soon enough, I realized it was better not to hope and have expectations. It was harder to get hurt that way, so that's why I didn't give it a second thought when the boys came to adopt. I just wanted them to take Chinahe home. I saw their car," I laughed, "I knew they were rich. Not once did I think they could be the ones for me. Sometimes I'd see people pass by and I'd get that gut feeling, like woah, they could really be the ones. But they never were.

"When I look back on that, I guess it's a good thing. I guess it's an amazing thing, because here I am, at SOPA, meeting you, and living the life I've only ever dreamed of, in the sense that I always thought performing arts were fun."

Jiho's eyes got smaller as he smiled, "I'm with you on that. I mean, I always thought music was cool but it wasn't until, eh, early this year that I started becoming serious about wanting to perform."

"It doesn't matter when you start, as long as you're passionate about it."

"Hm. Why don't I make a note of that," he said, grabbing the leather notebook that he'd brought along yet again. There still hadn't been a time it wasn't with him, tucked under an elbow or in a hand. His habit was cute. "Here." It was placed on the table, and then he looked at it for a second and frowned.

"Why not?" I asked, moving my hand to pull it open.

"No," he said as if on instinct, pushing my hand onto the table. "I-I'm sorry. Let me open it to a new page." He slowly let go, and looked at me uncertainly before opening it carefully, not letting any of the written-in pages open. "Again, if my friends knew I keep these types of records..."

"It's' okay, I understand," I said, giving him a small smile.

He smiled back and took the pen that was tucked inside. "And, I keep a lot of lyrics and stuff in here. I think some will even be used in our debut album." His eyes sparkled, and I realized how much that must've meant to him.

"I didn't know you wrote lyrics, Jiho."

"Y-yeah, I guess that's why I thought it would be hard to explain when you noticed my journal. I mean, if that's even what you'd call it."

He scribbled in the book for a few minutes, before putting it towards me so I could see what he wrote.

I laughed as I read over his quotations of me from the last little while. "Nice, good job Jiho. I bet you'll make awesome lyrics for songs."

"Thanks," he beamed. He grabbed the drink he'd made for me at his cafe and placed it in front of me. "Moment of truth, huh?"

"You bet," I said, raising an eyebrow and taking it in both hands. I took a sip through the metal straw, and my face lit up. It was a creamy, rich drink that tasted of vanilla and sweet crushed cookies.

"It's an Oreo milkshake."

"I couldn't tell!" I said, laughing. "Mm. It's really good."

"I'm so glad you think so."

"You should have a sip," I said, handing it over.

"Why should I?" he asked, putting his hands on his hips. "I can make them myself."

"Just do it," I said, shoving it towards him.

He rolled his eyes, and then took a nice long sip.

"It's so I know you didn't poison it," I said after he was done, and instantly he choked, turning away from me to cough.

"What?" he said through breaths.

I was too busy laughing to respond, so he put the drink down and shook his head at me. "Really, Sujin?"

I composed myself, and looked at him before falling back into a fit of giggles.

"What is it now?"

"Oh, you have something on your face," I said quietly.

"Beauty? I know," he smiled triumphantly.

I facepalmed, realizing that was totally something Jin would say, but still raised my hand to his soft lips. I wiped away a crumb from the drink as he watched me carefully.

"So," the staff said, lowering the camera. "When're you announcing that you're officially dating? We can schedule the release of this around that."

"Oh?" I hummed, realizing we needed to explain to the staff that we weren't doing that quite yet. "The thing is, we're not really da-"

"How about in two weeks?" Jiho suggested.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"That should be fine, right Sujin?"

"I mean-"

"Uh oh."

The staff interrupted me as a loud noise sounded in the distance. The large clouds I'd noticed earlier were starting to settle in as thunder cracked a few miles away.

"It's gonna start raining," Jiho said, grabbing my hand. I took a hold of the drink as a few raindrops fell, and the camera staff got up too. "Let's get back to the shopping center."

I nodded, and followed Jiho as we made our way out of the park. Quickly, another crack of thunder sounded, this time getting closer. The rain was picking up and it was no longer just sprinkling.

"Come on, let's hurry, hurry," the staff said, hugging his dear equipment in fear of it being damaged by the rain.

We started running, which progressed to a sprint as the rain started pouring. It was everywhere, and I could feel it pelting down on my hair. My legs were getting wet and it was seeping through my dress. We crossed the road, and finally hit the sidewalk where there were store lined up to quickly duck under a store's overhang.

We were all dripping and out of breath, but Jiho and I couldn't help but smile at each other. I could feel water seeping down my face and through my hair, probably ruining both of the boys' efforts from earlier.

"Ah mannn," Jiho said through heavy breaths. "That sucks."

"Sure does," I agreed. "Hey, we're safe here." He looked out from under our hiding spot, and rain was pelting down with no mercy. The camera staff raised the camera, capturing the violent rain.

"I wonder how we got caught up in that."

I laughed, running a hand through my hair as my heartbeat slowed, allowing me to get cold. I shivered and hugged myself.

"I don't have anything to give you, but I don't want you to be cold," Jiho said, "so I have this to give."

He pulled me into another warm hug. I smiled, but almost shivered again as I realized the camera had turned to us.

"You know what else I have to give?" Jiho asked, his voice box vibrating over my head.

"Hm?" I asked, eager for more. He pushed me away slightly, and lowered his head towards mine. As soon as it was about an inch away, he closed his eyes. I did so too, carefully tilting my head to one side. I let his lips fall into mine, and gave it a quick peck before pulling away.

"Jiho, the camera," I whispered.

"I have a company too, don't forget. They can't show anything we don't want them to."

I smiled and leaned in again. This time, our lips found each other and slid into the other perfectly. His soft lips tasted of sweet vanilla and chocolate, and his warm breath was comforting. I kept smiling, wider and wider to try and dissolve the butterflies swimming in my stomach.

He wrapped an arm behind me, a hand grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. I was no longer cold, not that it was something I should have noticed.


My head smacked on the table, making me grimace a little at the pain as it made a loud 'thunk'.

"I kissed him. I kissed him. He kissed me! I KiSsED JiHo!"

It was two days before the comeback. Everyone could feel it: the thousands of eyes looking at the boys from their screens, waiting for any sign of the new music and video. It made me anxious as well.

Not only that, but it'd been more than a month since I kissed Jiho, or he kissed me, whichever way it was. But it was just now coming up with the boys, because I couldn't stop thinking about it and I didn't want to keep it to myself any longer. I'd just braced myself for their reaction.

"Wait, so what is it?" Jimin asked. "He kissed you or..."

I rolled my eyes, but laughed nervously.

Jungkook smirked at me. "I called it. I called it to the hyungs, you know."

"You did not!" Jimin whined. "I said Jiho seemed like the type."

"That's just because he's older," Jin said.

"I knew it was a bad idea in the first place," Namjoon sighed. "She's thirteen!"

"It just proves he has interesting intentions, at least," Yoongi mumbled.

"No!" I argued.

Taehyung pouted, and sighed, "I mean, I never said it was a good idea in the first place. Do you all agree with me now?"

"No," Hoseok shook his head. "No one ever loves in the exact same way."

"So I kissed a boy! Does that have to mean I'm in love?"

"I sure hope so," Yoongi said.

"Because otherwise," Jin added, "It's a one sided thing, and back to what Yoongi said earlier-"

"It's just no good," Namjoon said.

"Why did I even tell you?" I sighed. "I thought it'd help me not cringe and hate myself. But here you are-"

"Sorry, Sujinnie," Jimin apologised, though I could tell the others weren't going to agree.

Hoseok, who'd been speculating the whole situation from a stool at the bar eyed me, before waving me over. "I have something to show you. Let's head to my room."

I agreed and followed, glad to leave the conversation that hadn't gone as planned. Though, I knew they'd bring it up later again.

Hoseok's room was always so tidy and clean. He took me to his PC, and pulled up a video. "So," he mumbled as he logged into his computer, "the Music Video teaser came out."

I gasped, "It did? Why aren't any of the boys exclaiming over it?"

He gave me a small laugh, "Because they're embarrassed about it."

My eyebrows furrowed. "That's a new one."

"Sure is to you, I guess." He turned to pull up a video from the BigHit page. The first video that showed was definitely new, and it was the Blood, Sweat, and Tears Trailer.

"That looks like it's the music video," I said with wide eyes.

"It's not, it's just the trailer." He clicked on it, and the BigHit intro started, giving me chills.

I took a seat and watched with a slightly open mouth as a new, almost retro-feeling remix of the song played, along with scenes of each of the members on the dark set with new vibes.

"Jungkook's floating! Or hanging!" I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from screaminging. Hoseok only laughed. "No! Jimin! Why does he have to be blindfolded, he looks like he's in pain! And is that Taehyung under the cloth? That looks kinda cool, but it's creepy. Oh!"

I smacked the pause button on his computer. On the screen were all of the members crowded on or around a couch in a victorian looking house, with Yoongi slowly inching his hand over Jimin's piercing eyes. "HAHA!" I belted. "YOONGI LOOKS SO FUNNY!" I covered my mouth again and laughed, letting the it become contagious to Hoseok.

"Oh no, Sujin," Hoseok lightly hit me on my arm. "Oh no no no, Yoongi would DIE if he knew you said that. Is this what army's think?"

"Ha! I think so," I continued laughing.

"Come on, give us some mercy. It's a music video!"

"I never said I didn't like it," I said, calming down. "Oh man, continue, Jimin's looking... nice."

Hoseok snorted, and then hit the resume button. My eyes widened once again as Yoongi's hand covered his eyes, and then Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hands as if he were struggling, and opened his mouth as if gasping for one last breath of air.

"HOLD UP!" I said. "HOLD UP- JIMIN, WHAT IS THIS JIMIN?" I frantically rewinded and watched it again. "IS YOONGI LIKE, KILLING JIMIN?"

"Geesh, calm down dongsaeng!" Hoseok said with more laughter.

"But Jimin's like, struggling, like nO yOoNgI cAn'T dO tHaT."

"What's all this ruckus about?" someone said from behind us. I turned to see Namjoon looking in at Hoseok and I from the doorway.

"I'll show you what this ruckus is about," I said, grabbing my phone and pulling up the video on it while racing downstairs. "Ya'll, this music video. What is this?"

The boys were gathered either around the TV or kitchen, and looked at me as I came down. I explained what I saw and my thoughts, which made Yoongi and Jin laugh, but once we'd all calmed down about it, I sighed, "It's just really cool. Cool is an understatement. That's... I mean I know you guys were gone for a long time when you were filming for it, but this is just... I love it more than I love Jiho."

He laughed even harder. "Wow! Sujin, I never thought I'd hear you say that."

"Me either," Namjoon said, placing a plate down on the table where I usually sat. "Come eat, Sujin," he said, motioning to where all the other boys were sitting at the dining table.

"Your fans are really freaking out," I said as Jimin and Taehyung joined us. "I mean, I don't even blame them. It's hard not to fangirl myself."

Yoongi and Jin glanced upwards at me.

"I'm sorry, that came out really wrong," I corrected myself. "It's just super super cool, and I'm really impressed. And I can't believe Stigma made it in!" I remembered that day in the park when Taehyung had sung it to me for the first time. He finally had it finished and it was amazing. "Yoongi showed me the tracks that you finished the other day. You're all really going to have a solo? That will mean a lot of extra work on tour, won't it? You'll have to perform by yourself, which sounds super stressful. I could never."

Jin chuckled, "I like my song, it just... Has a really high note."

"So does mine," Taehyung said.

"I promise I'm going to get the best choreography," Jungkook stated. "I mean, Seondeuk already has it started."

"Then I'll make sure my stage costs more money than any of yours," Jin said.

"Honestly, Jungkook," I said, stabbing a piece of chicken from my plate, "Hoseok should get the toughest choreography. He's the best dancer."

"Excuse me?" Jimin asked, his mouth dropping open.

"I'm kidding. But we all know it's his position, and Jimin you're right along with him. Not Jungkook."

"What salt do you have towards me?" Jungkook said. "I'm not an ocean."

"Well if you get a song with the best choreography, I don't know, it's just not fair."

"I am part of the dance line, in case you forgot."

"You all should be, you're talented enough."

"Woah, Sujin has finally come to her senses," Jin said stuffing rice into his mouth. "She's realized I'm not only Worldwide Handsome, I'm Worldwide Talented."

Heyyyyy guys! I hope you enjoyed this certainly interesting chapter. We're getting into comeback time and the Wings Era and I'm so so pumped!! The Wings Era, album, tour, and videos are literally my ultimate favorite from BTS. There's something about it that just sticks with me and makes me feel so good, even if it's a little dark. I hope you're enjoying!!

Have a good week! I get my first flight lesson this week, I'm so pumped! I hope everyone's week goes as well as I'm hoping mine will!

See you next week!


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