Chapter 34

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"I understand," Jin agreed. "And it's okay if you feel that way. We were just so excited, and proud. But you didn't tell us about being casted?"

"Well I was going to throw that away, because I don't care about it. I guess I could have told you just because... I just thought it didn't matter."

"We just want to support you, where possible. If you didn't need us to know or talk about it, that's okay," Taehyung assured me.

"But-" Before Jin could interject, Taehyung put up a hand to stop him.

"You only have to tell us when it might be needed for your safety or health, though we do like to be proud of you."

I smiled, "Okay, I get it. I'll keep it in mind." I tapped the side of my head.

Jin sighed, but still gave me a warm smile. "I'll go get dessert."

While Jin scooped ice cream into bowls, I figured it'd be a good time to ask about Jiho's offer.

"So Jiho asked if-"

"Aw, no," Jungkook said, taking a seat at the table. "Let me guess. Jiho asked to hang out with you after school again tomorrow. Sad news, we actually have a stage." My brother's face turned into a floppy pout as he took a seat at the table.

"As a matter of fact, Jungkook, he didn't ask that."

"Oh?" He took a sip of his drink. "That's new."

"Yeah. He asked if I could come with him tonight... somewhere."

"Somewhere?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi added, "Meaning you're not telling us, or he didn't even tell you?"

"Uh." I looked down. "Both?"

"Tell us what you do know, Sujin, and we'll think about it," Jin said from the kitchen.

"Think about it? You're going to let her go somewhere we might not even know, after dark, alone with a boy? Are you crazy?" Yoongi asked.

"Or is this boy the crazy one? I trust him less every time," Taehyung said with his arms crossed over his chest, surveying me from the other side of the table.

"I don't know, he told me it was somewhere special. Maybe to see lights or something, he sounded like it needed to be dark to fully enjoy it."

Jimin thought with a small, mischievous smile. "That sounds a tiny bit romantic."

"If, like, kidnapping her sounds romantic. Or-"

"Nope, not going there," Yoongi snapped, interrupting Taehyung. "But it doesn't sound like the best idea."

"Well, we're all going to bed early, tonight, too. Because we have a heavy schedule tomorrow that starts early. There'd be no one awake if you needed something," Jimin said.

"Nevermind then," I said, getting up from the table. "I get it, you don't seem excited at all about it and I guess it's not worth all this arguing over."

With a final glance, I left the kitchen and headed back to my room to hibernate again, making sure to lock my door so I wouldn't have to discuss it anymore.

Later that night as I laid in bed, I could only stare at my phone screen. I'd sent a text to Jiho, telling him the boys weren't going to comply. He hadn't responded, and it'd been a few hours since I'd sent the text.

As I laid on my side, I watched out the window. The city was quiet, and a cool breeze drifted into my room, slowly blowing my curtains back and forth. I'd gotten in bed without putting on my pj's, but I was willing to just go to sleep and forget about accidentally ditching Jiho, when I saw someone walking up to the house.

"Jiho," I whispered, jumping up from my bed and racing to open my door. The hall was pitch black, and everyone's doors were closed. They were all asleep.

I went back to my room to grab my phone and a few other essentials into a mini purse, and then tip-toed downstairs. With one last glance at the silent row of bedroom doors, I went to the front door, where I could tell Jiho was waiting.

Slowly and carefully, I unlocked the door and opened it, putting a finger up on my lips to make sure Jiho was quiet. He watched me as I closed the door behind me and smiled, before grabbing his hand and leading him down the street.

"You didn't get my text?" was the first thing I asked him.

"Er, no. I guess what happened to Minie's phone happened to mine as well. Maybe it's the service my dad's paying for."

I nodded. "That's okay. I'm here now."

"But what did you try to tell me?"

My eyes caught his for a second before I spoke, "Well the boys didn't really want me to come."

Jiho stopped in the middle of his step, his feet scraping the cement below them as his eyes widened at me. "You're not supposed to be here?"

With a shrug, I told him the boys were asleep.

"Kim Sujin, of all people, I did not think you'd be one to sneak out like that."

"Well," I folded my hands together behind my back, "I'll think of it this way: I was going to ask the boys for permission again, but they were asleep, so I decided... uhm..."

"There's no good way to justify it, is there?"

I rolled my eyes at his argument. "It's fine, but maybe you could help me out, and get us there and back before anyone could suspect anything?" With a gulp, I realized something. "Hm. Well I forgot to close my bedroom door, so let's hope no one checks that."

"They could think you're missing! Or kidnapped!" Jiho screeched, looking as if he were about to turn back.

"Honestly, I feel like Jimin would be quick to realize I was with you, and would be happy to back me up. Again, let's just hurry there and back, and it'll be completely fine. I convince Hoseok I'm about to be kidnapped almost 24/7, and I think he's ready for a heart attack."

"Jeez, normally you're the one aching with anxiety. What's up with you now?"

I just really wanted to spend time with you, that's all." With a glance up at his gorgeous features, I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me, until he could wrap one arm around me and let me hold the other.

"Fine, that's enough for me." He planted a kiss on the top of my head. "That, and what I'm about to show you. It's up this hill," he pointed to a trail that was nearing the end of my street. His house was supposedly close to here, as I knew he walked to the school and cafe constantly from his house. No wonder he had something to show me in the area. "Are you ready?"


"Are you sick, dongsaeng?"

"That's about the fourth time you've fallen asleep today," Jimin commented.

Taehyung planted himself next to me on the artist room's leather sofa. It crinkled as it took in his weight. "Was it school, Sujin?"

"No." I rubbed my right eye, and then yawned. "I guess I didn't sleep well last night."

"Did you ever fall asleep after that bad dream you had?" Namjoon asked from across the room as a stylist worked on his eye makeup.

I bit my lip. I'd asked him not to mention it, because I was worried using a bad dream as my excuse for how he found me in the kitchen with a jacket at one in the morning wasn't going to cut it for any more of the members. Namjoon was smart, but he'd seemed to fall for it when I'd explained it last night after I got back from my time with Jiho. Even if it wasn't an excuse, it wasn't something I really wanted the member to think was happening to me. My mental health wasn't something I liked to discuss much anymore.

"I'm not sure, maybe I dozed a bit."

"Ahh," Jimin sighed as he sat on the other side of the couch to Tae. "Maybe that's why. Is there something wrong, or anything we can do to he-"

"Five minutes!" one of their managers shouted, signaling it was almost time for their performance.

"Talk to me about it tonight. Okay?" Jimin asked, standing to give me a hug before taking his leave

With a nod, I knew they were now going to be concerned over something that wasn't even happening. It made me sigh, which triggered questions from Jin and Yoongi over if I was okay.

"Yes, I already said I was fine. Maybe I'll go outside for a bit."

"Ah- oh bring Minie with you then."

I rolled my eyes, but didn't complain. Minie was good company, and she could possibly help me find Jiho.

We were in a comfortable silence as we exited the busy halls of the showcase building, when I asked how Jiho was doing. She laughed, as if she weren't surprised I asked, but she told me she was doing well and he was getting closer to his bandmates.

He'd told me earlier that he was here, rehearsing on unused stages for his debut that would happen in the building. Minie told me they'd probably be too busy for us to find, so I opted for finding a cozy spot outside to sit and take a breather. We found a curbside that looked out to a small forest, and settled on taking our break there since we weren't going to try to find Jiho.

We were both bathing in serenity and silence when a door opened down the building, and three boys emerged. My eyes widened as I realized very quickly they were idols. Their hair had been trimmed, styled, and brushed to perfection, with pretty colors mixed around their eyes and their lips were shiny and tinted perfectly- not to mention the stage-worthy outfits they were sporting. They laughed and chatted as they walked our way, which made me feel awkward until I heard a voice I couldn't have mistaken from anywhere else. When my eyes scanned the last person, I couldn't help but gasp at the transformed vision of my friend.

Awkwardness was what I feared would come if I said hi, so I looked away only to hear his voice shout my way. "Oh, Sujin! And Minie."

The footsteps picked up until I craned my head up to see a smiling, prettied Daehyun looking at me.

"I'm almost assuming you could both be looking for Jiho, huh? He's inside, just decided to take a break indoors." He pointed to the door they'd come from.


"Thanks," Minie said. "How are you guys doing?"

I had to close my eyes for a moment. Daehyun was dressed up, and looked as if he'd gone through idol training overnight, because I couldn't recall him talking about being in a group. Not only that, but he was talking so casually about Jiho. It sounded like they'd been working together for a while... If Jiho was working as an idol, and Daehyun was here too...

"Great, rehearsal went almost as planned. I never knew there was so much to pay attention to on the stage. I thought we just had to sing and dance."

After I gave him a few blinks, but no words, he cocked his heads towards me in question. "Are you okay?"


"Oh. Sujin." One more person came from behind Dae, and it felt good to see Suho was still the same. He hadn't changed.

"You're not.." I started to ask.

"No," he shook his head. "I just thought I'd come hang around Dae and Jiho for a while. Their group is pretty chill."

"Ah." I nodded. "We were kind of taking a break too," I said, motioning to Minie. "Bangtan is performing right now, it's the new lead single, "Am I Wrong" and "21st Century Girl". In case you were curious. Anyways, we don't mind if you relax for a moment with us."

"Great." Daehyun plopped down beside me on the curb. I joined him, and rolled gravel under my feet as we all went silent. I wanted to ask him more questions about why Dae was here and how he'd been in a group without me noticing, but Daehyun turned to Suho and held up his phone.

"Help me take a few pics? The stylists just did their job on me and I can post them after my debut."

"Dae, I'm not your photographer. I only came with you to hang out, talk to the stylists, and go to the library, not do an impromptu photo shoot," he held up a hand, "and don't even tell me it's just going to be a few. I know you, it won't."

I huffed with an exaggerated pout, poking his cheek. "Come on, Suho. Just one, only one, picture."

"It starts with one picture," he whined. "Then, before you know what hit you, you've been roped in. Once that happens get ready for a photoshoot. It's too late for you then," Suho groaned and turned away from Daehyun who was teasingly holding up his phone.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing, pulling my own phone out of my backpack to threaten him with. He was being really stubborn about not being in any pictures, but I was determined to get him included.

"But bro, it's just one picture. Just like Sujin said," Daehyun threw his arms out, careful to keep a tight grip on his phone. "Look at the nature around you. It's perfect for pictures!"

"Daehyun, I can see a dumpster behind you. And the street." Suho deadpanned.

"Okay." I giggled, "Maybe it's not nature, traditionally at least. Either way, I can still figure out how to get a good picture and make it look like we're in a forest."

"Excuse me," Suho turned to me with a teasing smirk. "Who's the one who takes photography classes? Because as I recall, I'm the one who has to trudge around a camera, not you Sujin."

I punched his shoulder lightly, ignoring the snickers of Daehyun across from us. "Don't discount my skills. I'll have you know, I'm fantastic at taking photos."

"I'm not." Suho sighed and threw a longing look towards the door. "Dae, we don't want to keep Seojin waiting forever." He gestured to the other boy that'd come along, sporting the same idol outfit Daehyun had. "And I told you, I have to run to the library after this. Sujin can keep you company,"

"Don't be so boring," Daehyun whined at him, and turned towards Minie and I with a grin. "Maybe we can find Suho a boyfriend while we're here. He's not completely ugly."

"I don't know," Minie drawled and took Suho's face into her hands, turning it at different angles. Now I was full on giggling at his face. Suho's face expressed that he was so done with the world. "He could use a bit of eyeliner. His skin is fine, needs a bit of blush though, not enough color in your cheeks. You do have good bone structure," Minie trailed off. Daehyun looked like he was trying his best not to laugh at his brother's misery, but was failing spectacularly. Minie looked Suho dead in the eyes and asked in a completely serious tone, "Have you ever considered piercings?"

"Yes. I have." He pulled his face from her hands, "But I'm not here to get a boyfriend. Well, right now at least. I'm here to drop Daehyun, and apparently Sujin if she wants me to, off with their boyfriends so I can go to the library and not get grounded. So Dae, if you would like to go see him with me, I suggest we walk. Sujin, makeup, feel free to follow if you want to." With that Suho was walking to the door with Daehyun trailing behind.

"Sorry about him, Sujin," Daehyun said, turning around and shrugging with a nervous smile. "He's mad about getting grounded."

I have no excuse for missing an update. So I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I'll start editing ahead of time too.  Hope you enjoyed this one :D

Also, about Daehyun... would you guys like us to follow through and show you his future and career as an idol, or are you not extremely interested? Let me know please!

Stay safe, healthy, and happy! My family and I are at our beach condo so this should be a good week!


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