Chapter 35

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(A little bit of hardcore romance in this chap, nothing inappropriate for what I assume is this stories' audience, but if you want to skip it, stop reading at the ** and continue again at the ***)

The next day at school, Jiho and I decided to hang out in a spare classroom to do some homework. We'd had fun talking about our plans for the school dance that was coming the very next day, on Saturday. But after our conversation died down about it, I had to bite my tongue every few minutes to keep myself from asking about Daehyun, or Suho, or even Seojin: the boys I now knew as Jiho's bandmates.

It felt as if he'd kept a sacred, special secret from me. One that was special to my heart too, because Daehyun and Suho were a special part of me. How none of them had ever mentioned being bandmates, I couldn't fathom.

"Okay, so if x plus y is 247..." Jiho trailed off.

"Shouldn't this be reviewed for you?" I asked.

He looked at me, and shrugged. "Maybe. Summer must've done things to my brain."

I laughed at him. "It's October, and school started in August. Summer's your excuse?"

"What? Are you blaming me for being dumb?"

"No, I'm only blaming you for not telling me who your bandmates are."Right after I'd said that sentence, my hand creeped up to smack over my mouth. There went the question.

"Oh." He closed his eyes, tight, and slumped down in his seat. "Right. So Daehyun talked to me about-"

"It's the company, right?"


"You couldn't tell me details because of your company's rules, so that's why you didn't mention you were in a band together."

"That, and I didn't dig Dae and Suho."

"You didn't? Or... don't?"

He shook his head thoughtfully. "Well, Dae has a boyfriend, he's in the band too. It creates contention, bias, and I'm left out a lot. I hate it."


"Suho and Dae live together, they're practically brothers. They had a bond before we joined the band, so I was already behind in that aspect. Seojin clicked with them quickly and I didn't. There's a lot of reasons why I didn't like them."

I glanced over to him as his brows furrowed. "Suho especially. He doesn't like me much either, but I don't think he likes anyone. He's cold and aloof, and follows us around a lot because he's a trainee. Dae and Seojin don't mind much, but he was always there. At school, at work, it's like the guy never leaves. I still don't like him. He's an insolent prick, I don't know how they put up with him."

I placed my teeth over my lips. It was such a foreign idea to me, how they couldn't get along. Especially since I was still so new to the fact they were all bandmates. There was no fair way to side with one person or another, plus I didn't want to make Jiho unhappy. So I nodded slowly, hoping he'd take the answer and forget about it. Once I placed my attention back to the homework in front of me, he seemed to as well, which made me feel better. I'd have to talk to Suho about it.

Several minutes later, my pencil scratched as numbers flew from somewhere. Not my mind. My mind was still running through thoughts of him, and how he could think that way about Suho. He seemed to be thinking the same thing, so after a few minutes of both of us starting out the window that was across a sea of abandoned desks and chairs, he turned to me. With a half smile, his hand came and caressed my cheek.

"Sujin, you never know when... when one day could be your last."

I furrowed my brows. It was such an odd thing to say, especially at the moment. "But why dwell on that? That's only why you should... enjoy every day as much as possible." My hand raised and lightly grabbed his arm. He continued to look at me, and I couldn't figure out what he was doing. But as he slowly leaned towards me, I realized.

"Jiho, we need to study."

"But you never know when it could be my last... day with you."


I placed a hand on his chest. His blonde strands of hair fell over his blue eyes that wouldn't stop looking into mine. It flustered me.

He leaned in, so I didn't stop him. His hand found it's way  to my back so he could hold me, as his lips came to mine. It was so sweet.

All the most desirable words in the dictionary couldn't explain it- the feeling that I got. The feeling that burst out and filled my heart as I found my way closer to him was so tempting, growing more with every contact of our lips. I continued my way closer, giving him strength and getting an overflow of energy in return.

I could feel the dopamine flood me. It was addicting, pushing me even closer, closer, giving him another peck after another until they became longer.

We kept going, joining our lips and then pulling back for a breath, just to do it again, until the warmth faded, the rush. 


And there was a boiling Jungkook in the classroom's doorway.

His fist clenched the door frame with white knuckles as he spoke through heavily clenched teeth. I didn't even want the most heavily built man in the school to ever have to face the anger on his face. I wondered if he was going to actually kill me. I scrambled off of Jiho and waited with wide eyes for my brother to say something.

"I. Thought. You. Were. Studying."

I gulped. With a sick feeling starting in my stomach, I had no words to come out of my mouth.

"We were-"

"If you're going to play around, do. It. At. Home." With a huge puff, and a glare at Jiho, Jungkook turned on his heels, down the hall. I assumed he expected me to follow.

"Shoot, Jiho I-I'm sorry. We should go to my place?"

He looked taken aback. "No, I'm sorry. Not tonight. I..." he looked down. I wondered if he was embarrassed, so I pulled in for one more peck.

"You can come to the dorm with me? Jungkook kind of left that as an open invitation-"



"I wouldn't feel welcome there." He stood in a hurry and started picking up the papers spread around the two wooden desks we'd put together. "It's okay, we came here to study and we... we don't need to do that anymore. I don't want to keep Jungkook here, I know he wants to go home and was just waiting for you."

He finished throwing everything neatly into his bag, swung it over his shoulder, wrapped one arm around me in a rushed hug, and then turned to leave. As he made his exit at the doorway, he said without turning around, "I love you."

I was left with my mess of homework, standing from my seat and my mouth open, not sure what to do, except gasp as when he turned the corner, a still steaming Jungkook passed him, making their shoulders run into each other. The two stopped, surveyed the other's eyes for a second, and then continued on.

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he came to sit on a desk and asked me to please pack up so we could go home. I wasn't interested in making my brother any more mad at me, so I rushed to throw my utensils into my pencil pouch, gather my papers into my binder, and slam everything into my backpack so I could head out.

We avoided each other's gaze as we walked down the empty school halls, which was probably a good thing, because I could feel the burning heat in my cheeks. Frustration was setting in about Jiho, which didn't help because I just wanted Jungkook to be on my side, since Jiho's exaggerated exit made me feel unwelcome from him as well.

As we got in the sedan, and Jungkook got ready to drive out of the parking lot, a lump formed in my throat. I really wanted to talk to my brother, but I didn't know where to start.

"You could have walked home, Jungkook," I finally said in the softest voice possible, as to show I was feeling bad about it. "I didn't mean to keep you."

"Right," he scoffed, "and who would be here to drive the car home?"

"Oh." I rubbed my forehead. "Yeah I forgot. You could have asked me to walk home. I would have been happy to-"

"I know you would have been perfectly happy to just... sit there and let that boy smother you for another few hours, wouldn't you? Neither of you would get any homework done, you'd just shut the darn door and enjoy it, hm? Ignore your brothers, ignore the rules we set to keep you safe. Ignore out warnings. And then something bad happens to you, and guess what? Guess who's to blame. Who your uncle would blame, who the press would blame. Right. You could have just walked home."

"I'm sorry Jungkook," I said with all sincerity. "I'm sorry."

We pulled into the driveway as he gave me one last glance. "Sorry won't cut it when you're actually in trouble."

He left the car, leaving me once again without words and by myself.

I sulked into the house by myself, and answered the monotonous questions the boys always asked me about how school went and how I was doing, before I changed into comfy clothes and headed to Hoseok's room.

I didn't even knock before I entered, and flopped backwards onto his bed. Hobi was sitting at his desk, bobbing his knee up and down as he pressed keys on his midi in front of his computer.

"Dongsaeng-ie," he said without turning around to face me. "What's wrong?"

"Hm?" I asked, wondering how he could have hinted at my sulking without even looking at me.

"You never come in here."

"I don't have to have something wrong to come to my favorite brother's room and chill. At least it's quiet in here."

"Mm hmm." He finally turned around in his seat to face me. "So then I assume you had a good day?"

"Yep. Until Jungkook crashed it."

Hoseok's face contorted, and he thought for a second. "I want to ask how he could have done that, but I don't think I should."

"Good idea." I scooted myself more onto the bed and breathed in the wonderful smell my brother always had emitting from himself that was stained on the beds. "What are you doing?"

"Just working on some music. Do you want to hear?"

With a shake of my head, I pouted. "Not if it means I have to come over there."

"Yoongi hyung was going to come help-"

His sentence was indeed interrupted by Yoongi, who entered the bedroom before closing the door behind. He eyed me, but continued and brought up a stool so he and Hoseok could start working on the music.

"I'll just chill here, if you don't mind."

Both my brothers agreed I could, and before I knew it, I'd fallen asleep on Hobi's bed.


The next thing I felt was hunger. I realized I must've missed dinner, but I was too comfortable to think about that. There were fluffy covers on top of me, but only up to my shoulders. Someone's even and soft breathing echoed from right beside me, and I turned on my side to face a soundly sleeping Hoseok. Since I'd fallen asleep on top of his covers, he'd added another blanket over me and squeezed in where he could under his own covers. Seventy-five percent of the bed was being taken up by me, and instantly guilt plagued me. As I was about to scoot over and wake him up so he could take his half of the bed, something in my pocket vibrated.

I remembered falling asleep with my phone in my pocket, and realized that must've been what had woken me up. Quietly, I slipped the device out of my pocket and turned it on. The lock screen showed me that I had texts from Jiho, so I unlocked the phone and read the line of messages.

Jihooo: Did you want to go somewhere again tonight?

Sorry about earlier, we should do something.

I wanted to talk about the dance, too. We can go to the same place as last night and then you can head back to bed. I want you to be rested for the dance *heart emojis* but I also want to see you once more before it.

I looked at my brother sleeping next to me. If I left, he'd probably notice, but he could also just assume I went back to my own room.

After sliding my phone into the pocket of my sweats, I softly climbed out of my brother's bed and tried to make the covers a little tidy. Then, I crept out of his room and into mine. I grabbed another jacket, a pair of shoes, and then texted back.

Sunny Sujinnie: I can be outside of my house in five minutes. Boys are asleep. Can u make it?

There was an almost instant reply, Jihooo: Yup. I'm almost there. Meet you at the porch.

With a deep breath, I left my room, closing the door as if it hadn't been disturbed.

Once I was down the hall, I tip-toed down the stairs, but had to stop and throw a hand over my mouth so that I wouldn't gasp.

Namjoon was sitting on one of the bar stools with his back to everything except the kitchen. He was staring intently at his computer, with two earbuds fixed in his ears.

I held my breath. I could make it out of the house by sneaking quietly behind him, or I could abandon the mission altogether and tell Jiho I wouldn't make it. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that as long as Namjoon didn't turn around or move, he wouldn't ever have a single glance in my direction, or the hallway to the front door. His eyes were glued to the screen in front of him, and the earbuds would block any small noise I might accidentally make.

I decided to continue. With my back hugging the wall, I snuck around the corner and was on my way down the hallway and to the front door. It was almost certain I was going to make it, until I heard someone coming down the stairs. My eyes widened and I froze. With one larger step, I made my way to the other side of a small potted tree and I fell to the floor, hoping the large ceramic pot would hide me.

The feet continued until they reached where Namjoon was sitting, and I heard Hoseok's voice. Oh no.

"Have you seen Sujin? Did she come down here?"

"Hm?" Namjoon turned around to face his elder.

"Well she was still in my room, and then I felt her leave. so I went to make sure she was getting comfortable in her own bed and she wasn't there. I wondered if she came down here for a glass of water or something, like last night. But I don't see her."

"Oh," Joon frowned, "you know, I've been a little suspicious lately. Ever since last night..."

"I know, but where do you think she went?"

"We can check the other boy's rooms."

I didn't know what the boys would do if they found me completely missing. I could either continue out the door, or come back so they wouldn't question where I was anymore. Once they were settled, I could go back out.

But when Hoseok and Namjoon got up to head upstairs and check the other rooms for me, I decided to take the chance to go. The second their feet were heading up the stairs, I was up and opening the front door.

But despite my efforts, the door screeched as I opened it the first few inches. With a wince, I tried again, but slower. It continued to scream in dismay, and before I could slip myself through, the two were back down the stairs and sliding on the floor as they turned the corner.

[That's when the sharknado descended upon Korea.]

Fun ending-that's-not-an-ending courtesy of Kai. 

I wrote the kinda floofy stuff when I was still upset over a heartbreak. But, I mean, I feel it's was more appropriate to publish now, because guess what. Author-nim's love story continues, so she shall continue to include the discoverings of it in her story. If any of ya'll get into a relationship, or have a broken heart, I'm here for ya. I've been through it all, and while I'm currently enjoying the benefits of one, I've been at the lowest before. 

Hope you guys stay safe, happy, and healthy!


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