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The screams turned a switch on in me, the same response as when the guy had thrown a dagger at Geneth and I. I found myself quickly taking the dagger I knew Verity had on her and running forward, flying fast down the road. Everything was a blur, yet everything was so clear, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"No!" Lucien was yelling at me in panic, behind me. "Misty!"

I wish I had stayed back. Gone the opposite direction. Never looked behind me. That I could be oblivious to everything, never had known.

There, off to the side of the road, was Katrine, unconscious or maybe even worse. But it was the other body that my eyes focused on. On the ground, impaled through the chest with a sword, was Flyn. His eyes were open and I hoped he would blink, but they were already glassy. There was blood on the corner of his mouth, which was open in shock and pain and soaked on his hands, which were cut up and placed near the sword, as if he had struggled to remove it. Everywhere, there was blood.

I furiously choked back my nausea and tears and struggled to breathe. I was dizzy, stumbling on my feet. How could someone do this? Who did this? I straightened up, my nausea turning into burning anger. Flyn was shy and sweet and still so young. He didn't deserve this!

I turned quickly and saw someone running away. I could still catch them, they weren't too far ahead. I heard Verity gasp and quiet a scream, but I heard two pairs of feet running after me and knew the two boys were following. But I was going to take care of this before they reached me. I was almost on top of the murderer, just a little more... There!

I tackled the person to the ground, and they squirmed and struggled, trying to shake me off. Before I could bring the dagger down, they twisted and hit me hard in the face, knocking me back. I struggled with who I now saw was a woman, not much older than me, trying to get her away from me. But she quickly was on top of me, pinning me down, a knife sparkling in her hand.

"There you are..." She had been staring down at me with pure determination, but was now looking at me with a hint of sadness. Her face showed clear recognition of my own, but she didn't lower her dagger. "There are orders to kill you on sight. I apologize."

She placed the knife against my throat. Before I could react, there was a sudden spray of blood on my face. But it wasn't my own. Blood dripped steadily onto me as the girl above me released her knife and grasped at her throat where a dagger now protruded. She let out a horrible gurgling and fell to the side, and lay in a pool of her own blood. I was in too much shock to move, paralyzed.

"Damn Qlephian's!" I heard Tristian spit vehemently. He listed off more obscenities in an angry tirade. He must have been the one who had thrown the dagger.

"Misty! You okay?" Lucian bent over in a panic to check on me. But I didn't hear him. My vision was blurry, was it because of the blood? And Lucian's voice was distorted, like I was underwater. My heart had to be pounding a mile a minute, but yet I felt like it had stopped completely. Everything was spinning fast, too fast. And then everything stopped, and I blacked out.


I wrapped myself tighter in the covers. Despite it being a fairly warm night, I was freezing. I couldn't seem to find any warmth no matter what I did. Not since what happened... I shivered again. I squeezed my eyes shut, but all that did was bring back the bloody images that were imprinted on my eyelids. It made trying to sleep a nightmare.

Why did Flyn have to die? Why?

I heard a knock at the door, I told people I wanted to be alone, but I still got people at my door. They usually knocked and left when there was no response, but this time the door opened, and Erik quietly stepped into the room. It was always Erik. You couldn't push the boy away, it was impossible.

"May I come in?" I nodded, and he slowly entered the room, shutting the door behind him. He made his way over to me and sat down on the bed. He was wearing ordinary clothes, his shirt revealing the muscles and part of his chest underneath. Don't get distracted. "You haven't come out of your room since it happened, Misty... It's been two days. Lucian told me everything. How brave you were to go after the killer and... what happened when Tristian threw the dagger... I am worried about you. None of that had to have been easy. "

"Don't be, I'm alright. I'm the last person you should be worried about right now. Your friends need you right now."

"Are we not friends?" Erik said with a smile, but behind it, I could see he was exhausted and sad.

"That's not... What I meant was--"

"I know, you don't have to explain yourself to me."

"Look, I'm sorry...  I really think these bad things keep happening because of me." I covered my eyes with my palms. "I just wish I could remember who I am and where I'm from so I can stop being such a burden to all of you."

"You're not a burden, and I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say that. Sure, you worry us sometimes, but that's because we care about you." Erik slid his hand over mine, unsure. "And it might seem weird of me to say this as I've only just met you, but I enjoy your company... immensely. And I have been scared for the day to come where you remember who you are."

"What?" I was confused, even a bit hurt. "What do you mean, you don't want me to know who am I?"

"If you remember where you're from... you'll leave." Erik said nervously, but despite that, he was directly looking into my eyes. He gripped my hand tighter. "I want you to stay."

I could feel my pulse quicken, the heat grow in my cheeks. I turned away, retracting my hand into my lap. This wonderful, beautiful boy was showing his affections and I was pulling away. Was I foolish or scared or both?

"I think... it would be better if I go." I whispered, and I tried to ignore how much the words hurt him. "I'm tired. I would like to rest now, please..."

Erik raked a hand through his hair and then stood up, and walked in the direction of the door, pausing at the entrance to turn back and look at me. I wish there had been another way, but this was for the greater good.

"There is more to you right now than you think. You are so much already, and mean a lot to so many and you don't even have your memories yet." Without waiting for a response, he exited, and I heard his footsteps retreat down the hall. I sighed.

You barely know me, Erik... I don't think I am who you think I am. Because how did that woman know me? What did that mean... when she was a Qlephian?

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