15. Trust

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Avi | Vrishti

Avi was in his room, confusion occupying all of his attention. Alpaca was jumping from windowsill to land into its fluffy bed placed beside it but Avi took no notice of it. Nikhil's words had left him paranoid. What if all that he said was true? He took out his phone and hovered his fingers over the chat. He took a moment to ponder and then sent the message without giving it another thought.

Can we meet?

Why? No.

Why not? We have known eachother for so long.
We are from same city
You know me irl.
Why can't we meet?

I have my issues Avi

Vrishti had her heart palpitating. She was not able to comprehend what happening all of a sudden. The Avi she had been talking to was an understanding person who would never try to force her to do something she was not ready for.

What issues?

I cannot tell about them right now please try to understand

Or are you some troll playing with my feelings?

Avi couldn't hold it anymore. Might as well take risk and if this was meant to break his heart, he would do it on his own. He would not give the person that authority over him. The reasonable part of him was thinking of the worst case scenario but the bigger part who was in love was still trying to hold onto the thread of trust they had built over the past few months.

No why would I do that!

Then why can't we meet?
If you are concerned about safety we can meet in a very public setting. How about that restaurant near college?
That's a very busy place.

You don't understand.

Because you didn't explain.
I cannot read minds.

Frustration was growing in him. His fears were apparently coming true, right in front of his face and he was hating every bit of it. But he had not lost all of his hopes.

Because I cannot explain.
What has gotten to you Avi? We were okay till yesterday.

Okay. If you cannot meet, I'm not going to talk to you. Goodbye!

Vrishti looked at the message twice. She couldn't believe he was the same person she had been talking to for so long.

Avi please.
Listen to me.

The messages were not delivered. He wasn't online. She kept the phone aside and buried her face in the pillow and wept. Life was so unfair. Why would it take so much from her all the time and give nothing in return? She kept sobbing till sleep took over. She was exhausted anyway.


Avi was sitting in his father's cabin staring at nothing in particular. He was waiting for his father to be done with the meeting. He wanted his Dad at the moment. Nothing and no one else was going to understand him better.

"Avi? You here?" His father glanced at his wrist watch to check the time because it was unusual of him to drop by at that time of the day. He would usually come after lunch but today was an exception.

"I wanted to talk." Avi looked at his father. The frustration and the unsaid was clearly visible in his eyes. His father understood that in an instant. He was needed as a father at that time. He gestured his secretary to not disturb him for a while and went to sit beside his son.

As soon as he was beside him, Avi rested his head on his father's shoulder and blinked away the tear that had welled up.

"What happened son?" His father asked as he patted his head. Avi narrated to him everything, baring his soul to his father. He knew it was safe with him. His father ruffled his hair and chuckled. Avi looked at him in shock.

"Why are you laughing? Because I was cheated on? Okay go on. Laugh." He whined.

"No. I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing because I'm happy my son is in love, young love I must say." He patted his cheeks, making him sort of embarrassed, neck turned light shade of pink.

"Avi, I understand the way you have met her is not ideal to fall in love but I don't think she's trying to play with you. I clearly remember you sending her an embarrassing video. Did that make it to any of your college gossip groups? No. You have told her your deepest thoughts but did anyone ever get to know of them? No. If anyone was joking with you, they would have made fun of all of it already. I don't know of her inhibitions but she's a girl. You will have to understand she may have her reasons to not come in front of you. And it's not like she said she would never. When she's comfortable enough, I'm sure she's going to propose the idea to meet you on her own. You should not ruin something so precious over absolutely nothing." His father looked at him and tried to reason out with him and show some sense.

Avi had his thoughts cleared. He knew he could trust his Dad to help him out. He gave him a quick hug and whispered a thank you and left. He had a kitten to take for the vaccination and a person to apologize to.


A/N: Well, this story is nearing its end (one more chapter left). Stay tuned. And don't forget to comment. Thank you. ❤️

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