13| Cole Has A Girlfriend!

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"Good blow Luh-Lloyd!" Garmadon tossed some popcorn in his mouth as he watched the fight again. Zane had cut the footage down to the fight so that Garmadon could watch it happily.

All the ninja and the old man called Master Wu had joined the Garmadon's for dinner...along with Reagan. Koko had taken pity on her and allowed Reagan to invite Lexi as well.

  The girls sat uncomfortably as the bar as Lloyd sighed at his father's cheers.

  "So, Garmadad?" Cole leaned on Zane and glanced at him. "How's that job searching coming along?"

  Garmadon stiffened but kept his face straight in a expression of indifference. "Fine." He answered. "It's just hard to find stuff in my area of expertise."

  Lloyd pursed his lips and turned away, moving to take a pile of plates from Koko and placing them neatly in the dishwasher.

  "So Cole," Koko turned to the earth ninja. "How's your girlfriend?"

Lexi snorted. "Aw! You have a girlfriend!" She clasped her hands together. Cole's face went red as the ninja's hooted and nudged him.

  "Oh it is so cute!" Nya revealed, Cole gave a squeak of protest. "He goes to pick her up every day and gives her gifts! He's such a softy!"

  Kai let out a howl of laughter as Lexi gave another aw.

  "What's her name?" Lexi asked. Reagan couldn't hold back a smirk as Cole sat down and stirred his noodles.

  "Siena." He same finally, a small embarrassed smile on his face.

  "You should've seen him when he first met her." Lloyd finally piped up, sitting down in the stool beside Reagan, she shifted over to give him more space. "You know how they say 'love at first sight?'. This was totally it!"

  "I have a recorder picture, do you wish to see it?" Zane asked.

  "Ooh! Show them the one of them kissing!" Jay called.

  "HEY!" Cole sputtered, lunging as Zane began to load it up. "Stop!"

  Reagan laughed as the projection started, various photos of Cole holding hands with a blonde young women. They smiled at each other in another, sharing ice cream, as well as various kissing images, the last showing Cole lunging at the camera when he realizes they were being featured in a photoshoot with Siena laughing in the background.

  "Didn't she sing in that Musically Me concert?" Reagan recalled the show.

  "Yeah!" Cole's face lit up. "She's an amazing singer."

  "Oh my gosh this is so sweet! I can't even..." Lexi swooned. Reagan laughed and nudged her.

  "Alright enough teasing Cole." Koko cut in with a smile on her face.

  "Koko is right, it is time for us all to go home and have a nice rest." Wu nodded seriously. "Because tomorrow you have double training! No slacking!" He gave them all a dangerous look before leaping out the window.

  Lexi and Reagan gaped and ran to the window, leaning over to make sure he made it.

  "Ugh, what a show off, can't he use the door like a normal person?" Garmadon whined.

  "Off to bed Garm." Koko nudged him. She turned to the others. "Do you need me to ask your parents to pick you up or for me to drive you?"

  "Oh no need Ms. Garmadon!" Nya assured her. "We'll just use our super advance mech's!"

  They leaped out the window into their vehicles. Lexi awkwardly waved her phone. "I'll just call my stepdad."


  "Lloyd is such a phoney!" Brock said at lunch when Reagan joined him along with Tania and Josh for a double date.

  Reagan sighed. "Why don't we talk about something more cheerful?" She suggested. Tania gave her a curious look but spoke up.

  "I have a volley ball game next week." She announced.

  "When?" Josh asked.

  "Friday at five forty." Tania answered. "Can you make it?"

  Josh took out his phone. "I'll have to check my schedule but I'll try to."

  Reagan smiled at them, happy her best friends were enjoying their relationship. She returned in the booth and suddenly spotted a familiar face. Cole had strolled into the diner with the girl, Siena, by his side.

  Siena was blonde with sparkling blue eyes. She chatted nicely with the waitress as they sat down, adjusting the strap of her turquoise blouse.
  "Is that Cole Brookstone?" Tania piped up, following Reagan's gaze.

  Reagan nodded. "Who's with him?" Asked Josh who, like Reagan, never kept up with other people's gossip and dating lives.

  "Cole's girlfriend." Reagan answered automatically.

  Brock gave her a quizzical look. "How do you know that?"

  "Uh...my lab partner." Reagan said quickly.

  "You dint have to be a genius to figure it out." Tania laughed as the two teased each other and Siena gave him a peck on the cheek.

  "Huh." Brock grunted and nibbled on a piece of his grilled cheese.

  "They look very sweet." Tania said softly.

  "That's what Lexi said." Reagan smiled.

  "Who's Lexi?" Josh asked.

  Reagan hesitated but felt confident when she answered. "A friend of mine, my lab partner."

  Brock studied her but continued eating his sandwich, but he had a careful eye on her for the rest if their meal.


That was a small cameo from my now finished Cole X Oc story Musically Me!

What do you think of the new cover? I didn't really like the old one, the background was blurry and it was just...ugh. So I created a new cover on Canva!

Tell me if you liked it better then the old one!

Oh! I also posted the first chapters of my new book When Water Turns to Ice, a Zane X Oc story!

See you later!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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