16| Caught

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"Almost done." Lloyd told the boy, who was named Gavin, while Reagan stood aside. She texted a little with Lexi and watched as Lloyd was elbow deep in the hood of the car. It wasn't flashy just an older model but to Gavin it almost seemed like it was his child the way he acted towards it.

  Reagan gave a small smile as Lloyd joked and talked sweetly with the younger student and carefully fixed the engine.

"It wasn't anything to big, easy fix." Lloyd told him. "You should be good now."

"Thank you!" Gavin squeaked before he hopped in and drove away.

Reagan couldn't help herself and smiled as Lloyd strode over.

He gave her a funny look. "What?" He asked.

"What what?" Reagan shot back.

"Why are you smiling at me?" Lloyd chuckled as they made their way to the side of the road. They had missed the bus so Lloyd called for his dragon mech.

"Nothing." Reagan shook her head. "It's just nice to see you helping people."

"A little bit of kindness is all it takes." He said seriously, his eyes flicking to her.

She sighed as the dragon mech landed and he climbed on. Reagan following. "My parents are coming home soon."

She said after awhile. He was silent.

"Are you able to find a new apartment?" He asked.

Reagan nodded. "There's a program that helps people who are impacted by the attacks, we have a new one down the street actually. But we'll have to stay at a hotel while we get everything organized."

"Are you excited for your parents to come home? You must miss them."

How was it that he could read people emotions. "I do." Reagan replied. "I think...I might talk to them about staying home more often."

Lloyd smiled, glancing back at her. "You should."

Reagan thought for a moment. "You know my mom and dad own a company that could use someone at the phone who can do multiple things at once."

  Lloyd turned quick putting the dragon on autopilot. "Are you sure?" He breathed. "Because my dad...really needs a job."

  Reagan smiled. "What are friends for?"


  Reagan was doing some homework as Lloyd was busy doing 'ninja stuff'.

  Suddenly the doorbell rang. Reagan stood and closed her algebra textbook before jogging to open it, Koko was at work and Garmadon was having a job interview for a fast food restaurant.

  Reagan swung open the door and froze when she recognized the figure there.

  "Tania?" She breathed.

  Tania stomped in. "I don't believe you!" Tania hissed. "You've been lying about where you've been staying! You're living with Lloyd Garmadon!"

  "It's not like that." Reagan said exasperated. "I had no where to go and he gave me a place to go."

  "But you did lie."

  Reagan sat down on the couch with a thump. "Yes I did." She admitted.

  Tania stormed after her. "What do you think everyone will say? This goes against everything that Brock's always saying!"

  Reagan ignored that. "How'd you even find out?"

  "I saw you waiting after school and followed you and Mr. Green Ninja." She scowled.

  Finally she slumped and sat down beside her. "I'm just,..sad you didn't tell me."

  "I guess....I was worried about what you'd think about me. Rooming with Llloyd Garmadon." Reagan explained with a sigh.

  "Do you want to come to my house?" Tania offered.

  "No." Reagan found herself saying. "Mom and dad is coming home soon and....Lloyd isn't that bad."

  Tania's eyebrows flew into her bands.

  "I know...everything we always thought...they were all just theories and assumptions." Reagan realized. "He's...nice...and funny and considerate."

  Tania narrows her eyes. "I thought you were dating Brock."

  "I am! But I've befriended Lloyd, he's not as terrible as we made him to be." Reagan told her.

  "Huh." Tania blinked. "This is a lot to take in."

  Reagan smiled, she took her friends hand. "I'm glad you know now."

  "Me too." Tania sighed. "Even if I'm in the house of the boy we've been bad mouthing for so long."

  "I think a part of me knew it was wrong." Reagan added. "I just kept going."

"Well..." Tania said after a moment. "Are you excited for the dance? Are you going to kiss Brock?"

  "Tania!" Reagan giggled, shoving her.

  "Just asking!"

  "Hey Reagan, I'm back...don't be alarmed if you see-" Lloyd froze as he pleaded his key in the bowl at the front door when he saw them.

  Reagan gasped and swore. He looked rough, his gi had a little bit of blood on his arm and his face had a huge bruise.

  "What happened?" She exclaimed.

  He pressed his lips together. "Those generals again." He sighed. "I thought they finally gi over it." He glanced at Tania behind her.

  "Hi..." He said awkwardly.

  "Hello." Tania said cheerfully. She had always been an actress.

  "So...she knows?"

Reagan shrugged before taking his chin and grazing her thumb over the bruise. Lloyd winced. "That looks horrible." She commented. Her eyes dragged to the blood. "As does that."

  "It's fine." Lloyd assured her. "I just need to clean up in the bathroom."

  Reagan rolled her eyes. "I'll move my old crutches from the chair in there."

  "I got it," he glanced at the girls. "You two have fun doing....whatever girls do."

  Then he hurried away.

  Tania blinked. "You know he's more good looking then I thought."


A/N just realized I never explained that she no longer had her sprained ankle so I added it briefly here.

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