17| Broken Lies

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  The dance, that's all anyone could talk about throughout the day. As soon as Reagan climbed off the bus Brock had taken her hand and started talking about it. As the began moving along he glanced back and saw Lloyd. He curled his lip in distaste but thankfully carried on with Reagan.

  Reagan smiled and gently teased her hand out from his as she got to her locker and began searching through it.

  "I wish that garmaboy wasn't coming." Brock frowned as Lloyd greeted his friends down the hall. "It would make the dance so much better."

  Reagan frowned. "They're allowed to have fun too." She reminded him.

  "Whatever." He said flippantly, he came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she shut the door.

  "Where's your class?" He asked.

  "You don't remember?" Reagan couldn't help but feel hurt. He had only seen her walking there every day. As well as her complaining about the exact class.

  "No." It's fine. Reagan chided herself. Not everyone chooses to remember that like you do.

  "Down that way." She nodded.

  He shrugged and began walking but when his buddies walked over he dropped his arm and left her to go talk with his friends. They immediately began bad mouthing the ninja. 

  Tania appeared at Reagan's side. She had stayed over the previous night for a movie and had seen how Lloyd really was.

"Doesn't it make you uncomfortable?" She asked Reagan.

  Reagan nodded. "Hey, uh, do you want to meet up with my friend Lexi before the dance?" She quickly changed the subject.

  "Sounds fun!" Tania brightened.

  Reagan left for class and settled in her seat as it started.

  "Hey, Brock." Reagan spoke up.

  "Hm?" He glanced at her.

  "Do you want to meet up at the dance or are there any I there transportation plans....?" Reagan asked.

  "Oh." He chewed slowly on his lunch. "Well I guess you could get Garmadon to drive you."

  Reagan froze. He watcher her expression with a raised eyebrow. The whole cafeteria had paused and looked at her.

  "You know Tania wasn't the only one following you." Brock twiddled with his fork. "So, care to tell your boyfriend why you've been living with Lloyd?"

  Reagan felt her whole body just...stop. Her mind couldn't process what to do or what to say.

  "It's fine that you had to stay over at Garmadon's Reagan." Brock said to her. "Perfectly fine, it's quite unfair that you had to stay with the son of the evil warlord."

  Reagan could feel the eyes on her. "Um..." Was all she could muster.

  "Now you can prove to everyone just how bad Lloyd is! You've been living with him every. Single. Day." Brock emphasized it.

  He leaned forward. "So Reagan? How's life with the off spring of four armed man who levels cities for a living?"

  "It's..." Reagan didn't know what to say.

  His eyes narrowed before he turned to the school. "Look she can't even speak! I think Garmadon out a spell on her!"

  "Remember that fight at the mall? That was Garmadon's fault!" Brock announced.

  Everyone gasped. "Wait...Brock..." Reagan tried.

  "Rumour has it his apartment looks normal on the outside but has lava and venomous spiders!"

  Another gasp.

  "I bet when they come home they shift from their normal human form into their demonic spirit!"

  Reagan's eyes widened as everyone let out a chorus of agreement.

  "Why do you think Lloyd was able to summon Meowthra?" Brock exclaimed. "Demon magic! And his mother! She must be cursed too!"

  "That's enough Brock." Reagan turned to see Lloyd standing. He hadn't said a thing, hidden in the crowd.

  "Ooh, Lloyd's standing up, coming to suck my blood?" Brock mocked him.

  "I'll do much more than that." He hissed, lunging forward.

  Nya grabbed his arm. "No Lloyd, he's not worth it."

Brock raised an eyebrow. "And here we are," he swept his arms out. "The living proof. Did you know short temper was a sign of a demon?"

  Everyone began scooting away.

  Lloyd looked like he was going to split open Brock's skull. And if he didn't the rest of the ninja would.

  Lloyd slid out his chair with an aggressive screech and stormed away. Not before sending Reagan the most sharp glare he'd ever given anyone.

  Reagan blinked, eyes wide as the cafeteria doors swing closed.

  And then the bell rang.


  "Lloyd!" Reagan dashed up after him. He had flown onto the bus and everyone had scurried to the other side, just like they had done before they found out he was the green ninja.

  Reagan had been forced to find a seat as the bus started and when it stopped Lloyd had took off once more.

  "Hey!" She yelled, grabbing his arm when she finally caught up. Lloyd wrenched his arm away spinning around, his eyes were furious.

  "Look, I never agreed to any of that." Reagan tried to explain.

  "Yeah, well you certainly didn't stop him." He snapped, tone sharp and sarcastic.

  Her brows furrowed. "I was in shock, okay?" She retorted.

"What about after?" He demanded. "Did you talk to your angelic boyfriend and confront him or anything like that?"

  Reagan opened her mouth then closed it again.

  His lips pressed in a thin line. "Thought so." His words were soft but they were heavy.

  "Lloyd!" The boy had began walking again.

  "Lloyd, wait!" Reagan pleaded.

  Lloyd did stop again, his shoulders tense and his jaw clenched. "Look Reagan, I don't know what your version of friendship is but they certainly don't let some kid insult him  and his family." He spat.

"I'm sorry if your choice to be friends with me dampens your image." Lloyd growled. "So it's a good thing it won't anymore."

  Reagan flinched. "What do you mean?"

Lloyd's eyes betrayed a small sliver of hurt and sadness. "I can't be friends with someone who's okay with my family being verbally abused."

  "Lloyd...Lloyd!" Reagan cried out as he began his walk again, pulling his hood up.

  "I'll drop of your things at Tania's, your parents are coming home soon right?" Was all he said before he flipped up a fire escape and disappeared.

Its not my best work but I think the end bit was better.


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