19| Sacrifice

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Lloyd had his gi on and was already running along the school rooftop. The rest of the ninja were already in their mech's.

"Lloyd!" Reagan stumbled, cursing as Lloyd jumped on the dragon mech. Screwing her eyes shut she leaped after, almost falling off when a string arm caught her and hauled her up.

"What are you doing?" Lloyd yelled, his eyes blazing. "I need to get to my dad."

"I know." Reagan panted. "And I'm going to help." She took his katana and sliced through the skirt of her dress. Revealing the black shorts she had under them.

Lloyd pulled on his mask and started towards the commotion. "I don't have time for this." He muttered.

  "Good, so we're in mutual agreement?" Reagan asked, slipping the extra mask she now knew he always put in the mech's storage.

  "Lloyd, what's going on? We need you at the west side of the building." Nya's voice rang through.

  "Yeah Lloyd." Reagan piped up before he could tell her to go away.

  "Is that Reagan?" Cole asked.

  "Uh oh." Zane replied.

  "I'm on my way guys, I'm ready and standing by." He sighed, swiping off the communication briefly to pinch his nose.

  "Both hands on the dragon!" Reagan squeaked as they flew.

  "We're fine." Lloyd grunted. "And you shouldn't even be here. Unless you want to see me turn into a demon."

  Reagan ignored the jab and pointed at the giant mechanical Praying Mantis Mech.

  "There." She announced.

He flicked back in the communicator. "LLOYD! WE ARE NOT FINE!" Jay yelled as they watched his jet dodge smaller mantis scooters blows.

"Garmadon was placed inside the larger mech." Kai announced as he torched a few. "Nya, I need you!" He yelped as the flames got to high.

  "Lloyd, you got a few trailing at five and seven!" Cole warned him.

"Can't I ever get a break?" Lloyd muttered as he switched gears, his dragon reared as he quickly worked the controls. "Reagan, there's a strap on your seat, put it on now and when I jump up pull the lever and your seat will slide up then take control of the dragon."

She blinked. Wait what?

As they pulled back their opponents went whizzing in front of them, not expecting the green ninja to reverse. As they sped past Lloyd leaped from the mech and onto their scooters, he used his katana to swing swiftly as them, embedding it through the front if their mech and then leaping to the next.

Reagan yelped as she grabbed the lever and pulled it, sliding into the drivers spot and quickly tried to steer.

When she finally got the hang of it she spotted a general charging at her in her scooter.

"Frick." She found a random control and used it, green fire blasted for, the dragon frying the general.

"Who knew Reagan was so bad-"

"Cole, we still don't like her remember?" Kai reminded him.

"Right, right. Eh...that was okay." Cole quickly changed his tone to a bored drawl.

  Reagan yelped when a sudden thump sounded behind her. When a hand grabbed her shoulder she spun sprung, fists raised.

  "Relax Reagan, it's just me." Lloyd had taken ahold of her wrists gently, preventing her from sucker punching him in the face. She let out a sigh of relief as Zane darted by, leaping on the dragon briefly to shoot some ice fork his hands before jumping back into his own mech.

  "Uh guys...this may be a problem but The Mantis is getting away!" Jay yelled.

  Lloyd turned to the giant green mech and cursed but he jerked the lever backward making Reagan fly back into the backseat and he took the wheel.

  Quickly directing the mech to the grasshopper he shot a couple missiles at the mech. The shots hot on their mark, flinging the mech's head to the side giving the robot some serious whiplash.

  "I'm going in." Lloyd announced.

  "What? Lloyd!" Reagan exclaimed, grabbing his shoulder. "No, it's to dangerous!"

  "I'll be fine." Lloyd cracked his neck. "I do this all the time."

  Then he swerved by the mech before taking the leap. He jumped a little short, making Reagan shriek, barely managing to grasp a piece of the mech's armour before he fell.

  "Oh my god he's going to die." Reagan cried. "I didn't even get to apologize! Oh my god."

  "Calm down he's got this. He's totes profesh." Kai's voice rang through the communicator. There was a round of laugher from the ninja.

  "I don't  know what that means." Reagan snapped.

  She turned to see Lloyd climbing in, knocking generals out of the way.

Jay raced by, shooting electricity from his jet at the mech. The bolts shocked it, seeming to turn the mech red

  "Why would you do that?" A General shouted. "Now it's entering self-destruct! It's going to blow!" All the generals yelled and began speeding away while Zane went to stop them.

  "Lloyd!" Reagan yelled.

  "You need to get out of there!"


  "It's a giant bomb!"  

  The rest of the ninja were yelling  and trying to figure out what to do when I saw a small figure struggling up the arm of the mech with Garmadon.

  "There he is! I'm swinging in to get him!" Reagan yelled. She put the mech at full speed and just as he was about to jump the arm snatched him  and Garmadon from the air.

  The Generals shouted in victory before escaping through a back exit of the mech as Lloyd and Garmadon struggled to try and release themselves from the mech's grip as a loud countdown in a females British accent rang.


"What do we do?" Kai tried to melt the arm with his fire.

  "Ack!" Lloyd ducked as the flames almost singed his hair.


  Reagan was frantic as she watched the chaos unfold.


  Lloyd's eyes met hers, suddenly scared.


  "NO!" Cole was prying at the fingers.

Reagan suddenly felt like she was floating. Her instincts kicked in as her hand wet to the gear and she shot forward. Lloyd's eyes widened when he realized what she was doing and Reagan screwed her eyes shut as she crashed into the giant praying mantis...

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