20| Back From The Dead

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Oh my god I'm dead. Was what Reagan thought. She ached all over. She was swimming in the darkness. Her brain seemed to be awake but her body was and unmoving.

Is this the underworld?

Sleep. Reagan felt herself slip away.

When she woke she was still covered in darkness.

"...anything you can do?..."

A voice made its way into her consciousness, cutting in not like a knife but gently like a soft lullaby.

"....I'm sorry..."


"....saved me..."



Reagan focused on the words. The voice was familiar.


"....come back...."



Lloyd. It was Lloyd. Reagan felt her energy return as she shoved through the darkness, reaching towards the soft sound.


It was like she was breaking through the surface of the water. She took a deep breath as a bright light shone over her. It was blurry and she frowned as the splotches of light.

"I wish I had the chance to forgive you." It was Lloyd. The image began to focus as Reagan turned towards his voice. A blotch of blonde. A blur of green. The peachy spot began to from familiar eyes. The same jaw line. Same sad frown.

He was leaning his elbows on his knees and facing the wall.

A dull beeping was in the background. He hadn't seen her.

"I wish we could just forget every wrong everyone's done in the world."

"I wish you would come back."

"I wish I could tell you that I love you."

Oh. My. God.

Lloyd sighed and turned his head but his eyes widened and he leapt back into his chair when he saw Reagan staring wide eyed at him.

"Oh my god." He gasped. Staring her up and down like a killer tiger or women thing. "You heard all of that didn't you?"

Reagan's brows furrowed as she tried to figure out her surroundings.

"You're in a hospital." Lloyd explained carefully, moving very slowly to get up. "Um...do you need anything? You have an I.V but that doesn't sound like a very tasty way to get your nutrition."

He was rambling, trying to pretend he didn't say those words.

Reagan struggled to sit up and he was at her side, slowly easing her into a sitting position. She couldn't speak. Her throat was dry and her mouth didn't want to move.

Suddenly the door flew open and familiar faces ran in. "Reagan! You're awake!" Her mom shrieked, pulling her in a hug. Her dad was sniffling as he gripped her tight.

Reagan felt tears prick in her eyes as she sank into their hold. She looked over their shoulders and saw Lloyd quietly step out.


She was in the hospital for about a month and a third. Reagan began taking more when she got some rest and some juice, she talked softly at first and slowly. Lexi was a frequent visitor. The giant pink bear was her doing. Balloons from, classmates and a big hug from Tania. Nothing from Brock, surprise surprise, but a pretty sweet bag of sour gummy's from Garmadon.

Her parent stayed and were there everyday. Small gifts from the ninja like a Fire Ninja plush from Kai made their way on her table. A book from Koko.

Reagan didn't see Lloyd except for one day when she woke up to see a slice of cherry pie on her eating tray.

She was finally let out with strict instructions to take it easy, no school, noth but no crazy, just sit and laze around some more.

So as soon as she got home she climbed onto a roof. They had a brand new apartment but Reagan had better things to do then unpack her things. She made her way across the roof until she found a figure sitting on the very edge. Reagan strolled over and sat down beside him. Watching the city lights dance around the midnight sky.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Lloyd asked.

Reagan shrugged. "I'm not doing anything big or crazy."

"You're on the edge of a roof."

Reagan rolled her eyes. She steeled herself and all her dignity and made the move. She shifted closer to Lloyd and laid her head on his shoulder. He stiffened in surprise but relaxed, wrapping an arm over her shoulder.

"You know, Lexi told me if you were smart you wouldn't forgive me." Reagan said quietly.

Silence. "Maybe I'm not smart then." Lloyd replied.

"That's so cheesy." Reagan laughed.

"Some times I could use a little cheesy." More silence.

"My dad got that job with your parents." He said finally.

Reagan smiled. "That's awesome!"

"It was thank to you." He stared into her eyes. Reagan tried to read his emotions but found it hard.

"I'm sorry." She rushed out. "For everything, I was a coward, a complete idiot and-"

"It's okay." Lloyd interrupted, she raised an eyebrow. "It's okay now."

"Look, yes it wasn't the best choice that you've ever made but now....now everything great." Lloyd's eyes flicked over to her. "Nice punch by the way."

"You saw it?" Reagan asked.

"Zane recorded it." Lloyd smiled. "You re-broke his nose."

"Damn we're a power couple."

Lloyd stared at her in shock. "Oh crud, I'm sorry that was-" Reagan struggled to fix it.

Lloyd suddenly pressed his lips to hers. He pulled away gently. His emerald eyes searching. "I love you." He murmured.

Reagan felt a stupidly wide smile spread across her face. "I love you too."

Forgive. Lloyd forgave her for everything she did.

Forget. Well Reagan didn't exactly remember anything while Lloyd pressed his lips to her mouth once more.

The End

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