2| General Unity

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A man in a eccentric spider suit stood with his arms held up high.

"Generals! Isn't it great to have our feet back on Ninjago Cities streets? Without Garmadon yelling at us or shooting us out of a volcano?" He asked. The 'generals' screeched in applause and agreement. Lloyd landed with a thump on the dragon, scraping Reagan out of her skin but he didn't seem to care.

"What grudge do you have on Garmadon?" The green ninja yelled.

"Ah, Lloyd Garmadon! Great to see you again! What do you think of our new group? General Unity! I chose the name by the way. A rebellion against Ninjago and Garmadon, now we're the villains!" He cackled. Reagan noted the shiny star sticker on his chest the said: number one on it.

All the sudden he seemed to notice that the fire and ice ninja had been tearing at the plates in his mech. All the sudden it made a cracking noise and began falling apart.

"Jay, do your thing!" Lloyd yelled as he dive bombed a crowd of spider generals. There was aloud scream as a jet came flying in and standing on top was the Lightning ninja. He zapped the mech as it crumbled to the ground.

"Retreat!" The general yelled and they all scrambled away faster than Reagan thought was possible.

  Lloyd narrowed his eyes and pulled down his mask. His face dropped with seat and he looked exhausted. Reagan studied face and for the first time saw the tired look of a hero. She quickly shook it off, this was Lloyd Garmadon and she hated him.

   "Um, can you please just bring me to my house?" Reagan didn't realize how whiny she sounded until the words escaped her lips. He scowled, representing their mutual despise for each other.

  "Gladly." He told her, steering the dragon away from what was once the war zone. "I'll talk to you guys later okay? Tell Uncle Wu where I am." Lloyd told the ninja before steering his dragon into the sky.

  The rose over the skyscrapers and Lloyd turned to her. "Okay, where's your house?" Reagan was to busy staring at the view that he had to repeat the question before she heard it. She brushed the dark red hair out of her face.

  "764 Jade Avenue." She answered. He nodded and dived toward the street. Reagan choked on her scream as her stomach dove to her toes. Lloyd laughed with joy and the mech flew open its wings catching the air and drifting up. His laughter died off when he saw the wreckage. Reagan forced her eyes open and gasped. Where her apartment had been was a scrambling building. She could see people huddled outside, phoning family members and friends for places to say.

  "Where are your parents?" Lloyd asked quietly.

  Reagan bit her lip. "Their...away on a business trip. It'll take days until they get any call or message and months before they can come." She surveyed the damage.

  He turned to look at her. "Do you have any place to stay?"

  Reagan rooted through her pocket for her phone. She then realized how close she was to the green ninja and drew back. "Put me down on the road." She ordered. Lloyd rolled his eyes and landed the dragon. Reagan practically fell off the dragon, making him stifle a snort.

  She huffed and dialled Tania's number. It rang for a while but there was no answer. She tried again with Josh but he didn't answer either. Finally in desperation she called Brock. He picked up after the third ring.

  "Hello?" His thick voice said through the speaker. She glanced at Lloyd but he was fixing something in his mech.

  "Hey. It's Reagan." She said.


  She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "The girl who hangs with Josh Miles?"

  "Ohhh right!" Reagan took a deep breath.

  "My apartment has sort of been destroyed in the battle...I tried Tania and Josh but they didn't answer since your one of the only other people I knew I was wondering if I could stay at your place for the time being?" She explained.

  There was a crackling noise and Reagan stretched her hearing and for a second she thought she heard the blare of music.

  "Uh, sorry Reagan. I can't. Super busy and stuff." Before she could utter a word he hung up. Reagan stared at the black screen unsure what to do.

  "Found a place to stay?" She jumped, almost forgetting Lloyd's presence. She noticed the sky beginning to be dark as he hopped off the dragon with ease.

"No." Reagan muttered, stuffing her phone in her back pocket. Silence followed.

  Finally he spoke. "You can stay at my place if you want." He sighed. She stared at him.


  "Unless your scared that I'll poison you or something." Lloyd added. Reagan was surprised by his harsh tone.

  "Uh...thanks?" She scrambled for other options but sadly all her relatives and family was on the other side of the world. And her friends were MIA.

  Reagan had pretty much no other choice then bunking with the green ninja.

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