3| Sleep Over At Lloyd Garmadon's

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  Reagan quickly found some stuff that hadn't been destroyed and Lloyd took her back to his house. He lived in an apartment of his own but he dropped off his mech in some old garage or something before taking her by roof to his place.

  Lloyd pulled a hoodie over his head and helped her leap from building to building. It was one if the most horrifying things that Reagan had done other then plummeting on a metal dragon.

  At one point, Reagan jumped just short and almost fell to her death but Lloyd had grabbed her by the hand and hauled her up.

  "Don't ever ask me to do this again." Reagan told him panting.

  He shrugged then raised an eyebrow. She didn't know what he was implying to until he said, "You can let go of my hand you know."

    It might've just been nerves but she swore she flew a jolt going from her finger tips as they gripped his. She quickly dropped her hand. He looked at her like he expected her to wipe it on her jacket or something before climbing down the fire escape and walking down the street to an average looking apartment.

  He pulled the hood over his face and ducked his head before walking through the doors. They climbed up up stairs, but Reagan didn't understand why they didn't take the elevator like everyone else, and made it to the door of what she assumed was where he lived. He took off his shoes and slipped on some sandals before pushing the door open.

   Reagan stepped in, wondering what she would find. But what surprised her was that it was normal. A tidy apartment with everything neatly placed. She glanced up to see Lloyd looking at her.

  "Did you expect to see evil machined and volcanoes everywhere?" He asked drily. She didn't bother to respond.

  "Lloyd honey, is that you?" Came a woman's voice.

"It better not be one of those generals." I heard a male voice grumble. "I swear, you treat them like family and maybe just shoot them out of a volcano one time and you're enemies for life!"

  Reagan noticed Lloyd tense for a second. "Yeah, I'm right here."

  From a round the corner came a lady with bright ginger hair and a kind smile. Beside her was Garmadon himself.

Reagan stared at them wide eyed. The woman's eyebrows furrowed at the sight of her. "Who is this?" She asked uncertainly.

  "Mom, Dad, this is a.....classmate of mine. I was wondering if she could stay for awhile since her house got destroyed in the battle." Lloyd carefully said. "Reagan, this is my mom Koko. And....you already know my dad."

  Garmadon stared daggers at her. "Welcome." Koko said. "Of course you can stay."

"Didn't we ever teach you stranger danger?" Garmadon asked Lloyd. He rolled his eyes.

"Sixteen remember dad? Sixteen." Then he marched down the hall. Reagan decided between staying in a room with Garmadon or Lloyd, she chose Lloyd.

She entered a small room that seemed to belong to him. He had some posters on the wall and a few books. She leaned in to read the bindings of two on headboard. One was Kung Fu and the other was Mechanics 101.

"So...where am I sleeping?" Reagan questioned awkwardly.

"You can have the bed." Lloyd nodded to it.

She stared at it as he left the room with pyjamas under his arm. "Don't worry up doesn't have venomous spikes or bones in it!" He called over his shoulder.

"Haha." She muttered. Reagan closed the door and changed. She found the bathroom and brushed her teeth. When she came back into Lloyd's bedroom she found him lying on the ground in a sleeping bag, his breathing heavy as he slept. Reagan noticed a faint scar on his neck and small nicks on his face.

From battle. She realized. Quietly she stepped over him and climbed in his bed, she shamelessly checked for spikes and bones. As she payed down she could see shadows crossing the doorway and voices.

"-Not a kid Lloyd ever mentioned." She heard Koko say.

"Probably one of those people Lloyd told me said rude things to him." Garmadon replied.

"When did he say that?"

"When we were trapped in a cage about to be thrown into a volcano. "

They said some more things that she couldn't make out before she heard the sound of a door closing.

Reagan rolled over and saw the stars out the slightly open window. Is that really how she was viewed? One of the mean kids that said rude things to him?

With this heavy in her mind Reagan slowly drifted to sleep.

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