5| Expressionless

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   Lloyd had arrived at the apartment late at night. Reagan had been finishing some homework on the couch. Koko had returned and had given her dinner. He didn't go through the door though. He had climbed through the window scared the living day lights out of her when he slid it open hopped inside.

  He surveyed the dark room. Koko had gone to bed. "Any sign of my father?" He asked.

  Reagan shrugged. She hadn't fully understood why he had been so cold. But if he wanted to remain ignorant roommates then she was fine with that. He was Lloyd Garmadon after all.

  Lloyd sighed and put on his hoodie over his ninja suit. He peered out the window. "Probably found a dark cave to wallow in again." He muttered, flipping the hood over his head and prying open the window again.

  "Where do you think your going?" Reagan demanded.

  "To find Garamdon."

  "He'll be back soon enough." Reagan told him. "Koko told me to tell you to get some dinner and go to bed. And have you even started your homework? School's back on tomorrow you know!"

  He rolled his eyes. "Why do you care? Anyway I finished it a long time ago." He gestured to the notebook she never noticed on the coffee table. In it was his slightly messy but sort of neat scrawl.

  "Oh." At that moment the door burst open and Garmadon trudged in. Looking wet and tired.

  "The interview didn't go well." Lloyd said quietly as the four armed man trudged in and poured himself some coffee.

  "No," Garmadon muttered grumpily. "Apparently I wouldn't be a good at taking phone calls. I mean come on! I have four hands! I'm great at picking up stuff and yelling into it!"

  Lloyd nodded sympathetically. "It'll blow over." He tried to assure him.

  "You keep saying that." Garmadon grumbled. "I've stopped believing it." Then he padded to his room. Reagan glanced at Lloyd who had a tired look of frustration only a middle aged man who worked in an office all day should have.

  He sighed and nodded to her. "You better get some rest." Then he went to get ready for bed.

  Reagan thought about everything that happened. Not knowing really what to do except carry on with her day she got dressed and climbed into the bed. Soon she heard the door crack open  and even though his footsteps were silent she heard him like lift up his blankets and shuffle into his sleeping bag.

  Reagan wondered how long she'd have to stay here. And how long he would have to sleep on the ground. But the gentle snoring began to rise. It wasn't very loud, more like heavy breathing. Reagan settled in and closed her eyes.


  The next morning Reagan walked to the bus stop with Lloyd but he sped walked farther in front of her. She noticed as soon as he got over there and mumbled a hello that one kids grinned and started talking about the ninja stuff while others looked awkwardly at him and the last few scowled and benga texting on their phones. Reagan usually was part of the last category but she didn't feel like doing that for some reason.

Lloyd had climbed in the bus and settled into a seat. Reagan awkwardly tried to figure out where to sit but Eve, who was on this bus, called her to sit beside her. Reagan made her way through the isle and sat down. The bus rolled down the road, moving through the city streets until they made it to Ninjago High. Reagan followed the crowd off the bus and she saw her usual group clumped by the steps. Smiling, Reagan strode over to join them.

Brock was leaning against the pillar with his arms crossed. Reagan tried not notice how good looking he was. He frowned when he saw Lloyd sign some kids book.

"Look at him," he growled. "Soaking up all the fame. You can put a villain in a heroes suit but it doesn't change who they are." He said the second part loudly so Lloyd could hear. Of he did he didn't seem to pay any notice. He was too busy being surrounded by the weird cheerleaders.

   Snorting Brock turned and walked away. Tania gave Reagan a quick hug and began to follow too, everyone else at their heels. Reagan looked hesitantly at her fleeting group and stole a glance at Lloyd. To her surprise her eyes met a startling pair of stormy green. She couldn't read the expression on his face. Not hate, not happiness, not really anything. Just a striking stare that seemed to see right through her. That was what startled her the most.

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