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2 weeks have pass, and still (YN) still has amnesia, no sign of memory return for him at all, but still, with the help of Bakugau and her friends, managing to take care of him, (YN) has already experience much more things in the city, UA, and being friends with Bakugau and the others, and that's not all, (YN) now is able to speak more than 2 sentences this time, knowing back then he barely talks, but now he is able to talk a bit more...but, the only thing that bothers the fact (YN) doesn't even show emotions at all, he doesn't even smile, not even a bit...Izuku and his friends tried to make him a smile and enjoy the things they like for (YN)...but nothing, not even a single smile from his face, they tired everything...even Bakaugu tried as well to make him at least smile a little...but nothing works...that doesn't mean they gave up, they'll keep on sure to help out (YN) show his emotions and smile for sure! So anyways, during the morning, Bakugau and the rest were heading over to class, and knowing that (YN) would have to stay alone in the alliance heights building and feel free to do whatever.

Bakugau: There's food in the fridge, and you already know how to control the TV right??

(YN): Yeah.

Bakugau: Also make sure you don't make a mess here okay? The last time we left to class and came back, there was a bunch a mess that you made.

(YN): I won't make no more mess, promise.

Bakugau: Hmm. Okay. *.....Why do I even bother asking?? He already knows what to do, it's been two weeks already...but that's not it, I gotta make sure this bastard takes care of himself still* Well okay then, I'll be back in the afternoon.

(YN): Okay.

Bakugau: Okay. See-

Suddenly (YN) gives Bakugau a hug as Bakugau...

(YN): See you.

Bakugau: *blushes a little* S-See you too! Y-You can let go now..

(YN): Okay.

Meanwhile, the girls watched everything as they whispered...

Ochaco: Woah, when have we seen this side of Bakugau??

Tsuyu: It's like she's a different person, Ribbit.

Tooru: I don't know girls, maybe it has to do with (YN)??

Mina: Oooou!! You don't think she's starting to like him already?!

Jiro: No, I don't think so. Bakugau isn't the type of girl to fall in love or be in a relationship. I mean come on, this is Bakugau we're talking about.

Ochaco: Yeah but...don't you think she's always been taking care of and getting along with him for weeks?? I mean she's always there for him a lot of times. What you think Momo??

Momo: I completely don't know what to say about this, but if Bakugau does have feelings for him due to her being with him all the times, then we'll have to see.

Ochaco: Hmmm. Okay-

Bakugau: You hags!! We're you all spying on us?!?

The girls Yelp as they ran away to the school...

Bakugau: Nrrrgh! Damn you hags!

Momo came back and said to Bakugau..

Momo: Well hurry it up Bakugau, you're gonna be late and Aizawa will make you do more activities.

Bakugau: I'm going ponytail!

As Momo leaves, Bakugau then turns around and sees (YN) again, giving her that calm look on his face again, and making her blush...

Bakugau: O-Okay! I'm heading already, take care of yourself okay?!

(YN): Okay, see ya, Bakugau.

And so, Bakugau turns around and started leaving the building as soon she does, and arrives outside, she then started to talk to herself...

Bakugau Mind: It's been 2 weeks now...and so far (YN) has started to experience more about here in the city, and UA as well. Yet he's already to talk more than how he was quiet before...that's good I guess...and yet...I still always feel weird and funny when he gives me that look and hugs me..! ...but that's not bad at's just...I don't know why I feel like this whenever I'm near him, that's the thing that gets me...but...moreover...the fact I've always been with different for me...the way he acts towards me, the way he talks to me...and his hugs...they don't bother me at all...but at first it did...but not's like I'm already use to his hugs now...and they nice...and I wish he hugged me more and-Wait! What the fuck am I saying??? Tch. Who cares. I gotta focus school now...I just hope he takes care of himself while I'm not around.

And so, Bakugau heads to UA, in the meantime for (YN), he then sat down as he had a bag of chips in his hands and started eating he does, he somehow suddenly starts to think about Bakugau in his head, of how the nice things she has done for him ever since he came here...the fact she has helped him out lots of times, and keeping an eye out for him...but suddenly...he suddenly stopped eating the bag of chips as he places them at the counter of the table as his head started to mess with him a little...knowing the fact the name "Bakugau" is always getting him somehow...he place his head as he was somehow having a hard time to re think himself as he says...

(YN): Her name....Wh-Where did I heard it from?? I-It's like I...kinda knew her...but I just met her...but her name is messing with my head somehow....why??

Suddenly, he then heard a girl's voice, which sounded like a little girl voice...

???: Excuse me.

He turns his head and notices a little girl with long gray hair appeared out of nowhere...

(YN): O-Oh, hey little girl. How did you came here?

Aizawa: She came with me.

Suddenly Aizawa appeared as well...

(YN): Oh, Hey Mr.Aizawa.

Aizawa: How you're doing?

(YN): I'm doing far.

Aizawa: That good to hear. Eri, did you introduce to yourself?

Eri: Oh right! Hi! My name is Eri! Nice to meet you!

(YN): Oh. Nice to meet you too, Eri.

Aizawa: Good. Listen (YN), I wanted to ask you a favor and if you can please watch over Eri for me? You know, keep an eye out for her, take care of her while I'm doing lessons in class with the others. One of the Big 3 students were suppose to take care of her, but they were busy for today, so I was wondering if you can take care of her.

(YN): Oh, yeah. I came take care of her.

Aizawa: Good. Well, I'm off to class then. Eri, behave okay?

Eri: I will!

Aizawa: Okay, you too (YN). Take care of yourself and little Eri as well.

(YN): I will.

Soon Aizawa left the living room as Eri then looks at (YN)...and then she notices how tall he is...

Eri: Oh wow! You're so tall!

(YN): O-Oh, yeah...

Eri started to walk around him...

Eri: Wow! You're really a tall person!

(YN): I know.

Eri grabs his hands and started touching and feeling them...

Eri: Woah! Even your hands are big! So cool!

(YN): Oh...thank you.

Eri: Whats your name again??

(YN): ...It's (YN).

Eri: (YN)...that's a nice name!

He soon to notices Eri was smiling, which he doesn't know what that is...

(YN): Hey little Eri, why is your mouth like that??

Eri: Hmm?? My mouth??

(YN): Yeah, that...expression you did with your face and mouth.

Eri: Ooooh! I smiled! It's the best thing about smiling! And it's so fun to smile as well!

(YN): S-Smile??? What is smile??

Eri: Wait, you don't know how to smile too?

(YN): *nods*

Eri: Hmmmm. Oh I know! Why not we have some fun! That makes me smile!

(YN): Fun?? What's Fun??

Eri: Fun? means...well let me spell it out for you, F means for Friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me who will enjoy having some fun, N is for anywhere and anytime you want to have some fun. How about I show you what fun is??

(YN): O-Okay.

Eri: You're gonna like it! We're gonna have so much fun!

And so, the next chapter will be a lot of wholesome with (YN) and Eri...stay tune!


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