Chp.13 Wholesome With Eri

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And so, Eri and (YN) then were about to hang out together and (YN) will experience what fun can do, alongside with little Eri. So their fun began, Eri brought some stuffs to make a play date with (YN), as she then brought some bunny ears for (YN) to wear and for herself as well, both were at the table as she and (YN) started to play a tea party together and some stuff animals she has brought too. (YN) didn't know what to do, but he'll do what Eri does, pretend to drink tea and talk...somehow (YN) doesn't seem bothered or embarrassed at all, seems like he's starting to enjoy it already with this play date with Eri, soon after the play date, Eri decided it'll be more fun to play hide and seek, Eri told the rules to (YN) about it as he understood it, Eri will hide first as (YN) counts, as he did, (YN) started to look for Eri around the living room, he kept looking and looking for her until he heard some giggles under the table, he looked under as he found Eri as Eri laughed with enjoyment, but (YN) didn't seem to smile at all, but this time it was (YN)'s turn to hide as Eri counted, as she then finished, she then starts to look for him...
But then again, she easily found him as she already can see (YN)'s feet behind the curtains, Eri giggles knowing that (YN) didn't even try to even hide himself, so she then moves the curtains as (YN) open his eyes and knew he was found...

(YN): found me.

Eri: *laughs* You're too easy to find knowing your a big person.

(YN) kept seeing Eri smile and laughing as she was enjoying hanging out with him, suddenly...he somehow started to feel like he wanted to smile as well, but couldn't
somehow...Eri then suddenly said...

Eri: (YN), can I see your hair?

(YN): My hair? ...Sure.

(YN) then bend down on his knees as Eri walked towards him, she then started feeling and touching his hair of how soft and messy it looked...

Eri: Woah! Your hair feels so soft, and looks messy! Hey, can I do your hair?!

(YN): D-Do my hair??

Eri: Yeah! Like can I brush it and make it pretty.

(YN): O-Okay.

Eri: Yaay!

Eri then grabs onto (YN)'s hand as she brings him over to the sofa to sit him down, she then goes to her bag and grabs a brush and some hair ties. As she does, she climbs on the sofa and gets behind (YN)'s back as she then started brushing (YN)'s hair, as she does, on one side of his hair, she creates a braid pony tail as she finishes it and ties it up, and then she goes for another braided pony tail on the other side of (YN)'s hair, she brushes his hair first as she then again creates a braid ponytail and then ties it up last. Then after, she was done brushing and braiding (YN)'s hair as she made two long ponytails for (YN)...Eri then shows him the mirror as (YN) sees his hair...

Eri: Well, you like it?

(YN): ...I do. It looks weird, but I like it, a lot.

Eri: Yay! I knew you would like how I did your hair!

(YN) again sees Eri smile and being so happy that she's starting to like (YN) the fact she likes to hang out with him a lot...suddenly, as (YN) kept starring at Eri smiling and happy, (YN) suddenly for the first time ever...his expression started to kick in as he then smile a tiny bit, and then, he then smiles a little, having his eyes close and giving this calm and adorable smile knowing that with Eri smiling and being happy, he smiles as well...

Eri: Hey! You're smiling! You're finally smiling!

(YN): So, this is how it feels to smile and be happy?

Eri: Yea! Doesn't it feel great?!

(YN): *smiles even more* Yeah, it does.

Eri then started to laugh with happiness...and so as (YN) gave some chuckles as well, with his very first time smiling...soon afterwards, (YN) started watching cartoons with Eri with some snacks as they both smile and laugh, enjoying watching cartoons, then they started using the couch couch covers and cushions to create a little castle, role playing as Eri was the queen and (YN) as the dragon, as they role play, the little castle collapses on top of them, soon pop out from it as the two looked at each other and laughed, and so it goes on on the day that both (YN) and Eri were doing more fun activities together as (YN) kept smiling and being happy for the first time...


Hours later, it was afternoon already, 4pm, as soon Eri looks outside the window to see Izuku and the rest coming back from school...

Eri: Oh look! Deku and his friends are coming!

(YN): Oh yeah. You know him??

Eri: Uh-Huh! Deku is the one that saved me! He even made me smile, and another friend name Mirio too! Hey, can we go out?? I wanna meet him!

(YN): Sure.

Eri: Yay! But also...can you give me a piggy back ride??

(YN): Piggy...back ride??

Eri: Yea! Here, turn around.

(YN) turns around as soon he felt Eri climbing up to him from behind, soon Eri grabbed onto (YN)'s shoulders as he then carries Eri on the back, he then started walking out the building...meanwhile, outside, Izuku and his friends were heading to the heights alliance building as he and the others notice (YN) coming out...

Ochaco: Hey look! It's (YN)!

Suddenly, Eri pop out from (YN)'s back...

Eri: Deku!

Izuku: Eri-Chan!

Soon him and the rest ran up to (YN) to go and meet Eri...

Izuku: Eri-Chan! It's so good to meet you!

Tsuyu: How are you, Ribbit?

Eri: I'm great! I even had lots of fun with big bro (YN)!

Everyone: Big Bro (YN)??!

(YN): Yeah, me and little Eri here had so much fun spending time together.

Eri: It was the best day I ever had to spent time with (YN)!

Both Eri and (YN) started to smile and laugh..

Izuku: W-Woah (YN)'re smiling!?

(YN): I am, and it feels great to smile and feel happy!

Kirashima: Hehe, we'll look at that! I guess Eri is the only cute child that can make him smile, and that's good!

Momo: We're just glad to see (YN) smile, I'm so relief.

As soon everyone were relief and good to know that (YN) is now smiling and being the very back, Bakugau saw everything, knowing that (YN) is smiling and happy...

Bakugau Mind: ...So you've finally smiled Eh?...that's good...

Soon, Aizawa showed up...

Aizawa: Okay Eri, time to go.

Eri: Okey!

(YN): Here, let me help you.

(YN) soon helped Eri to climb down as he bent down as Wri slowly got off from his back as she landed on the ground, she then walks up to Aizawa and holds onto Aizawa's hand...

Aizawa: I'm sure there wasn't any trouble between the two of you.

(YN): Not at all *smiles*

Eri: Me and Big bro (YN) had lots of fun together! I even showed him how to smile and it worked!

Aizawa: I see. *Well, this is the first time I see (YN) smile...whatever Eri did, it sure did the job done, I knew bringing Eri with (YN) will be a good idea to make him smile* Very well then, let's get going Eri. All of you, see you at school morning.

Eri: Oh wait!

Aizawa: Hmm?

Eri then let's go of Aizawa's hand as she runs up to (YN) and suddenly gives him a hug...

Eri: It was nice meeting you (YN)! I hope to see you again!

(YN) looks down...soon to smile and hugs Eri as well...

(YN): Me too little Eri. It's fun meeting you too.

Everyone started to feel happy to see how cute (YN) and Eri are knowing they seem to be like brother and for Bakugau...she was happy to see (YN) smiling...afterwards, Eri then again walks over to Aizawa and grabs his hand...

Eri: Bye (YN)! Bye everyone!

Everyone waved bye at Eri, and so as (YN) as she then started to leave with Aizawa. Soon she does, Everyone then walked over to (YN) and says...

Izuku: I'm glad you get to know Eri, and we're all glad you're able to smile, we're so relief.

(YN): Hehe. Thank you, my friends.

Kirashima: Say, how about we get in already and play some video games!

Kaminari: You're on!

And so, all of them started to walk is the heights alliance they do, (YN) notices Bakugau walking towards him as she then says to him...

Bakugau: Oi, I'm glad you're smiling for the first time...never knew you won't smile forever, but then again, you did.

(YN): *Smiles* Hehe. Thank you. Oh, and here.

(YN) reaches for his pockets and takes out a candy bar and hands it over to Bakugau...

(YN): I saved this candy for you, in case're hungry.

Bakugau: Heh, I'll take it...thanks anyways.

(YN) then gave a calm adorable smile on his face to Bakugau as she then suddenly blushes...

Bakugau: *D-Damn it! That smile of his is making me feel even more weird and funny!...a-and it doesn't bother me after all...I-I kinda like his smile's...cute I guess...* Anyways, let's go in. I'll make you something to eat.

(YN): Hehe, okay.

So both Bakugau and (YN) started walking together towards the building as Bakugau then stares at (YN) as he was smiling a bit, as she then also smiles, she suddenly got closer to him somehow and blushes a little, and smiled a little too...

Bakugau Mind: ...I'm happy to see you smile.


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