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It was the next day and I woke up in a wonderful mood. The night before I had hypnotized Percy to become and act like a mental case, crazy demigod, then sent him loose into camp. I had then changed the entire camp's memories (again) so they all knew and remembered Percy, but just as the mental case.

Nico and Leo were now my emotionless slaves, though I'd probably make Valdangelo happen every now and again two, because let's be serious, I'm the captain of that ship and it is amazing. Before I had come into the cave I had also hypnotized Will to go commit suicide as soon as he got remotely sad or upset about anything. So he was definitely dead now.

Not to mention it was a Saturday and beautiful Annabeth and I were going to spend the entire day together. It was so great to finally have a 'bae!' I climbed out of bed, putting on an orange Camp shirt, Jean shorts, and some sandals. I picked up a comb, debating whether to brush my hair or not, then decided against it. It would just get messy again as usual.

I left the Poseidon cabin, a happy bounce in my steps. "Good morning, Mr. Thomas!" Chiron, the old bag, said from the porch of the big house.

I smiled and waved. "Morning, Chiron!" I said.

"Hey, Oliver!" An Aphrodite girl giggled.

"Hey, Valentina," I said, waving slightly. She just giggled and ran over to her friends who all began to giggle. Hmm. I suppose I have a certain charm, huh?

A few more people waved and said hello and good morning to me as I walked to the pavilion, and I happily waved and smiled back. Things were really going my way. I was still waiting for one more person though...

"Ollie!" A voice giggled. Before I even had time to react, something ran up to me, landing a long, wet kiss on my lips. "Mmm..." I said, realizing that the beauty kissing me was Annabeth Chase, my darling girlfriend. I put my hands on her waist, pulling her close.

After a couple more minutes, we pulled away, because, you know, we kind of need oxygen to survive. I looked into Annabeth's stormy gray eyes that I had fallen in love with as soon as I laid eyes on them, twirling my finger in her soft, golden locks of hair. "I tell you how beautiful you are all the time, right?" I said softly.

She giggled, blushing. "All the time, Seaweed Brain," She said. She tapped my nose saying, "Boop," causing the both of us to grin. Okay, did part of me feel bad taking advantage of Annabeth like this when she didn't truly love me? Maybe a little bit. But I was far in too deep to back out now, and people do crazy things for love, right? I'm sure Aphrodite would be with me on this. It's just love.

She picked up my hand and looked at it. "That's new," She said, gesturing to a red ruby ring I wore. My eyes widened. "Oh, um, yeah. Just a little trinket," I said.

"Oh. Cute," Annabeth smiled. I smiled back.

"We should go get some food," I said.

She nodded, "Yeah, I could eat a whole Minotaur! But I won't because that'd be gross." I laughed, sliding my arm around her waist. I was about to lead us into the pavilion when I heard loud cries of outburst behind us. Huh?

I turned around to face... well, probably the greatest thing ever.

Perseus Freaking Jackson.

Except he had a whole new... per say... look? His camp shirt was all ripped up, his clothes caked in mood, his skin too. His hair was at total mess, full of twigs and leaves, but the strangest thing of all? His skin was totally red, as red as a tomato. His eyes were crossed eyes too and he worry a goofy smile on his face, stumbling around and blabbering on and on about nonsense.

"Blah, blah, ha!" Percy shouted, stumbling around around. "The sky shoots pineapples with a machine gun! Hehe! Ooh, a fly would die for a grapefruit!" Percy proceeded to laugh hysterically, grabbing onto Kayla's shoulders and shaking them roughly. Kayla just looked uncomfortable, trying to pull away from Percy's tight grip.

To my pleasure, Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Ugh, it's just Percy being dumb again." I was pleased to see Annabeth's annoyance.

To my pleasure though, Percy began to shake Kayla with a mad look in his eyes. "Percy!" She yelped. "Your... your face is as red as a lobster that was sunburned while eating crab!" Okay, that was the perfect way to put it.

"Crabby wabby!" Percy said hysterically, letting go of Kayla. He fell to the ground, then proceeded to crab walk backwards, giggling and muttering to himself until he disappeared into the woods. Everyone blinked, then shrugged, continuing to carry on with their day.

"Just a typical day with Percy Jackson," I heard someone say.

"You got that right!" Someone replied.

I turned to Annabeth who looked extremely disgusted. "Isn't Percy the strangest?" I said.

"More then strange. He's just annoying," Annabeth snarled.

It took all of my willpower not to laugh at that, Percy getting dissed by his girlfriend. Well, my girlfriend. "So... why is he like this?" I asked, mainly just out of curiosity.

Annabeth shrugged. "Oh, you know, Oliver. He's always been like this. Some people think he has a mental illness, some think he was cursed. No one really knows. He's actually your sorry excuse for a half-brother, so until the Great Prophecy passed and you were revealed as the Big Three child of the prophecy, saving the day, we had to lock him up. He's so insane we didn't know what he'd do, who he'd side with," Annabeth said.

I nodded. It was a pretty long explanation, but she was a daughter of Athena after all. "I see," I nodded thoughtfully. I turned to her and smiled, "Ready for some pancakes?"

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