Chapter 16

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"She might not make it through the night. It's all up to her. We can't do anything." "What?! You have to be able to do something!!" "I'm sorry sir. There's nothing we can do." "Let me in there!" "Harry!" "What?! I need to see her!" "Sir, please be quiet. You can see her in a few minutes." I sighed and sat beside her door. "Harry it'll be alright. She'll be okay." "She's...She's the love of my life...She can't leave me." I said, crying. "You love her? She said it was platonic!" Tevin snapped, turning to me. "Woah boy, calm down. You two can love the same girl." Liam said, pinning him against the wall. "Now calm down!" He snapped, pushing him down. "Mr.Styles, you can go in now." "Him?! I'm her boyfriend!" "So am I." I said, getting up and going into her room. "Oh my god..." I sat beside her bed, holding her hand. "Hey baby...I know you can't hear me, but you have to fight alright? I know you're strong. The strongest person I know...I love you so much...You can't leave me...We've had some many good memories together...Remember when you were nine and at your birthday party, you and Gemma rode that pony the whole time? I remember all you did was laugh the whole time...You had so much fun...Oh then our sleepover. The one where your mom baked all night? All we did was eat and we both got sick...The other day, when I brought you out on stage and kissed you...I loved that. I love you...I love you more than anything else in this world. You're beautiful, smart, caring, kind, and thankfully you love me...I love you to the moon and back a million times. Just...Just please wake up babe. They're not expecting you to survive but I know you can...Don't let go."

-Liam's POV-

"Alright asshole." I said, shoving him against the concrete wall. "Do you know why we brought you out here?" "No but I'm pissed off. Why did he kiss her?!" "They're dating mate." Louis said, like it was obvious. Then again, it was. "What?! She's cheating on me?! I'm gonna kill her and that son of a bitch!" "That's why we came to talk to you." "You abuse her!" "I do not!" "She said you hit her, that true?" Zayn asked, crossing his arms. "Well yeah but-" "But nothing. That's abuse." Niall said, standing beside me. "I didn't...I didn't realize I was hurting her...I just wanted her to love me...I love her though." "You didn't act like it. And if you do truly love her, you'll let her be with him. She's happy with him." "I've never seen two people more in love." "They're perfect for each other." "Really?" Zayn nodded. "Yeah mate. She loves him." He nodded slightly but then shook his head. "Why didn't she tell me though?" "She's scared to death of you. I'm sorry, but that's the reason she told you she loves you..." "She said she'd go to me with prom. She seemed excited. She even kissed me." "Did she kiss you, or did you make her?" He looked down. "That's what I thought. Are you going to leave her alone now?" He nodded. "Alright then. Boys let's go on back upstairs."


"How is she?" "Nothing." He said, defeated. "She'll be okay. Go home and get some sleep." "I can't do that. I can't leave her." "Harry, you need to go home." "She might die!! I won't be able to leave her." "Harry-" "I'm staying!" "I was just gonna say call me of she wakes up." "Oh...alright."

-Harry's POV-

They all gave me reassuring smiles before leaving. Tevin pulled up a chair beside me. "They told me..." "About?" "You two...I know you two are dating. I also now realize she's scared of me and that's the only reason she was with me..." "Are you gonna kill me?" "No...I wanted to at first but I'm happy for her. She deserves to be happy." I smiled. "She sure has been through hell..." "Yeah...She sure is beautiful though..." "Damn right she is...The most beautiful girl in the world...She cut..." I said, grabbing her arm and showing him. "Why?!" "She thought I was going to leave her again. I just had to go to America...It was actually to get her a gift but she doesn't know that." "What is it?" "A puppy named Gus...After her favorite movie and book character, Augustus Waters." "What happened? When'd you find out?" "She was going to take a shower and I realized she was taking too long so I went to check on her and she was passed out, covered in blood. I put her in the bed and when I got done cleaning up, I saw she was awake and we just talked about it..." He shook his head. "I can't believe it." I slipped my hand into hers. "God I hope she wakes up."

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