Chapter 17

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-Harry's POV-

I woke up, but didn't open my eyes yet. Something was on my lap. What the- I opened my eyes and found Anna on my lap. "Tevin!" I snapped, waking him up. "What?" "Why is she on my lap?" "I don't know. I didn't put her there." I gave a confused look and stared down at her. "" I mumbled, shaking her. Her eyes fluttered open and a smile spread across her face. "Oh my god..." I trailed off and kissed her roughly. "I missed you so much..." She mumbled, still kissing me. "I thought you were gonna die...You weren't supposed to make it through the night." "Seriously?" I nodded, crying. "I love you Harry..." "I love you too...So so much." "They were right...You two are perfect." I noticed her cower back in fear. "It's okay Anna...I'm not going to hurt you or get mad. I didn't realize what I was doing to you. I'm so sorry about what I did." "It's okay." She said, getting off me and hugging him. She placed a single kiss on his cheek. As she got up though she fell. I dove forward, barely catching her in time. "Tevin, will you go tell one of the doctors she woke up?" He ran out the door as I carefully held her in my arms. "You okay babe?" "Yeah, I'm just pretty weak." I nodded and kissed her head. "You scared me to death." "...I heard you talking to me...Telling me to fight...The memories...I remember that." "You could hear me?" She nodded, grabbing my hand. "I couldn't do anything though." I leaned down and kissed her again, this time a little more roughly. I heard the door open and immediately pulled away. She laughed and turned to face the doctor. "Miss Way, we are so glad to see you're awake!" She smiled wide. "I am too...What happened?" "You were mocked unconscious by something, we don't know what. We couldn't wake you up, we couldn't do anything really, so it was all up you." She nodded and looked up at me. I gave her a small smile. "We're gonna take your IV out, get your discharge papers and you'll be good to go." She nodded and looked up at me with a wide smile. She sat back on her bed. A nurse came over and carefully took the IV out. After you get dressed, you can downstairs so you can check out. She nodded and stood up, going over to her clothes laying on the counter. Tevin walked up to her, whispered something, kissed her temple and walked out. "He's being good." She said with a confused face, beginning to change. "Let's just say your four favorite people took him out back and gave him a talk." Her eyebrows raised. "Seriously?" I nodded. "I'll have to thank them later." "Oh I was supposed to call them if you woke up...Oh well. I like my view right now." She stuck her tongue out, making me laugh hard. "Call them. I wanna talk to 'em." "Fine..." I groaned, slowly getting my phone out.

-Anna's POV-

I walked over to Harry after I was dressed and sat in his lap. He leaned down and kissed my forehead while he was waiting for somebody to answer. "Hey is she awake?!" Liam maybe? "Yeah she's awake Li." I grabbed the phone from Harry's hand. "Hi Liam!" "Anna! Oh my god! You're alive!" I smiled, laughing. "Yup. I'll talk to you later Liam!" "Okay, bye Anna!" After I hung up, I gave Harry a weird look. "What?" "Have you noticed he's been nicer to me lately?" "Yeah he said it's uh..." "What?" "To make up for what he did. He feels horrible." I nodded. "Did Tevin do anything while I was gone?" "Finish calling the boys Harry." "What did he do?" He growled, mood completely changing. "I'll tell you later. Let's just go." "Anna, tell me." "...He raped me. Now let's go." I said getting up. He grabbed my wrist gently, making me wince. He pulled my arm toward him, examining my wrists. "Did he do this?" I nodded. "When'd he rape you?" "The day I got there. The day after you left." He sighed, biting his lip. "I'm doing everything possible right now to not go hunt that bastard down and give him what he deserves." "Harry...Please don't." "He raped you Anna!" "I know but he's changed now. Just leave him alone." "I wanted to be your first..." I sighed and kissed him lightly. "You were still my first love." He smiled. "That means more than anything." He said, kissing my temple.

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