Chapter 22

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"You boys ready?" "Yeah." "Of course." "Let's go." "Alright! So for starters, you will be in contract with us for three years. You will be able to date whomever you please. You will have general freedom except when it comes to performances and such. Everything will be as it was with Modest! expect you'll have more personal freedom. Just sign at the bottom." Liam and Harry never even glanced at each other as the pen was passed between them to sign. Harry looked over at me and smiled. As they finished up, he got up and walked over to me. "People say, we shouldn't be together. Too young to know about forever, but I say, they don't know what they're talking about. 'Cause this love is only getting stronger so I don't wanna wait any longer, I just wanna tell the world you're mine girl." I smiled and kissed him. "That's one of your songs isn't it?" "Maybe." He said against my lips. I smiled and kissed him harder. "I love you babe." "I love you too."

•1 month later•

"Harry!!!" "What?!!!" "HIII!!!" I heard him laugh really loudly from upstairs. "Hiii!!" He yelled back. I heard him coming down the stairs so I dove under the couch. "Anna? Baby?" I smiled to myself as he looked around the room for me. "Anna?!" He walked into the kitchen and as he did, I screamed out. "Harry help me!!" "Anna?! Where are you?" "He's got me!! I can't-" I smiled as I heard him run around the house. I carefully got out and sat on the couch. I heard him running around again frantically upstairs. "Anna?! Where are you?!" "Down here!!" He ran down the steps and stop dead in his tracks when he saw me. He ran over to me and lifted me up. He pinned me to the wall, huffing. God was he mad. "Don't you dare do that again. I thought you were getting raped by Tevin or fucking Liam. Don't. Do. That. Again." I nodded shakily. "Okay. I promise. Sorry." He let go, making me wince at the pressure he had put on my wrists. "Shit shit shit." He lifted me up and carried me upstairs to the bathroom, sitting me on the sink. "Oh my god...Are you okay?" "I'm fine Harry." "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." "It's okay. I'm fine." He sighed and sat on the floor. "I didn't mean to...I was just so scared I had lost you...I thought I was going to lose you forever and there was nothing I could do." I sighed and hopped off so I could sit beside him. "It's okay baby...It's all okay." "I'm sorry I get worked up so much." "It's okay. I'd be the same if you were taken from me." "Really?" "Yeah of course. I couldn't live without you Hazza." He looked up at me and smiled small. "I love you." "I love you too." "...Do you think we got engaged too early?" "No not really. It just depended if we were ready. Why? Do you regret it?" "No of course not. It just seems like everybody else has gotten engaged after like a year or more. We've been dating...a couple months?" He nodded. I shrugged. "I don't know...I mean, I'm...I don't know. I don't want this to sound bad..." "Just say it." "You know I love you. I love you more than anything, but this is just...early. Too early." "You don't want to get married?" "I...I don't know...No not really." "Then it's off." "Harry I didn't say-" "If you're not fully into it, then what's the point? I want you to be happy, and ready." I nodded. I slipped the ring off my finger and placed it in his hands carefully. I kissed his forehead before getting up and going into his room. His arms wrapped around my waist. I pulled away and got my suitcase out. "Baby...What are you doing?" "I'm...I don't know really. I just...I wanna go home Harry." "But I...I thought you wanted to stay with me..." "Harry I had so much fun. I loved hanging out with you, I loved being with you, I love you. But I need to go home." "...You said home was where I was." "Harry-" I reached out to grab his hand but he pulled away. "Why are you leaving?" "Harry, I want to go back to Holmes Chapel." "Why? Did I do something? I'll fix it! I swear babe. Just stay." "I feel like I won't be able to live my life with the band and everything." "That's why? Babe I would've made it work! I would've kept you away from everything! I would've made it like Lou and El! Hell, I would've quit!!" "I'm sorry..." He let out a frustrated yell. "God I could've fixed this if I would've just paid attention to you more!" "Harry it's not your fault. It's not anybody's." "Then why are you punishing me?" "Punishing you?" "By leaving me. By leaving my life. Again. I swear I'll keep you out of the mess! Just please be with me baby." "Harry, you made promises before that you didn't keep." "I thought we were past that!" "No. We're not. YOU LEFT ME!!" "You're leaving me now!" "This is different Harry! You left me for three, almost four years, with nobody. You'll make new friends in an hour and find a new girlfriend in a few minutes." "Maybe somebody management can pay to act like it, but nobody will ever be you!" He yelled, his voice deep and booming. He was breathing heavy, his chest rising and falling dramatically. "Anna, please." I stepped closer, connecting our lips. "I'm sorry Harry. I have to go." "I'll call right now and quit the band. Baby...Please. I love you more than my own life!!" "No Harry don't quit I just...didn't want to tell you..." I mumbled. "Tell me what?" "I don't love you anymore Harry." "You don't? But baby..." "Harry I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you." I grabbed my things and went to the door of his bedroom. "Goodbye Harry." "Baby...Please. Just stay one more night. Please. One last thing." I sighed. "Fine then I'm leaving in the morning." "Okay..." "Let's go to sleep then." "Can we just talk for a while? Like in the bed and act like nothing happened?" "Yeah sure. Whatever Harry."

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