Chapter 23

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"Hey Anna." "Li do you think we could talk?" "I guess so. Yeah. When?" "Now? Your house?" "Alright babe. Will Harry be with you?" " he won't." "Alright. See you then." I hung up and went back upstairs to grab my bag from Harry's room. When I came in, I found him awake, sitting on my bag. "Harry...Please don't make this harder than it has to be." "I'm not moving until you tell me why you're leaving." "I don't love y-" "That's bullshit. I heard you say it. I wasn't asleep. I heard you say you loved me. What's going on?!" "Harry I..." "It's fucking Liam isn't it? You're leaving me for him." "No!! Harry no. I can't tell you." "Why can't you tell me?! You're dumping me and you won't even tell me why?" "Harry I just...I'm sorry." I kissed him quickly before pushing him off my bag. He sprung up, pinning me against the wall. "Is it because I hurt you yesterday? And lost my shit? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I really didn't." "No Harry that's not why. Let me go please." I was crying now. I don't want to leave him but it's for the best. I grabbed my bag and scurried downstairs. "Anna wait!!" I ran out the door and put my bag in the back. I was suddenly lifted into the air. "I'm gonna miss you babe...I love you." "I love you too Harry." I kissed him lightly. "Put me down." "No." "Harry. Put me down or I'll call Liam and say you're raping me." "Don't mention that asshole." "Then put me down." He sighed but did so. I got into the driver's seat and backed out quickly.

I knocked lightly and waited. The door opened to reveal a smiling Liam. "Hey..." "Hey. Come on in." I nodded and followed him inside. "Is Liza here?" "No why?" I crashed my lips onto his. "Sorry I'm very... hormonal right now." "Time of the month?" "No, pregnant." "You're...Seriously?!" I nodded. "And I broke up with Harry." "You broke up with Harry?! Oh god." "What?" "Does he know about the baby?" "" "Why does he think you broke up with him?" "He doesn't know why...At first I said it was because I didn't love him but he said he heard me say it when I thought he was asleep-" "Wait, come here and sit down." I followed him over to the couch where he pulled me into his lap. "I'm just...I don't wanna leave him. I don't wanna go back to my abusive father but I-oh my god. My dad. He might kill the baby!! Oh my god." "Stay here with me." "No. No way in hell would I do that." "That's offensive." He said scoffing. "It's not that. You're my best friend Liam. What if Harry or one of the others came over? Besides I wouldn't want you and Liza to deal with me. I mean I'm pregnant and it gets...tough." "I wouldn't care." "I don't care Liam. I'll...I don't know what I'm gonna do." "What about Gemma? Aren't you two like best friends?" "Yeah but...she's Harry's sister..." "Just stay with me." "Liam I don't want-" "It'll be fine babe. I promise. I wanna look after you." I smiled. "Thank you Liam." "You're welcome." He held me close in his lap. "It'll be awkward when Liza gets home." "Why?" "I'm hormonal and I'll have nobody to kiss!" He blushed and kissed me lightly. "I don't think you'll have to worry about her." "Why?" "Me and Liza aren't married anymore." "What?! Why?" "She was part of the contract." "Really? I never would've expected that. You two act so...real." "Yeah? Well it wasn't." I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. "I think I'm in love..." "Really?! That's great! Go get her then! Kiss her spontaneously or something! That always works!" He laughed and kissed me roughly. I kissed back before it dawned on me. "Liam...?" "Yeah baby?" "No! You can't love me. We can't be kissing." "Why not?" "I'm pregnant with Harry's baby." "So?" "So?! I still love him Liam." "You broke up with him." "I didn't want him to deal with the burden of a baby!" "Are pregnant people always this bipolar?" "Yes." I said kissing him. He held me closer in his lap. "You need sleep." "I just woke up an hour ago." "I don't care. You're moody." "And I'll be moody for nine months. See what you got yourself into?" He smirked. "I love you Anna." I smiled, hugging him tight. "Liam?" "Yeah babe?" "What if...What if Harry finds out?" "It'll be okay. I'll keep you safe okay?" I nodded hesitantly. "Thank you Li." "You're welcome." We stayed silent for a while, just enjoying each other's company. "Do you miss him?" "'Course I do. I love him." "You realize he probably wouldn't mind having a baby right?" "Well, now it's done. I can't change it." "Whatever you say love."

-Harry's POV-

I went inside, broken, after waiting outside for an hour for her to come back. But she didn't. She probably never will. When I walked inside, Gus sat on the bottom step, watching me. It was still a little thing but he seemed concerned. I went over and picked up before sitting on the couch. "I guess it just wasn't meant to be...It's horrible to thinks she completes me, but I don't complete her. She's my better half...Why do you think she left me? I didn't out her first did I? Or maybe I didn't act like I loved her enough?...Whatever it was, nothing could hurt more than her leaving me. It's broken me to pieces. What if she went to Liam? Or Tevin? Oh god...of she went to Tevin...She might get beat Gus!!" He barked. I sighed. "She's stole two hearts and broke one."

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