Chapter 26

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"Tonight's our last concert until tour is over and I'll be home for a while." "Really?" I asked excitedly. He nodded with a smile. I smiled wide and hugged him. "I wanna go but I'm afraid Harry will notice the bump. It's pretty big now." "Nothing a loose shirt won't cover." I made a face. "Oh come on. It's worth a shot at least." I finally nodded. "Okay..." "Well let's go find you a loose shirt then! You can wear one of mine if that's okay." I nodded and followed him upstairs. "Liam?" "Yeah?" "What if...What if he sees it?" "Do you want him to know?" I shook my head quickly. "Then...tell him it's Tevin's or something." "But...okay." "I mean you don't have to. Do whatever you want. It's your best friend and your baby. It was just a suggestion." I nodded and followed him into his room. He went over to his dresser, searching for something for me to wear. I stared down at the ground awkwardly. "Thank you." "For what babe?" "Looking after me. I swear after the baby comes I'll leave. I'll find me an apartment or something." "Anna, I don't mind that you stay here. I love it actually. I love your company. I'd hate to be alone. Stay as long as you want. Besides I'm that baby's uncle. We can have quality uncle/nephew time." He said smiling. "Thank you Liam. For everything." "It's no problem babe." He said, kissing my cheek. I blushed and took the shirt from his outstretched hand. "Turn around Payne." "I am, I am." He said raising his hands up in mock defense. I pulled my shirt off and slipped his onto my body. Even with my pregnant stomach, it was big on me. "Okay turn around." He did so, examining how I looked. "I like how that looks on you." "Can you tell?" He bit his lip and circled around me slowly. "Nope. You're good love." "Oh good. So when's your concert?" "Four hours. We should get going, it's two hours away." I nodded and slipped my shoes on that sat by his bed. Yes we sleep together. It's not romantic though. Well, he's told me he has feelings for me but I don't feel anything for him. He's just a good friend. "Ready?" I nodded.
He held my hand tightly as we navigated through the crowd of people. "Liam!! Did you steal Harry's girl?!" "No, we're just good friends." He pulled me inside before him. He sighed in relief as we made our way over to the boys. "Anna!!" Harry's head snapped up. "Anna..." He was crying. I ignored him and wrapped my arms around Louis. As we hugged I could tell he noticed my belly. "I'm pregnant..." I whispered in his ear. "Don't tell him." He nodded as we pulled away. I smiled up at him. "Why'd you come with Liam?" Harry asked, eyeing us. "He offered to drive me." He nodded. He stepped closer but I stepped toward Zayn. "Hey babe." "Hey." I said smiling and hugging him. "Pregnant...Don't tell him." I whispered again. He nodded. "Of course I won't." "Princess Anna!!" I smiled and turned to Niall. "Hey Nialler." He wrapped me in his arms, me coming to about his chest. "Anna are you-" "Yes Niall now shut up please." "Oh." "Yeah...Sorry. Hormonal." "It's fine." He said smiling. This is why he's one of my favorites. Besides Liam and Harry of course. "Anna!!" I turned and saw Ashton running up. "Ash!" I smiled wide as he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. "I missed you!" "I missed you too." I played with his hair as we hugged for a while. "Are you pregnant?" He mumbled inquisitively. "Yeah...Please don't mention it to Harry." "He's doesn't know?" "No." "Is it his?" I nodded and pulled away. He gave a sad smile and kissed my temple. "You take care of yourself alright?" I nodded. "Thanks Ash." "Call me sometime. We could catch up over coffee." I smiled and nodded. "Sounds fun." I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Harry. "Oh...hey." "Hey baby...How are you?" "I'm alright. You?" I asked, giving a weak smile. "Horrible." I swallowed hard, looking at anything but his pleading eyes. "I love you." "I love you too..." I said, crying. He went to hug me but I stepped back. "It's just a hug..." He said pouting. "I'm sorry...Where'd Liam go?" He sighed, defeated but pointed behind me. "Thanks." I said with a small smile. I walked up to Liam and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Hey...Did he say anything to you?" "He just asked how I was doing so I asked him back...He said he was horrible. Then he said he loved me, so naturally I said it back then he went to hug me so I came over here." "I know how to get him to back off." "How?" He leaned down and pressed our lips together gently. "Liam!" "What? It'll work." "If he sees-" "Anna..." I turned to see a heartbroken Harry behind me, tears brimming his eyes. "Harry I-" He ran off towards his dressing room. "Good job Liam." "I'm sorry. I just thought you wanted him to leave you alone." "That doesn't mean you had to make him cry!" "I'm sorry..." "It's okay..." He smiled small.
I knocked on the door lightly. "Harry? Babe open the door please." "I don't wanna see you." Ouch. That hurt. "Then will you listen? I don't like Liam okay? We're not dating." "Then why'd he kiss you?" "He just did. I've told him to stop." The door opened abruptly. "That's what you said about your friend that you're staying with. It's him isn't it? That's why you rode over with him!" "Harry..." He started pacing. I slipped my hand into his and turned him toward me. He pulled me into his arms. I was pretty content until I felt the baby kick. Shit. "What was that?" "I uh...I-" He carefully lifted my shirt up, gasping as he did. "Oh my god...It's his isn't it?!" "Who's?" "Liam's!!" "Harry-" He ran out the door, crying again. "Shit, shit, shit." I mumbled, searching for Liam, tears already falling from my face. "Anna!" He exclaimed as I entered the room. "Why are you crying? What happened? Harry just ran by." "He found out and he thinks it's yours." "Oh shit." "Yeah...He knows I'm staying with you..." "Oh god...This won't end well." "Boys!! Let's go!!" "I'll see you after Anna." "Alright. Have fun." He gave a faint smile before running on stage.

Author's Note: Sorry about triples don't this chapter three times! I kept posting the wrong one!! This one is now the correct one!! Sorry for any confusion!

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