Chapter 27

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I tried calling Harry after the show but he wouldn't answer me. I left a voicemail. "Harry, it's not what it looks like. I swear." That's all I said before I hung up and laid down on the bed. Liam came over, sliding under the blankets. "Has he answered yet?" "No...I guess he hates me now, huh?" "No of course not. He could never hate you. He just thinks it's mine so he's upset about it." "I miss him..." "Then tell him the baby's his." "No...Not yet. After it's born." "Alright. Good night babe." "Night Liam." He kissed my forehead before turning in his side to fall asleep.

I stayed wide awake though. I couldn't get my mind off Harry and what he must be thinking.


When Liam finally woke up and came downstairs, he looked frantic. "Liam what's wrong?" He turned to face me sharply. "I thought you were gone. I never wake up before you." I shrugged. "I didn't sleep last night." "Well that's no fun. Why not?" He asked, sitting beside me and wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I hurt him." "No you didn't. He assumed. You didn't do anything." I frowned. "Yes I did. It's all my fault he left the venue crying last night. Did he cry on stage?" "During some songs..." "Like what?" "Strong, Happily, More Than This, Half A Heart, Don't Forget Where You Belong..." I nodded and laid my head over on his shoulder. "Hey, it'll be okay...I love you." "Liam..." "What? It's not my fault." "But why'd you tell me now?" "I didn't think it mattered when I told you. I just wanted you to know." I sighed and got up, feeling dizzy I fell back into the couch. "Hey are you okay?" "Yeah just dizzy." "I'll go get your medicine. Don't move." I nodded, grabbing a pillow and placing it behind my back.

He walked in quickly, handing me water and two pills. He placed a kiss to my temple after I had swallowed them. "Thank you Li." A sharp pain hit my stomach. "Oh shit." "You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine."

Another pain hit my stomach, making me wince.

"I think I'm just sick again." I said, getting up to climb the stairs. Liam came up and wrapped his arms around me to carry me. "Thank you." "You're welcome babe."

Another sharp pain.

He sat me in the bathroom and left to get some medicine I presume.

"Liam?" "Yeah?" He asked, walking into the room. "The baby's coming." His eyes went wide and he ran over to me, lifting me in his arms to carry outside.

He sat me in the passenger's seat, him running around to the other side.

"Ah shit!" "What's wrong?" "Just drive Payne!"

He did as he was told, driving down the road at a seemingly slow pace, even though he was probably going 70 mph. I saw him reach into his pocket and glance down, dialing a number. "Just drive Liam!" "I can multitask!" He pulled into the parking lot as he answered. "Harry get to the hospital right now. Anna is in labor...It's your baby you idiot!" He exclaimed as he helped me out and carried me toward the emergency doors. A nurse rushed over to us with a wheelchair.

"Will the father be joining us?" "He's on his way." "Why'd you call him? I didn't want him to know." "He's my best friend. He deserves to know. It's his right as the father."

She wheeled me down the hallway, into a room and beside a bed. She helped me on it as another contraction hit. "Oh god this hurts!" "I know honey. It'll be okay. I know it feels like you're gonna pass out but you can do it. I've had five kids and I turned out fine." I gave a pathetic smile. The doctor came in. "Nurse what's going on?" "She just had a contraction. How many does this make sweetie?" "Two. I had one on the way over. About 10 minutes ago." The door opened again and a guy in a lab coat and surgical mask came in. Peeking out of the hair net I saw curls.

"Harry..." He rushed to the side of my bed. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I thought you'd leave me anyway so might as wel-shit!" He slipped his hand into mine. "You're okay. I'll be right here alright? I'll be with you through it all." He kissed my forehead.

"Contractions at 8 minutes!" "Breath baby. In and out alright? In through your nose out through your mouth."

"I know how to fucking breathe Harold!" I sighed. "Sorry. Just, a lot, of pain right now." "I know. It's okay." He pulled his mask back up. "I'm going to have to give you a shot of anesthesia in the back okay?" I nodded and leaned forward. I felt a sting in my lower back then I felt a numbing sensation.

"The baby's coming! Push darling!" I squeezed Harry's hand hard, pushing. "C'mon babe, you've got this. Just a little more." I pushed some more and finally,to my relief, after a few painful minutes, I heard crying. I sighed happily. "It's a girl!" They wrapped her in a towel and handed her to Harry. "She's gorgeous...She's got my hair and eyes..." I smiled, noticing his eyes were glossed over. "What should we name her?" He asked, looking over at me. "I think you should decide." "Really?!" I nodded. "We need to go clean her. She'll be back in your arms shortly." Harry smiled and nodded, pulling a chair up beside me. "So that's why you never would let me come see you..." "Yeah..." He slipped his hand into mine, playing with my fingers. "You realize if you would've told me I would've been on board 110% right?" "I do now...I was just worried." He smiled small. "I love you." "I love you too." I said with a small smile. "Anna?" "Hmm?" I mumbled, looking up at him with adoration. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled. "Yes Harry. Of course." He smiled, playing with my fingers. "Anna?" "Yeah?" "Did you ever get upset while we were apart?" "Every night I cried myself to sleep..." "I did too." I looked at him with a small smile, now playing with the rings on his fingers.

-Harry's POV-

"I got a tattoo..." She said, almost making me choke. "You what?" She smiled. "I got two actually. One's an infinity symbol on my wrist." She said, showing me the small symbol with a heart on it. "What for?" "I think you know exactly what." I shook my head. "No clue." "Us baby." "Oh!...Awh!!" She smiled and kissed my knuckles. "What's the other one?" "An anchor...It's on my shoulder." I smiled. "We now have matching tattoos. Something I've been wanting to do forever." "Really?" I nodded. "It seems like a cute couple-y thing to do." She laughed and oh god have I missed that laugh.

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