Chapter 3

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I shouldn't be here. He's not even going to remember me. I should just leave.


The man motioned for the girl in front of me to come up. She squealed, running up to them.

Me and Harry made eye contact but he didn't recognize me. I sighed and looked down at my phone.

"Miss, you need to think about what pose you'd like to do." I nodded. "Next." I stepped forward. "What pose would you like to do?" "Can it be one where I act like I'm slapping someone? Or would that be weird?" "We've actually had that before. Go ahead." Liam said laughing. I nodded and acted like I was going to smack Harry. Right as they were about to take the picture, I slapped him in the face. "What the hell?!" Niall exclaimed. "Screw you Harry." "Wait, Anna?" I nodded. I could've swore I saw tears come to his eyes but I ignored them. "You left me Harry. You never even said goodbye. You could've at least called and said you weren't coming back." "I'm sorry I've just been really busy and-" "I don't care. You could've called me while you ate lunch or something. That's all I needed. Just a two minute call." "Anna I'm really sorry...I've missed you so much..." He said, stepping toward me. "It sure didn't seem like it." "Well I did. Please, I'll do anything. I'll explain to you later. Just stay here." I sighed and shook my head. "Fine. Fine. I'll stay." He smiled and picked me up into his arms. God I'm so mad but I missed him so much. "Harry hurry up!!" "Just a second would you?!" He smiled before letting go of me. "Follow Paul and he'll take you to our dressing room." I nodded. "Hey love you." He said, quickly. It was our thing. We always told each other 'I love you.' Not in a romantic way. Just, we love each other. "I love you too." He smiled as Paul tapped my shoulder. "Ready Anna?" I nodded and he led me away from the boys. "I'll see you later Anna!" "Bye Hazza."

I got out my phone and texted Tevin.

"Hey babe Xx"

"Did you find him?"

"Yeah...He had me stay in his dressing room..."

"He just left you?!"

"No not really...They had to finish the meet and greet..."

"So you two have talked already?"

"Yeah...I haven't went off on him yet...I will later..."

"Call me if you need me alright babe?"

"Thanks Tev. :)"

"I love you!"

"Love you too! Xx"

I sat in wait for hours, deciding on what to tell him.


"Hey Anna..." He breathed out, smiling at me. "I-" "You left me. You fucking left me there, wondering when you'd come back. The first year, I still thought you'd come back. The second year, I still had a little hope. The third, I knew better. I knew you weren't coming back and if I wanted to see you, I'd have to find you myself." "You-You wanted to see me?" "Of course I did. You were my best friend." He smiled and began to pull me into his arms but I pulled away. "I'm still mad at you." He pouted. "Oh come on Anna! Please! I'll explain everything at my house." I shook my head. "Anna, please. We don't have privacy or time here. C'mon." I sighed and hesitantly nodded. He smiled, linking our arms. "Let's go. If paparazzi say anything, don't answer and just follow me, alright?" I nodded, actually kind of worried. "You'll be okay. I've got you." I smiled and leaned up, kissing his head. "I really have missed you. A day hasn't went by that I've haven't thought of you." "Yeah right." I scoffed, following him out the door to where the others were. "Harry!! Who is this?!" "Is she your girlfriend??" "Who is she?!" "Are you having an affair?" "Are you cheating on Kendall??" His jaw clenched. Who's Kendall? I gripped his arm tighter as we walked through the crowd to the car. I hopped in, him getting in behind me. I let go of his arm and looked around at the flashes coming into the car. "You alright?" I nodded. Louis slid in on the other side of me, shooting me a smile. "Nice to meet you. What's your name love?" "Anna Grace Way." "I'm Louis Tomlinson." He said, shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. "So how do you and Harry know each other?" "We've been friends since he was five and I was three." "Oh alright. So what happened? Just lost touch?" "Yeah sure..." I said, shooting a glare at Harry. "We were busy love. I'm sorry." "Yeah I've only been back home once ever since." Louis said, helping him out. "Oh." I leaned my head over on him. "So were you two dating when he left or-" "Oh no. Just friends. We just tell each other we love the other." He nodded. I yawned, grabbing his hand again. "Tired?" "It's a long drive from Holmes Chapel!" He laughed. "Go to sleep then. I'll wake you when we get there." I nodded, slowly falling asleep.

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