Chapter 4

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-Harry's POV-

"How come you've never mentioned her?"

I shrugged, looking down at her sleeping figure. "I just couldn't. It was too hard." Louis nodding, looking at her as well. "She's pretty." "Beautiful...She's changed so much since I left. She even dyed her hair. It used to be brown." "What do you think she'll say about your tattoos?" "I have no clue. I just remember she didn't like them before..." "Oh great." He said sarcastically, nodding.

"You know my anchor tattoo?" He nodded. "It was for her...She was always my anchor. Keeping me tied down to what I needed to." He nodded. "I thought it was just because you liked anchors." He admitted, making us both laugh.

"We're here guys!" I climbed out of the car first, then reached over to get Anna. I carried her like a toddler up to my house. I carefully unlocked the door. Her arms wrapped around me. I smiled, carrying her up the stairs to my room. I laid her down on the bed. She laid back, pulling the blanket around her. I think she was still asleep though.

Her phone began to go off, signaling she had a text. I quickly found it, shutting it up. I couldn't help but notice it was from her contact named 'babe.' I thought she didn't like to date? I pulled up the text: "Hey baby, have you talked to him about leaving you yet? I promise I'll beat his ass if anything happens to you! Love you! Xx" "Dick." I said, a little too loudly.

"Harry? What are you doing?" "Nothing. Your phone went off so I had to shut it up before you woke up." She laughed lightly, sitting up. "What was it?" "A text from whoever your boyfriend is." "Oh yeah. I forgot to text him back." "Yeah, well he seems like a dick." "Harry!" "He does!" "Whatever. C'mere, I'm sleepy." "I have to change and so do you." "I don't want to though." "Oh c'mon. I've got sweatpants and a big t-shirt!" "...Fine..." I smirked, throwing her a pair of sweatpants and looking for a t-shirt.

"I uh, got some tattoos while we were apart..." "Oh...How many?" "A lot." She sighed, looking away from me. "I got one for you..." "You did?! Why?" "You're my best friend and I missed you horribly so yeah..." "What is it?" I rolled up my sleeve partially. "An anchor? Why? Oh!! Our song!" "Exactly!" She smiled and began singing the song we made up a few years ago. "I'll be your anchor, and you'll be my ship!! I'll tie you down, so you don't do shit!" I laughed, reminiscing, throwing her a shirt.

"I'm changing in here. Right here." "Not like I haven't seen it before." I said with a smirk. "You have not! You've just saw me in a bikini." "Same thing." I rolled my eyes.

We both began to change. I was worried what she'd say about the tattoos but I had to change. "Who's Kendall?" "Long story." "I've got time." She said with a smile.

I sat beside her, although she immediately climbed into my lap. She traced the tattoos on my chest, shocking me. "I actually kinda like them...What's with the butterfly?" "I honestly have no clue." "So Kendall..." "Well, we were 'friends' I guess you could say for a while. Management put us together, paying her loads of money, and allowed me to keep my job." "Why would they do that?!" "Publicity. If the public sees me and their little sweetheart Kendall Jenner together, more people listen and buy One Direction products." "Wait, Kendall Jenner? The girl we used to make fun of?" "Yeah..." "Oh wow...So do you like her?" "I hate her." "Well that was rude." She said laughing. "It's true. She's a cold hearted bitch." "That doesn't shock me." I changed the subject. "Go to sleep." "No." "Why not?" "I'm not sleepy anymore." "Fine...So what happened while I was gone?" "Well..." She trailed off thinking, then I notice her freeze but regain her composure quickly. "Nothing." "Something happened. What was it?" She sighed. "...My mum died..." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I tried. I tried to call you but you never answered me..." "I'm so sorry An, I had my number changed..." She sighed and got off me, staring at the ceiling. "I really am sorry babe...I didn't know-" "Save it Harry. I don't wanna talk about it." I sighed. "Alright. I get it..." We sat in silence for a while. "I'm sorry..." "I know you are Haz...Let's just go to sleep." I nodded, climbing in beside her. She cuddled closer to me, despite the hurt in her eyes, and fell asleep.

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