Chapter 34

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There was a knock at the door. "Our first guest has arrived." I said with a smile. He smirked and followed me to the door. I opened it to reveal a smiling Niall. "Niall!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him. "Hey Princess. Missed you." "I missed you too." He pulled away then hugged Harry. "Missed you too mate." "You too." As the words left him mouth, another car pulled into the driveway. As soon as Perrie's door opened, we ran to each other, wrapping ourselves in a huge hug. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too!" When we let go, Zayn had his arms open wide. He laughed as I almost tackled him. "Missed you too Zaynie." "Missed you too Princess Anna." Harry ran out and lifted me over his shoulder, carrying me around. "Harold! Let me down!" "Now I'm definitely not!" I kept kicking, but it didn't help. I blew the fallen hair out of my face with a sigh. He finally dropped me onto the couch. "Thank you Mr.Styles." I said, hopping back up. "You're welcome future Styles." "What?!" Zayn, Niall and Perrie all exclaimed. "Oh...Yeah...Uh we're engaged." "Finally!" We both smiled, looking at each other. Perrie rushed over. "Can I see it?" I nodded, holding my hand up. She examined it, a smile growing on her face. "It's beautiful." "Thank you. He did a good job picking it out didn't he?" "He sure did." She said with a proud nod. "Does Liam know?" "No. Why?" Harry answered. Oh yeah. I didn't tell him Liam knows. "He's going to be-" Perrie smacked Zayn to get him to shut up. "What?" Harry urged. "He'd be devastated." "Zayn!" "What? It's true." "Why would he care?" "He loves her." Harry glanced at me and I shrugged. "You two didn't know?" "Well, he had told me before." "Well, poor Liam is going to be so upset. Depressed even." "Why am I depressed?" Liam asked, walking through the door. I ran up and hugged him. "I think we need to talk." I said, loud enough for them to hear. He nodded and let me drag him into the kitchen. "Okay, so they just found out about the engagement and Harry doesn't know you know. And they were talking about how you'd be upset when you found out and that's what we were talking about when you came in." "Oh..." He mumbled, looking down at his feet. "Liam...You aren't still upset. Are you?" "Of course I am...I didn't want you to marry him but if you're happy...I guess I'll try to be." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you so much." I sighed and squeezed him tighter, kissing his chest. "Let's go back in there." I said, pulling away and walking towards the door. "Wait...Please." I turned to look at him. "One last time?" I sighed and looked down. "Liam..." "Please? I'll never ask again. I promise." I sighed but nodded, walking over and pressing our lips together. His arms snaked around my waist and mine went around his neck. I heard the kitchen door swing open and pulled away immediately. It was Perrie and she had saw everything. "Perrie please don't tell Harry." "Don't worry I won't. That was hot." We both blushed. "So you two huh?" She asked, leaning on the counter. "What? No, no." "It looked like it." "I wish..." Liam mumbled quietly beside me. "No. I just...ugh. I don't know how to explain it." "Looks like Anna is in love with Harry. Liam is in love with Anna. Anna has developed feelings for Liam. Liam and Anna kiss a lot to fulfill Liam's wants and bam. You've got yourself a love triangle." "I don't have feelings for him." "Then why are you always kissing?" "I-" "Shush child. I just got an idea for your bachelorette party." My cheeks burned red. I looked at Liam and his were the same. He grabbed at my hand. "What?" I asked, turning to face him. "I'm sorry she found out. It's my fault." "It's okay. Let's just go back in there." He nodded and followed me back into the room. There was a knock on the door. Whenever I opened it, I found Lou, Eleanor, Ash and Mikey. "Hey guys! I missed you guys so much!" I wrapped my arms around El first. "I still haven't got to see the baby." She whined. "I know. You'll have to come visit sometime." She smiled as she pulled away. Ashton then picked me up in his arms. "Ash! Please put me down!" He laughed but did so, sitting me right in front of Louis. "Hey love." "Hey Lou!" I said smiling. He wrapped me in his arms then went to join the others. "Mikey!!" I exclaimed, hugging him tightly. "Ah I missed you!" "I missed you too." I said, letting go and going over to sit in Harry's lap. He wrapped his arm around me protectively. "What do you guys wanna do first?" "Truth or dare!" Someone yelled out. "No! Truth or Kiss!" Harry's grip on me tightened. "What's that?" "You ask somebody a question and if they don't wanna answer it, you make them kiss somebody." "I think it sounds fun." "No. Absolutely not." "Oh come on Harry." "No." "Well I'm playing." He sighed. "Then I am too." "Alright! Rules are, must be straight kissing, and no kissing their partner!" Harry's jaw clenched. This isn't going to go well.

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