Chapter 35

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"Perrie, have you ever taken a pregnancy test?" "No." Zayn smirked and pulled her closer to him. "Harry, have you had sex with anyone other than Anna?" She asked, looking at the two of us. "No." I leaned up and kissed him lightly. "El, how many guys have you had sex with?" Louis looked down at her. "I don't wanna answer it." "Kiss...Mikey." She nodded and walked over kissed him quickly. "Anna, how many guys have you kissed?" "I don't wanna answer." Harry's grip on me tightened. "Kiss Liam." She said without hesitation. I looked up at Harry for a second before getting off him and going over to Liam. I pressed our lips together and he immediately deepened it. I pulled away and went back over to Harry. He glared at Liam. "Harry, have you ever cheated on any of your girlfriends?" "I don't wanna answer." I swallowed hard and got off his lap, looking down at mine. "An I-" "Kiss Perrie." His jaw clenched but he did as he was told and went over beside her. As soon as their lips were together, I went over to Liam. "Anna I-" I crashed my lips onto his. I was crying. I pulled away and cried into his chest. "Baby...It's okay. Calm down." "You knew didn't you? That he cheated. That's why you asked him." "Anna, c'mere." "Shut up for a second Harry!!" "Yeah...I knew." "Why didn't you tell me?" "It was a long time ago and I forgot until now." I nodded. "Anna, can we talk?" I hugged Liam tighter. "I don't wanna talk to you right now." "C'mere babe. I'll explain it all." I sighed and finally got off Liam's lap. "We'll watch a movie while you two talk." Niall suggested. I nodded and followed Harry to his room. "It was back whenever we first began dating." "Who was it?" "I-" "Who was it Harry?" "Kendall..." "Kendall?! I thought you hated her!" "I do!" "Then why did you cheat?!" "I don't know! It just kinda happened. We were arguing and she kissed me." I sighed and looked down at the floor. "Baby I'm sorry. I'm also sorry I didn't tell you." "Whatever. Let's just go downstairs."

He sat down in the couch, taking the only spot left. He patted his lap and I reluctantly sat down. "I'm sorry..." I sighed and and turned around in his lap. "I love you...God I love you so much. I can't stay mad." I mumbled into his chest. I felt him smile into my hair. He tilted my chin up and kissed me. Everybody cheered. Even Liam. He pulled me closer and kissed me harder. I pulled away, burying my face in his neck. "Perrie, El? Will you two help me with supper?" They got up and followed me into the kitchen, an awkward silence over us. "What's with you and Liam?" El asked quietly. Me and Perrie looked at each other nervously. "Promise to keep a secret?" "Yeah of course." "Per will you-" "Yeah of course." She quickly explained while I got out everything needed to make homemade pizza. "Oh...Wow." "Yeah...I feel horrible." "Harry should feel horrible." "He does...I feel bad that me and Liam did that though. I shouldn't've done anything when he told me he loves me. I should've ignored it-" "He loves you?" El asked, shocked. "Yeah..." "Do you have feelings for him?" "Well...No. But I-I don't know. I don't have feelings for him but I love his company and I love cuddling with him and he's a good kisser..." "Sounds like you like him a little bit." "No. I'm getting married to Harry." "Wait, what?!" I sighed. "You've missed a lot." "Well, anyway, that doesn't mean you can't have feelings for Liam." "But even if I did, that'd be wrong. I wouldn't want Harry to like someone else and us be married." "True." "Yeah. I'd hate it if Zayn liked somebody else too..." I nodded and looked down at my feet. Then the door swung open and Harry, Louis and Zayn walked in. "What're you guys doing?" "Helping our fiancés with dinner." I smiled and leaned up to kiss Harry. "Love you baby." "I love you too."


I laughed. Hard. "Shh!!" I put my hand over my mouth as Harry flung the blanket over both of us. "Il be back." He whispered and took off up the stairs.

When he appeared again, he had four chairs and another blanket. "Harry what are these for?" "We're making a tent." I laughed lightly. "Well, alrighty then." I helped him get everything done correctly and once it was all done, we crawled into our blanket fort. "This reminds me of our sleepovers when we were little. It was the only way we'd sleep." He smirked and nodded. "I miss her." "I do too..." I said, the mood changing completely. "We'll see her tomorrow though." I nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." He mumbled quietly. "It's okay..." "Do you remember that time Gemma came home late and we thought she was a murderer?" He laughed and nodded. "Yes! And we ran upstairs and jumped in my mum's bed!" I nodded, smiling wide. "Then, I never thought I'd fall in love with my best friend. Yet here we are. We've got a baby girl, we're engaged and I couldn't be happier." I smiled. "Yeah. I never would've thought it either but I'm glad it turned out the way it did." "Me too. Now come here." I smiled and crawled into his lap. "I love you Harry." "I love you more Anna." He said with a smile, and kissed me lightly on the lips.

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