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"Theo, how the fuck did you clean up your truck?" Emilia walked on the pavement ground of the abandoned zoo.

She ended up arriving to the zoo before the males to check the perimeters, to see if there was any squatters.

Of course, Liam was against it-but he knew that Emilia could handle herself without him. She was the one who taught him most of what he knew anyways.

"Magic" He answered sarcastically making her roll her eyes

"Let me guess, Juniper?" She said straightly making him just keep silent-answering her question without words.

"I feel like she spoils you too much" Emilia joked walking away to the truck, heading straight to the front passenger seat where Liam was sitting. She leaned on the window as he spoke to Mason.

"Okay, just be careful"

"Okay" She heard Mason respond before hanging up on his end.

"You are so adorable" Emilia comment tapping his cheek making him turn to her frowning

"I don't take adorable as a compliment"

"Well suck it up buttercup, because you are just the definition of the word," She said sweetly making him pout.

"I love you my adorable puppy" She grinned making him lean forward connecting his lips with her own," I love you too"

"Okay, if you to even think about kissing again, I will not hesitate and kill you both-Out of the truck before you defile her" Theo shouted from wherever he was standing.

"Grumpypants" Emilia whispered

"He's just mad because he can't be with Juniper at the moment," Liam said under his breath getting out of the truck but then smirked pulling her closer to him

"He didn't say we couldn't kiss outside of his truck" He added leaning forward reconnecting his lips with her own

"No-but he will kill you both for acting like hormonal teenagers-god, you two are worse than the time you dragged me around chained up constantly kissing"

Emilia pulled back and looked at him," Don't say it like that, you make it sound like we purposely found pleasure in you being chained up"

Theo turned to her and smirked," I didn't mean it at all like that-but if you and Liam have that kink then-

"Shut up, Theo," the couple said in sync muting his words and before Theo could retort back, Mason's car pulled up into the paved road. They all walked over to the car and Liam went straight to Mason at the window, while Emilia and Theo went to the trunk to grab the supplies.

"How close is he?"

"He's back down the road-don't look," Mason said

Emilia and Theo both grabbed a few sleeping bags and blankets," You know when Juniper said that she was going to make you help the pack-did you think she meant this?"

"No-If I had a choice, I would have left this town" Theo grumbled taking one of the blankets from her hands walking forward

"I'm not a damsel, Raeken" She whined following after him," And you're not a gentleman-so what the hell are you doing?" She tried to grab the blanket back but he stepped away

"Just to not have my girlfriend scold me again-Thank you for helping her find me" He mumbled softly talking under Mason and Liam who was just a few steps away.

"Holy shit-Did I die or am I just dreaming? Theo fucken Raeken just thanked me" She asked herself making him frown throwing the blanket back to her as he walked over to the boys.

"Should I come with you guys?"

"His friends shoot to kill-" Theo said slowly eyeing Mason," Go home"

Emilia walked over and held back from kicking Theo who trudged away," I'd say sorry, but we all know this is the nicest Theo has ever been"

Mason leaned back in the seat and let out a sigh," Yeah, Lydia would kill me if anything happened to her car anyway, so...

"Don't worry about it" Liam reached into the car patting his shoulder," Nolan's gonna do the rest"

Emilia leaned over," Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Liam" mentioned male looked at her offended as she winked at him walking away.

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