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Malia scrunched her nose when Liam and Emilia walked into the clinic.

"You know, for the courtesy of the pack-you two should have made sure you didn't smell of so much sexual tension" She blurted out bluntly making the younger teens share looks and both avert their eyes.

"W-What are you even talking about?" Liam coughed

"You are both like animals in heat-" Malia went to explain but Emilia stepped forward cutting her off "Lydia just messaged me, said she and the others are on their way"

"No, no Mil, don't go changing the subject-Malia is right, you two both stink of sex," Theo said in amusement walking into the room.

"Why are you even here?" Liam turned to scowl at the male

Theo turned to him about to say some wise comment, but Emilia stepped in "Because Juniper will have his ass if he isn't"

"Still surprised me how someone amazing like her is with someone horrible like you" Malia commented nonchalantly making him just roll his eyes, knowing better not to do anything rash. He was confident in his strength-but he had to admit that the werecoyote was more primal than he ever could be.

What Theo didn't expect-or Liam for the matter was Emilia's next words," It's because Juniper knows Theo behind all of the cruel things he has done-I mean" She looked at him," He is an egotistical asshole most of the time, but under it all he is actually a decent person-at least that's what I experienced within the past months"

"Did she just compliment me or insult me?" Theo looked at the other two

"See it as you will, Theo" She sighed at him knowing that it was only natural for him not to even say thanks-but she takes what she can and she said what she needed.

Malia had fallen silent just observing Emilia. She still had no recollection of the female and she was curious how long they've actually known each other.

Did they meet before she joined the pack? Or after? Was she there when the pack dealt with the Nogitsune or the Deadpool? Or did she come around the time Theo did?

She had all these questions, but she didn't have the gut in her to actually ask it. Especially after hearing Emilia's past-she didn't want to pick at moments that might have been sensitive to talk about.

One thing she knew-was that Emilia was a lot like Scott. She was hiding most of her emotions but also stands up for people who do horrible things to them.

All she was left to think about-was why did she forget someone like Emilia Crooke? What can possibly be the reason for someone or something, making them forget a person's entire existence?

"Malia," said female snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at the filled room. She furrowed her brows at the sight of Scott, Lydia and Corey.

"You kind of got us worried there Malia" Lydia folded her arms," We were trying to get your attention for half an hour now"

She let out a breath and ran a hand through her hair," Sorry, I was-" Her eyes trailed to Emilia unconsciously," Thinking"

"That's a first" Theo mumbled jokingly which got him a smack on the arm by Emilia. Malia had no strength whatsoever to even bother and argue with him, so she just kept silent going back averting her attention to Scott and the others.

"So, what did you need?" She asked the Strawberry blonde

"Just about our plan, but Scott decided we'll tell Mason, so he's going to send Corey to the school"

"We're going to tell Mason?" She turned to Scott who nodded," He's still a part of the pack"

"If he didn't send Corey, I would have gone myself" Emilia whispered making Liam lightly chuckle at her as he wrapped his arms around her.

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