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On Thursday night I am in my bedroom getting ready for my date with Ethan. I hear the doorbell ring and I walk over to the window. I see Ethan standing at the door wearing a suit a suit.

He looks great. Well, he looks great all the time. I prefer him in a suit over the jeans and black shirts that he wears.

He looks up and I hide behind the curtain.

I have to finish getting ready.

Mom enters the room and she looks at me. "You're not ready?"

I shake my head. "I don't know what to wear. He wants me to have dinner at his place."

Mom moves over to the cupboard and she pulls out a dress. She places it on the bed. "You should wear that. Ethan's talking to your father right now and I think Johnny is with them."

I put the dress on and grab my heels. I sneak down the stairs and I make my way to Dad's office. I put my ear against the door and I listen to the conversation behind the door.

"My daughter will be downstairs soon. I don't want to keep her waiting for you."

"You know how I feel about, Laken. It hasn't been a secret that I've liked her for years. So, I was wondering..." he pauses. "If I could ask your permission for her hand in marriage."

He's considering marrying me?

I back away from the door and I run upstairs. I make my way to the twin's room and I watch them sleep. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I turn towards the person.

Mom looks at me. "What did you hear in that room?"

"How did you?"

She smiles. "You're like me sweetheart. We don't like being kept in the dark and when you heard that Ethan was talking to Dad you got dressed and went straight to the office."

I sigh. "He's asking Dad for permission to marry me."

Mom jumps up and down. "My daughter's getting married."
I shake my head. "I'm not getting married Mom. He hasn't asked me yet. He needs to meet the girls. I think it's too early for him to ask that of Dad and it's too early for the girls to meet Ethan. We haven't been together long. Did you know that he's had feelings for me for years?"

"Yes, but he was never allowed near you. Johnny chased him off all the time. I wanted you to date, Ethan. Now, that you are I'm looking forward to the time that he becomes my son-in-law. He's been like a son to me from the moment Johnny brought him home after school in high school."

I hear Dad, Johnny and Ethan downstairs. "I should go." I exit the room and hold onto the wall while I put my heels on. I walk over to the stairs and hold the banister as I walk down the stairs.

Ethan smiles when he sees me. "Hey, Laken." He moves to the stairs and waits for me. "You look beautiful."

I feel a blush rise on my face and I look at the ground as I continue to descent the stairs. I place my hand in his.

He lifts my face and I look at him. "You don't need to hide the blush I made come to your perfect face." He brings his lips to mine and he kisses me.

I wrap my arms behind his neck and I deepen the kiss.

A throat clears behind us and I pull away from Ethan.

I give Johnny a death glare. "When you get a girlfriend I'm going to pay you back, big brother." I open the door and exit the house with Ethan.

"Don't forget to use protection. I don't want my sister pregnant before it's her time. She's got twin's upstairs that don't need new additions to the family yet." Johnny yells.

I flip my brother off.

"Idiot," Ethan mutters and I laugh. He turns to me. "You weren't supposed to hear that."

I laugh again. "He is an idiot. I'm looking forward to the moment that he finds a girl. I'm going to embarrass him in front of her."

He smiles. "I'll help you with that." Ethan opens the car door for me and I step inside. He shuts the door and rounds to his side.


Ethan pulls the car in front of a mansion. He looks at me. "I brought this place a last month and I moved in today. So, things aren't put in their rightful place."
I open the door and step out of the car. I walk up the stairs that lead to the veranda. I see a table and chair on the veranda. It has a candle on it and plates. I look at him. "You left dinner out while you picked me up?"

Ethan shakes his head. "I had a friend put it on the table the moment we drove through the gate. He pulls the chair out and I sit. He tucks me into the table.

I pull the lid off the food and I see a juicy steak with some sort of gravy on it, mixed vegetables and chips are at the side. I pick up the knife and fork and cut into the food.

He looks at me as I put the food in my mouth. I moan as I chew the succulent meat. He shakes his head. Ethan clears his throat and I look at him. "Do you have plans for weekend?"

"Besides spending time with my girls. No, why?"

"I want to meet the girls and take you all for a picnic?"

I smile. "I'd love for you to meet the girls, but they won't be with me then."

He frowns. "Why do you say that?"

I look away from him. "There father learned that he has children and he wants a DNA test done before he meets the girls. There's a possibility that they guy is going to take them from me," tears fall down my face.

Ethan rises and moves over to me. He wraps his arms around me and he whispers. "They guy won't take the girls from you if he sees how attached those girls are you. Someone cruel will remove children from the care of such a beautiful person like you. I want you to know that I'm not with you because of the girls."

I touch his face. "I know you're not. Is it too early for me to say 'I love you,' Ethan?" he shakes his head."

"I love you, too, Laken." He smiles and it lightens his face. "I know you heard the conversation I had with your father and brother."

My mouth drops.

How does he know?

Ethan laughs. "There was a small hole in the door and I saw you leaning against the door. I'm not going to ask you tonight. I know the question freaked you out as I saw you run away from the door. I wanted your father to know how serious I am when it comes to you."
I grab the back of his head and I crush my lips against his.


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