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Johnny enters the house and he moves over to the couch where I am sitting. He sits next to me. "How was your date night with Ethan?"

A smile creeps on my face. "It was perfect. Why did you keep him away from me for so long?"

He sighs. "I didn't want you to get hurt by my best friend. I'll always think of your safety first. While we were growing up I knew the type of person Ethan was. He started to change when we went on our first assignment. I saw him grow as person. There was this girl when we first started the FBI that he fell in love. He was depressed, but I had to pull him out of that state as he could have gotten us killed. I didn't want to die because my best friend was mourning over a girl."

I shake my head. "Poor, Ethan. Did he ever see that girl again?"

"No, he stopped talking about her two months into our assignment. He did vow that he was going to find her when everything was over. He found you instead. I know he's happy with the decision to be with you."

Sophie and Gracie enter the living room with Mom and Dad. They climb onto the couch and they snuggle against Johnny and I.

"I have a date with him on Thursday. He's going to make dinner for me."

Johnny laughs. "He doesn't know how to cook. I've seen him burn steak and set fire to the kitchen at our restaurant."

"Why didn't you tell me you owned a restaurant? You've heard me talk about that place and you didn't say anything."

He looks at the ground. "I didn't want you to go there alone. That place is reserved for couples. They don't let single people use tables on their own. Did you go there last night?"

I nod.


After we got our hot drinks from the café. I moved over to table and added extra chocolate to my hot chocolate. I put a lid on the drink and I knocked the cup off the table. The drink landed on my dress and I burnt myself.

Ethan ran into the bathroom and got some paper towels. He brought them to me and I wiped my dress.

When I got most of the chocolate off my dress. I put the lid on the drink. "Are you ready to go?"

He took my hand and we exited the café. We walked along the boardwalk and we found a spot on the beach. He pulled me into his arms and we watched the wave's crash on the shore.

I closed my eyes for a bit while I was in Ethan's arms.

Ethan shakes me. "Laken, we should go home. I don't want your parents to worry about you." he rises and then extends his hand to me. I take his hand and he pulls me to my feet. He wraps his arm around my waist.

At the car he opened the door for me and I climbed in. He rounded the car and climbed into the driver's seat. He pulled the car out of the parking lot and drove me home.

When we arrive at my parents I see the porch light on. I don't see anyone in the living room. Ethan steps out of the car and he opens the door for me. He take my hand. "Let me walk you to the front door."

Ethan kisses me at the front door. "I'll pick you up at five on Thursday."

I smile. "See you then, Eth." I push the door open and enter the house. I close the door behind me and I slide down."

*End Flashback*

Johnny looks at me. "Do you want to come with us to the park?"

"Sure, let me get their things together and then we can." I look at my brother. "Can you help me sell my place? I don't want to live in a house where a murder was committed and someone tried to pin it on me."

"I already have a buyer for it. I spoke to the Police and they told me that they found the person responsible for the girl's death. It turns out that it was a friend of Grant's. Grant told the guy that if he didn't return that night to frame you for murder. The police haven't looked into the disappearance of him and if they do they won't find anything as the FBI cleaned everything up for us."

That's good that Ethan and Johnny have a clean-up crew.

I rise and move to the bedroom. I pack clean clothes for the girls and diapers. When I exit the room I see Mom in the kitchen with a bag packed full of food. "We're going to have a picnic at the park. Your father insisted that we come as well."

Johnny picks up the keys for Dad's car. "I'm driving. I will put the twin's chairs in the car." he exits the house and opens the car door and he pulls out the chairs. He places the car seats into Dad's.

Mom picks up the bags and she moves toward Dad. She helps him to the car.

The twins and I walk to the car. I help Johnny strap them in before I climb into the car. "Johnny, you need to lock the house."

Johnny jogs up the footpath and he locks the front door. He opens the driver's door and he climbs into the car. He looks at us. "Are you ready?"

I look around the car and make sure that I have everything for the girls. "We're good to go, Johnny."

He pulls the car onto the road and we head to the park.


At the park I unbuckle the girls and we step out of the car. Johnny takes the girls hands and he walks with them to the park.

I stay behind and help Mom. I carry two bags over to the bench that's close to equipment. I place the bags on the table and wait for Mom and Dad to come over.

When they're at the table. I walk over to the park and I play with the girls. "Gracie, do you want to help me build a sandcastle?"

Gracie moves over to me. "Yes, Mommy." She picks up the sand and puts some in front of me.

I use my arms and gather a whole heap of sand and I build the castle.

Johnny places Sophie onto the swing and he pushes her. She starts to laugh as the swing gets higher and higher.

I look at Gracie. "Do you want to go on the swing?"

She nods.

I put Gracie onto the swing and I start to push her. I look around the playground and I see a black SUV parked on the side of the street.

Is that Ethan?

I turn to Johnny. "Is that Ethan's truck?"

Johnny looks at the street and shakes his head. "Ethan, was called into the office. He told me he would call later and tell me what the Director wanted." He turns towards me. "I think it might have something to do with him leaving the agency."


Thanks for reading



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