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Gracie, Sophie, Mom, Cristina and I enter the Bridal store. I walk over to the wedding dresses and look through the rack of clothes.

I move a dress to the side and look underneath. I find scratchy material under it.

I'm not going to wear a dress with that kind of material.

Mom walks over to me. "Have you found anything you like?"

I shake my head. "I want something simple and it has to hug my curves. I don't think there's a dress like that in here. I'm going to look for a dress Gracie and Sophie." I walk over to the kids section and I look through the rack. I hold up two white dresses. "These are cute right?"

The twins dresses, imagine purple and pink ribbons.

Mom walks over and she looks at the dresses. "They are cute. I think you should give Gracie a pink ribbon and Sophie a purple one. That way we won't confuse the twins."

I laugh. "Mom, you will be able to tell them apart."

"I was thinking about the guests. Most of them will be meeting the girls for the first time."

The door chimes ring as someone enters the store and I look over at the door as it shuts.

My cousin Violet looks and she yells. "I can't believe my cousin is getting married." She runs over and hugs me. "Congrats, why didn't you call me yourself?"

I look at the twins. "I haven't had time to call anyone. The engagement happened two days ago and now I'm getting my dress and everyone else's sorted within two weeks. My fiancé organised the wedding with Cristina and Mom."

She smiles. "I wish my husband did that to me, but he was too busy looking into places that we could go to for our Honeymoon. We were able to travel around the world for a couple of months. You have kids so you will be cutting your trip short."

"Mom's going to take the kids for two nights. Ethan and I will be staying at hotel close by. I'm looking forward to the honeymoon night."

Violet laughs. "I bet you are."

Sophie and Gracie walks over to me and I kneel at their height. "Girls, I want you to Violet." The twins hide behind me.

Violet kneels next to me, "Hello, girls."

I look at them. "Do you want to try on your dresses?" They walk with me to the change room and I open the door and stand inside with them.

Mom passes me the dresses and I take the girls clothes off.

I put the dresses on them and they walk outside to everyone.

Mom covers her mouth and she has tears in her eyes. "They look beautiful." She pulls me into her arms. "I can't wait to see what your dress looks like."

I turn towards her. "I'm going to spend the rest of the day looking at other bridal stores. I was wondering if you could take the twins for the rest of the day."

She smiles. "I would love to take. I'm going to take them to the park. Then go home and make dinner for my family. Do you want cookies for dessert?"


She laughs. "Of course you don't. You want to look good in your wedding dress in two weeks."

The twins stand in front of the mirror and they spin around.

Mom walks over to them. "Sophie, Gracie, it's time to get changed. Mom, has to look for other dresses."

I walk over to the rack and look through it for Bridesmaids dresses. "Cristina, can you tell me the colours that were chosen for the wedding?"

She opens her bag and pulls out the book. "It was lilac and light blue."

I pull out a light blue dress and a lilac one. "Cristina, I want you to try the lilac one on. Violet, can you try the blue one?"

Bridesmaids wedding dress

Cristina and Violet take the dresses from me and they make their way to the change room.

Mum walks out of the change room with the twins and she looks around. "Where's Cristina and Violet?"

"They're getting changed. I asked what the colour scheme was and Cristina showed me it was lilac and light blue. So, I gave them both a dress with those colours. I'm not sure which colour I'm going to use for the dresses. I'll make the decision when I see them in the dresses."

Cristina and Violet step out of the change rooms and they stand in front of me.

They look incredible.

Violet touches Cristina's dress and she smiles. "I like the Lilac one."

Cristina looks at me. "So, do I. What do you think, Laken?"

I love the Lilac one too.

I walk over to Cristina and take a closer look at the dress. "Turn around."

Cristina turns around. "This dress feels comfy and it makes me want to do a flip."

I laugh. "I don't want to see you in hospital before my wedding. You should save the flip for the night of my wedding. That's when I don't need you anymore."

She wraps her arm around me. "I love you, sis."

"I love you too." I look at Violet. "Go and find the dress in your size and then show the tailor if you need any adjustments."

Violet moves over to the rack and she pulls the dress off. She carries it to the change room and she gets changed. A little while later Violet exits the change room and she walks over to the tailer.

She looks at the dress and says. "I'll raise the hem a little. How does everything else feel?"

"Good," Violet says.

The tailor puts pins around the bottom of the dress. "I'll raise the hem. You can pick it up next week." Cristina stands in front of the tailer and she pins the dress. "This dress will be available on the same day. I'll have to put your names on the dresses. I don't want to get them mixed up when it comes time to deliver them."

Violet and Cristina walk back to the change room.

Mom looks at me. "I'm going to take the girls to the park now." 

I hug the girls. "I'll see you when I get home. Gran's going to take you to the park. Be good." I kiss them on the cheek.

Mom, Sophie and Gracie exit the store. She opens the door to her car and the girls climb in. She buckles them in and then rounds the car. She honks her horn.

I wave at them.

Mum pulls away from the curb.

Cristina and Violet come out a couple minutes later with their dresses in their hands. At the counter they pick up a piece of paper and pen. They write their name and contact information for the tailor.

I pay for the dresses before we walk out of the store.

Cristina looks at me. "What are you going to do now?"

I look at my car and then back to her. "I'm going to spend the rest of the day looking for a dress. I know you have plans with a co-worker, so you should leave. I don't want you to cancel."

Cristina hugs me, "Thanks." Cristina walks over to her car and she climbs in.

Violet and I are left standing on the side of the street. She looks at me. "Then there were two. I'll come with you to look at the other stores. I'm sure we'll find something together."


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