Found & Taken [20] - The End ♥

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Nathan's P.O.V

I looked over to Bella who was getting irritated with the make-up artist who seemed to have touched her face up for the umpteenth time. I laughed and received a glare from her. I returned her glare with a wink and she rolled her eyes.

I chuckled and turned to the boys who was busy teasing Benson, the dog. We were having a short break while the crew were setting up a room in the old house, that we're gonna be using.

5 minutes later, we were all called into the room, where the scene will take place. I walked over to Bella and hand in hand, we made our way up to the room.

"I'm a little nervous," she whispered.

I chuckled before responding to her, "Don't worry, love. We've practiced it countless of times."

She smacked my arm lightly and rolled her eyes before making her way to the room first, leaving me behind. I chuckled as I watched her body moves as she walked up to the room.

I was really glad that the public, especially the fans accepted Bella and didn't send her hate or anything like that. I've met Bella's parents and it was clear that her Dad don't like me but he don't have the choice because his daughter was in love with me.

Also, I couldn't believe it that the boys and management decided to make I Found You, the song that I wrote specially for Bella, as The Wanted's next single. Even shocking when they announced on my 22nd birthday that Bella could be in the music video.

So here we are, at the location, ready to shoot the last scene which is my solo.

"Nath, ready?" Chris, the director asked.

"Yeah," I said and looked into the room where Bella was already 'tied' to one side of the room.

"Alright, you're aware of what to do right?" he asked again and I nodded, "Cool. At your position now."

The music started playing and Chris instructed at the part where I was supposed to start acting, "Action!"

I started lip sync to my solo while looking straight into Bella's eyes and then from the corner of my eyes, I saw Chris instructing me to go nearer to Bella. I did, already knowing what I should do.

I sang the last verse, "Just when I've given up, looking for some kind inside, that's when I found you," and planted my lips on Bella's.

I kissed her several times, way much more than Chris had required me to do. I heard a groan from where Chris was sitting and I stopped the 'drama' that Bella and I was having and took out the key, required in the music video as part of the props and got up. Winking at Bella, I left the room.

"It's a wrap!" Chris yelled and I ran back into the room where Bella was still 'tied' with the rope and engulfed her in my hug.

"See, it's not as hard as you think it is, isn't?" I asked and kissed her nose. She grinned and nodded as she leaned herself into me.

"Alright kids, both of you can get lost now. I've had enough of your dramas today," Chris said, jokingly.

"Yay, dismissed!" Tom yelled happily from the outside of the room.

"You're not leaving until you helped me with the cleaning, boys," Chris instructed and I heard Tom grunted under his breath.

I let Bella out of the rope and dragged her out of the house, winking at the boys as I walked past them. I went to where the cars were all parked and pushed Bella into the passenger's seat of my Porsche, before getting into the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" Bella asked and I just wiggled my -sexy- eyebrows.

"Tell me!" she forced and then pouted. I started driving and ignored her.

"Nathan...." she called me softly, almost seducing as she leaned her head against my arm.

"I'm not telling you," I told her again.

"Then I don't love you," she said undoubtedly.

I ignored her again, all the way until we reached the destination. Bella, on the other side, tried a few more times before remained silent and looked out of the window.

I parked my car by the side of the road and got out before opening the door for Bella. I offered my hand but she ignored it. I shrugged and pulled her by the waist to the destination.

"Why are we..........." she trailed as we both got into the pet's shop.

"Here," I finished for her, "Because I found a new Bethan."

And at the same time, a small little puppy came out -from I'm not sure where- and jumped to Bella. She looked to the new Bethan in awe and I took the opportunity to kiss her cheek.

She grinned sheepishly and commented, "It looks exactly like Bethan."

"Exactly. And that's because, I want us to be like how we are when were first together in the cabin. Just this time, with the rest of the boys and our families," I explained.

She placed Bethan down and threw her arms around my neck, "I love you, Nathan."

"I love Bethan too," I teased and she rolled her eyes.

I cupped her cheeks, kissed her forehead, down to her nose and lastly brushed her lips with mine, "I love you too."

So that's the end of Found & Taken as well as my very first The Wanted fan fiction.

I would wanna thank everyone who have supported me. People such as @Nikki_TW91 , @HNlazy. Also to those who have voted and commented and added this story to my reading list - and to those who spared some time making banners for this story.

I wanna apologize that this story isn't a perfect one and I think I was quite really rushing and some part of the story are a bit redundant but please keep supporting me.


Love you all.




Story completed : 17 February 2013

Check out another of my The Wanted fanfiction in my profile :)

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