Found & Taken [19]

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I see a few more people adding this story to their reading list, so I'm dedicating this chapter to all who have been supporting me and all TWFanmily out there <3

1 and a half years later...

Nathan's P.O.V

Still standing tall, still loving all, I was grateful that The Wanted was still up in this industry and we had hold on to every single thing that came to us. And here we are, today, in LA for another meet and greet and signing in a shopping mall.

It took me a lot of courage to get myself in this city because about two years ago, I had missed a flight to get to this very place to stop something which should have been mine already.

Moving on wasn't an easy task but the busy schedule was all used up to keep me distracted from everything. Though I could still feel it that I was still loving her, I gotta accept the fact that she belongs to someone else. Though I misses her, I could do nothing because everything was my entire fault.

I shouldn't have left her. I shouldn't have let anger controlled me. I shouldn't have let her go.

"Mate, you okay?" Siva asked as he tapped me by the shoulder. I offered a smile and nodded to him, "Right, okay. We're getting to the seats for signing already."

I got up from my seat and followed Siva out, to be greeted by screaming and yelling of fans outside. Both of us quickly waved to our fans before getting to our seat where Jay, Max and Tom were already are.

We started the signing sessions after letting the fans questioned us, unofficially and publicly. I was signing on a The Wanted's t-shirt that belonged to one of the fans when my eyes decided to do a quick scan through, through the crowds.

But my eyes fell on someone.Someone who wasn't in the crowd. Someone who was busy choosing a pair of heels in a shoes' shop. Someone who had a baby in the carrier that she was caring. Someone that I loved. Someone that I've been missing. Someone that I need.

Isabella's P.O.V

I groaned as I waited for Kevin who claimed to grab some things in his car but wasn't back yet. I groaned again when I remembered not long after that, Emily claimed to have left something in the car to and joined Kevin. God knows what they're up to which I didn't mind at all but what that annoyed me was, being left alone with this 4 months old little Abigail.

I got out from the shop after eyeing several pairs of heels and was bewildered as to why the mall was extraordinary crowded that day but I can't be bothered so I walked to the nearest bench and sat down.

I was about to text Emily when two big lads came approaching me. "Are you Miss Harris?" one of them asked.

Oh shit! They knew my name? How? And why do they have to look so scary? "Err yess," I answered.

"Great! Now, you will have to follow us to our office right at the end there because we have some discussion to do," another one said, enthusiastically.

"But but but, my husband is waiting for me," I told them quickly. They're looking really scary and I wouldn't want to deal with anyone as scary as them. Tattooed arm, build-up body and really tall, which made me feel so small.

"That wouldn't be a problem. You can let him know that you're in our office," they said and I had no other reason to argue. I got to my feet slowly and followed them to a really small office.

"Make yourself comfortable while we settled some things outside. Your husband can get in once he's here," one of them told me and disappeared from the door. Somehow, I believed that they're not so bad guys since they're letting my 'husband' in.

I looked around and at the same time entertaining the little Abigail before the door was cracked opened and I jolted up from my seat, along with Abigail's little weight. I stared into the eyes of the man I was in loved with.

The one who had taught me how to loved and be loved. The one who made me realized, not to be selfish. The one who I had lied to. The one whom I was still in loved with.

Nathan's P.O.V

I lost track of her due to the crowd and to be professional, I carried on with the signing even though my mind wasn't there. I was dying to look and ran after the one I had missed. I didn't care if she was married or already having baby because I need to let her know the things that I didn't get to. I don't care if I were to be judged for ruining someone's marriage because I really have to let her know about my feelings. Furthermore, I didn't got the chance to reply to her letter because it was too painful.

20 minutes were gone and Max told us that we could have a break for a little while before continuing with the meet-and-greet session. I just wanted to ran away from the scene and looked for her but Jay needed something, "Nath, can you please get one an extra mic in the security's office?"

"Yeah, sure," I replied even though I was reluctant to do so, but thinking about the possibility of seeing her made me O.K with it.

I made my way to the security's office as I looked over to the whole shopping mall. I was really disappointed because I couldn't find her. I opened the door to the security's office and stunned as I saw her standing in the room, looking as surprised as I was.

"Bella," I cried and took a step forward before gaining enough courage to pull her into my embrace. I found her! No matter where I did, I found her. And I've got that only chance to let her know the things that I didn't got the chance to. "I've missed you," I told her and hugged her tighter but released as soon as the sound of baby crying interrupted.

I didn't realize that Bella was holding on to a baby and when I hugged her, I had squeezed her in between me and Bella.

"I'm sorry," Bella started, "You've got the wrong person."

"Bella, I remember you," I told her. There's no way on earth, in LA, that this lady in front of me wasn't Bella.

"Sorry, I have to go," she said and made her way past me but I grabbed her by the arm and spin her so that she could face me.

"Please Bella, just let me talk to you for a little while," I said, almost sounded like I was begging. She didn't say anything and I took that as my cue to continue talking.

"I'm really sorry that the last time when I left you, it wasn't in an appropriate manner. I was angry and I couldn't help myself. I said you were selfish but I didn't realized that I was the one being selfish," I told her remorsefully.

"You saved me Bella. I didn't know what happened to me until I got back to the boys. I'm aware of the crash and accident that we encountered and you had saved me the moment you brought me into your cabin. I would have die if you didn't found me. I was so ungrateful. I would have been even more confused if I hadn't met you because the people in Indonesia couldn't understand my accents."

"It was a miracle Bella. Your cabin wasn't anywhere near the sea that the rest of the boys had fallen to. It was fate as well, Bella. It was fated for me to fell around your cabin and met you, and it was decided for me to feel the love for you."

"I couldn't lie to myself, not anyone, not me and especially not you that I'm in love with you."

Isabella's P.O.V

As soon as Nathan finished, I was controlling my tears from spilling with Abigail watching me in bewildered. My eyes hadn't left Nath's and I had to fight the urge of not letting my tears pour but I failed.

"I...I....I love you too," I cried and ran to his embrace. And even though I had Abigail in between me and Nath, I felt close to him. I've missed the feeling of being in his arms. We stayed in each other's arms for a while and I thanked Abigail for not disturbing moments like this by crying.

"But you're married," Nathan suddenly whispered and let go. I watched as he took a step back from me and a look of disappointment was clear in his eyes. "You've got a baby," he added.

"Nath," I called and held on both of his hands, "This baby, is not mine and I'm not married."

He looked at me in astonishment and said, "I received your wedding invitation. I still have it."

Yeah, a week before my supposed to be wedding day with Adam, I had wrote a letter to Nathan, explaining about everything that I felt I needed to.

"The wedding was canceled," I said, softly as I stroked Abigail's hair.


"We almost got married. We almost said 'I do' but Adam's girlfriend interrupted the wedding because she somehow found out about it. She stopped the wedding, and I was actually expecting the same thing from...." I trailed off.

"Trust me Bella," Nathan said quickly, "I tried to get to your wedding but I couldn't get any flight at all. I'm sorry, Bella. I love you."

Nathan pulled me into his embrace again and we remained like that. Mom and Dad didn't dare to match-make me anymore after the incident. I thanked Adam's girlfriend, Aliyah, for disrupting the wedding and with God's wills, their both now married.

"Uhm, uhm," I heard someone cleared their throats but I ignored and stayed in Nathan's arms.

"I think my daughter is suffocating, down there," I heard a voice said and quickly pulled away from Nathan, looking over to where the voice came from.

"Emily!" I called as soon as I saw her and Kevin standing by the doorway with the rest of The Wanted members behind them.

"Yeah, yeah. Emily's here to rescue her daughter from getting suffocated," she said plainly and took Abigail from me, "Now, you two can continue hugging."

I looked to Nathan who had the same bewildered look on his face. "What's happening, here?" he asked. Because I'm sure he was as confused as myself as to how Emily can be there with the rest of The Wanted members and acted like they have known each other since forever.

"Well first of all, I'm Emily and Bella is my best friend. I'm sorry to say this, but Bella is just dumb that she didn't realized I had planned all this with Jay to let the two of you meet up again," Emily said unpretentiously, "Why do you think I brought you over here, Bell?"

Only Emily and Kevin knew about what happened to me and Nath in Indonesia. I told no one but them. But how did they planned all these?

"And Nath," Jay started, "You must be wondering too how I planned this with Bella's bestfriend. The answer is, don't ask because I'm Jay and I always have my own sources from different places."

"Wait wait wait, this is really confusing," Nath said, "But whatever it is, I'll have to thank you guys for planning all these for me and Bella. So, if you would excuse me, I'm introducing my girlfriend to the public now."

Nath pulled me out of the security office, passing through Emily, Kevin and the rest of The Wanted members. My heart skipped a beat when Nath said I was his girlfriend but didn't question him because for all that I know, I trusted him.

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