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I scream in victory while Jungkook gapes at the screen, eyes wide in disbelief.

"Ah! She did it! She won!" Jimin exclaims, just as excited as I am, his arms taking me in for a quick hug before he starts annoying Jungkook as if he was the one winning, breakfast eaten a while ago as we now just play in turns.

"I can't believe it! That was... I can't even call it cheating! You got lucky!" the defeated man whines, eyes falling on me in confusion, a sight that just makes me laugh more as I let Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung congratulate me like it's the biggest deal in the world.

The person supposed to come for my legal identity has yet to make an appearance and since the meeting is supposed to be here, a measure taken to avoid their personal house being entered by a stranger, we decided to stay here until it happens, something I don't really mind since we've had so much fun for the last hour.

The painkillers took action a good thirty minutes ago and I overall just feel really good right now, something that causes my seven soulmates to be in a good mood as well.

"Alright give that to me, I want to play against Jin hyung" Hoseok decides and I nod with a grin before scooting back from my position on the bed to get to where Namjoon is calmly reading a book, his back resting against the mountain of pillows that has been supporting a few bodies since earlier.

"I don't understand how you can focus on the words you read when we make so much noise" I tell him as I sit besides him, blanket still wrapped around me and not about to go anywhere else, the constant warmth it gives me making my skin freeze whenever it slips off my shoulders.

Or maybe it's just my brain playing tricks on me so I keep it close because I just love it so much for some reason.

He looks up from his book and smiles at me, not looking bothered in the least as he shuts it after sliding in his bookmark to give me his whole attention, something I find lovely because it shows that he cares enough to put his hobby aside for me, something I've never had the pleasure of experiencing until now.

He eyes the blanket covering me with a pleased glint and I tilt my head in curiosity as I wait for him to say what seems to be simmering in his mind.

"Do you like it? You haven't let it go since you came back" he finally asks and I nod quickly, unable to keep myself from snuggling into it more, the softness like nothing I've ever had before. It must have cost a fortune.

"I love it. If it's a property of the hospital, I'm honestly considering stealing it, I just don't want to leave it behind. Wait, can I be arrested for stealing a hospital blanket?" I ask him, eyes turning wide as I start rethinking about my plans, not wanting to be taken away from my soulmates so soon but he bursts into happy laughter and I can only stare at him in confusion.

"You won't need to worry about that, kitten, I made it for you. I would actually very much like it if you brought it back home with you when we leave later" he muses and I pause, jaw dropping open as I turn my body to face him in shock.

"You what?! You made this? Namjoon! This is literally the best blanket I've ever used in my entire life and you're saying you made it?!" I shout, mind blown by this revelation.

He grins proudly, dimples the deepest I've ever seen them in our short time of knowing each other and eyes sparkling as he nods at me.

"It took me three years to finish it. At first, it was supposed to be... well, in memory of our late soulmate, it was a way to have you close without you being with us, but when I saw it yesterday at home, I figured it could finally achieve the purpose I thought impossible so I brought it over. I'm glad you like it, I really hoped it would be to your taste, I used only the best materials I could find" he explains, a softness in his words that makes my heart both melt and break, a lump forming in my throat.

I try to fight the incoming tears and look down at the blanket, fingers running along the soft fluffiness, now understanding why it smells so comforting.

It's literally the smell of home, of my soulmates.

I sniffle, chin trembling at the sudden wave of emotions hitting me that even when he didn't know me, he still worked so hard on it for me. He thought of me throughout making it from beginning to ending and from the way it smells? It hasn't been gathering dust in a closet.

No, it has been used, washed and cuddled with. It was used, possibly to bring comfort whenever they'd think of me and that's probably the most beautiful thing that has ever been done that has to do with me.

"Are you going to cry?! Oh please don't, it's okay, please don't be sad" Namjoon hurries to say but his words only start a waterfall of tears to flow and he pulls me into his arms and against his large chest for a warm hug with a soft cooing noise.

I sniffle, unable to stop myself from crying because I love their hugs so damn much and with the blanket made by him around me, it feels like a double assault of love to my currently sensitive person.

"I-I'm not sad, I'm crying because I... I just can't believe I have such wonderful soulmates" I let out between tiny sobs as my arms wrap around him tightly, his heart beating loudly under my ear a song of love to my soul, the video game fully paused as the others gaze at us with fondness, soft smiles on their lips at the sight in front of them.

Namjoon rests his head on top of mine, his arms squeezing around me in a bear hug that leaves me no room to move away, something so comforting, such a safe feeling taking place in my heart and making me want to remain here forever. He hums deeply.

"This is the least I could do, I had to do something with all the love for you that kept bursting out with no real recipient to receive it, this is all I could come up with. When it was finished, we started taking turns using it, it's like the family blanket and now that you're here and using it, it's finally complete. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever dare believe that possible, yet here you are. You have no idea how much this means to us" he murmurs, his deep voice soothing me through this new reality that keeps surprising me with more warmth, sweet softness that almost feels like sin to my starved soul.

I smile and close my eyes, mind focusing on this contact I'm allowed with him, something that is way better than anything I could imagine in the past.

Such warmth... it goes beyond everything considered good in the world.

I think back to the life I persevered through to the best of my abilities, one that I eventually gave up on before ending up here and I exhale softly.

"You know, whenever I would head to work or go back home, it was mostly always dark outside, in the middle of the night because the days had me running all over the place, but in that darkness, I loved walking instead of using the car. These times were my peaceful moments. I liked walking by the parks, by the river and imagine myself surrounded by my seven soulmates. In the silence, I would look up at the stars and imagine laughter, smiles shared between us. It would break my heart because I knew it couldn't happen, but it also helped me to tolerate being lonely a bit better.

I used work to avoid thinking a lot, I would do my best to avoid being left to myself, but for the times it would happen, when I couldn't run away from it any longer, my thoughts would always go to you. I don't know if it's because my soul knew that you were simply somewhere far away or if the bond was just that powerful that it made me long for people I couldn't have, but it was impossible to fight it. Every day was trying to live one day longer just to be allowed to dream some more" I start, the weight of their gazes on me comforting as I rethink about a past that isn't so far behind me.

"Younger, I would try to draw on my hearts to cover the grey and just pretend for a little second that everything was fine, but the colour would always disappear too quickly because you can't cover marks, no matter how it's done, but I was tenacious and I wasn't giving up. I went through so many purple markers, I guess my soul knew that it was the right colour even when I had no way of knowing" I chuckle at the end, such an old memory that is coming back to the surface, when I was still part of a family, no matter how volatile of a word it used to be.

"Wait..." Jin freezes, eyes frowning before he's looking up at me. "Did you... did you possibly own a very bright yellow coat? It was as if it would shine in the dark, it was so fluorescent that it almost hurt the eyes" he asks, words that have me sitting up, taken aback and eyes wide before Namjoon pulls me back into his chest, not done cuddling with me, not until he decides it over.

I force myself to relax in his hold and meet Jin's gaze once more, wondering how he knows that.

"I did, it was my favorite, I used to think that if I kept wearing it, maybe my soulmates would find me from the stars" I answer, unsure of how to react because that's not a knowledge he should have, right?

Jin brings a hand to his mouth, shocked. "So it was you. I had a few visions of a young child when I was eighteen years old. I... I had thought they were only my imagination because I couldn't possibly dream of a passed soulmate but... they were real" he starts before scooting over closer, eyes bright as his hands grab mine tightly.

"Do you remember? In your room, there was a drawing on your wall by the window, it was of seven bodies with very bright purple hearts on the arms, there were four words written in the corner, it's something that inspired our company's name" he chirps eagerly and I try to dig in my memory, the drawing clear in my mind, but the words... what did I write? It's been so long.

"The seven forever mine, I remember hyung mentioning that, said that it made him think of you, that's when we came up with The Eternal Seven, it was a bittersweet moment" Jungkook lets out softly and a nostalgic feeling blooms in the pit of my stomach.

That's true, that's what I'd written.

"I remember now... I called it my family picture, I was so proud of it and it made me feel like I'd belonged somewhere once, it was the only way I could have my soulmates near me but then dad tore it from the wall and shredded it to pieces, said that I was being selfish for being obsessed with dead people when there were living ones around me" I murmur, heart growing heavy as I remember the pain that had filled me that day.

Silence greets my words and I purse my lips, just now realizing what I've done. Surely Jin wanted to bring something cute, something hopeful but I just made it turn into something horrible.

Good job, Y/N, really.

"Fucking hell" Yoongi lets out.

"For once, Yoongi, I agree. How could a parent do something like that to their child? This is... I'm sorry, Y/N, that's not at all what I wanted you to remember when I talked about that" Jin apologizes, his lips caressing my knuckles softly, eyes peeking at me from under his lashes and causing me to have a near heart attack even through the sad mood enveloping us.

I'm used to idol beauty, but sometimes, they just have to go and do something that makes them appear inhuman. It appears that my soulmates are no exception to that rule and to have that done to me, I was not ready for that.

"I-It's okay, it's long behind me, I'm fine, I promise" I stutter out, brain trying to find a way to fix all that, we were having so much fun, we were having a cute heart to heart conversation and I want that back but I don't know how.

"What about your mother?" Hoseok asks, lips pouting in concern, perhaps hoping for a comforting continuation to the story but reality is so far from that.

"She was the one who decided to abandon me the following year, she wasn't... she wasn't warm like you guys are. It was honestly only a matter of time before it happened, I was not surprised when she gave me my luggage and kicked me out" I tell him with a shake of the head and Namjoon's arms squeeze me painfully for a moment before he forces himself to calm down with an upset puff of air leaving his lips.

"Damn it Y/N, you don't deserve anything that happened to you, this..." he groans into my hair, his reaction representing well how they're all feeling as they gaze down, so many emotions flashing across their faces.

"Well I'm here now, aren't I? Imagine if my life was perfect even without you guys, let's think about a life that wouldn't have pushed me to my limit. If I hadn't jumped off that bridge, would I be here today?" I try, notice Taehyung looking up to meet my eyes hesitantly.

"You think this had to happen in order for you to be here?" he asks and I nod, a smile forming on my face.

"I had to get my dose of sadness and pain before being allowed this much happiness, I guess that was the price to pay to make it to you" I continue, head tilting back to gaze at Namjoon, his eyes staring down at me in a frown, not convinced.

"No one deserves to live in pain before experiencing happiness, no matter the price to pay" he mumbles, thumb going to caress my cheek to comfort himself, his heart pained by everything flooding his thoughts. I lean into the touch and hum.

"Well I'm going to believe that what happened was how it was supposed to be and I'll strive forward. There's no use thinking about something that technically doesn't even exist in this current reality, I could almost believe that it was all a dream" I retort, only wanting them to get their smiles back, their laughter and bickering filling the air around me.

Namjoon smiles softly and kisses my forehead, something that has my heart melting into a puddle. "Such a strong girl we have" he murmurs, his voice so soft that I can't resist a blush, my whole body tingling happily at the praise.

When I look back at the others, it's to see all of them trying to comfort each other by cuddling, a pile of bodies that would probably make me laugh if they didn't all sport such sad looks on their faces, eyes droopy with pain for me.

"We'll make sure you have a good life now, no more sadness and loneliness for you, no more of that" Jimin claims strongly, eyes glistening with tears, after which Jungkook and Taehyung nod fervently.

"We're your seven soulmates, forever yours, we're not going anywhere without you from now on" the latter adds, a boxy smile gracing his lips at my happy giggle and the others' tensed postures start relaxing as the heavy mood slowly slips away.

"I believe you" I muse, words that have them all melting as much as I am, relief flooding through all of us.

A sudden knock on the door has us freezing, my mind completely blank before I remember the appointment and Jungkook is first to recover as he hurries up to his feet before rushing to open it to reveal a woman in professional clothes, a bag in hand and a serious, expressionless look on her face that makes her look like a machine.

I unconsciously lean into Namjoon's hold to hide under his arms and the blanket, her expression making me nervous and he lets me use him without complaining while Hoseok moves closer to grab one of my hands after seeing me hide them beneath the blanket, his eyes lovingly set on me and reassuring.

"Hello, my name is Alice and I'm here to complete miss Kang Y/N's registration following a particular situation of switching universe. Is it okay if I take a seat on the couch?" the woman introduces herself with cold eyes, her warm voice oddly not matching as it inches more towards a chirpy kind of tone.

"You may, please make yourself comfortable" Jin answers, him and Yoongi moving aside on the bed to allow the woman to see me better, something intimidating about her that makes me glad I'm not alone because she's just so unsettling.

"You're feeling that way because she's scanning us, don't worry and just keep breathing slowly, it's going to be over soon" Namjoon murmurs in my ears and I nod, grateful for the explanation because this is all so new for me.

Effectively, after a few minutes of her adjusting her documents on her lap, a small pile besides her, something that tells me this is going to last for a while, the feeling eventually comes to an end and her warmth now appears on her face as well, as if the focus it took from her made her unable to function fully.

"So, Y/N, it must be weird for you to be here, right? As I understand it, you spent your life without your soulmates, even thinking them passed only to end up with them here in a completely new dimension. From no abilities to having it surround you, there's a lot you won't understand here" she starts and I nod, a hesitant smile on my lips as I still try to calm down from the unease she made me go through.

"We'll do our best to show her around and teach her what comes with the particularities of this world, there are new dangers to look out for and we don't take that lightly" Namjoon tells her, to which the others nod and the woman hums, a few notes written on a paper.

"That's good, although I am still going to share with you a contact that you may call if you need additional support in the matter. He often teaches about the dangers of our world in schools for children or for people who end up with permanent memory loss, he's well versed in teaching and may be of help if you ever need it" she informs us before handing over a paper that Yoongi accepts, eyes scanning it over with a nod.

"Alright, with that out of the way, let's start with the questions, shall we?" she asks and I shrink a little into Namjoon's chest, not excited at all about it but knowing it is necessary.


"This is our house" Jimin chirps proudly as we step out of the van once the electrical fence doors closed behind us and although I don't know what I was expecting, I can assure that it was not that.

With a large pond right in front of the gigantic building, its walls covered in vines and surrounded by trees, it's far from the classic house style I would expect from this place, it has such a homey vibe that makes me feel at ease right away.

"It looks absolutely beautiful" I muse aloud, eyes wide as I take in every details I can. This is nothing like where I used to live before, yet again a difference that I blame on the change of dimension. Everything looked so much colder where I was.

"You haven't seen the inside yet. When we had the house renovated, we worked really hard to have a little something for everyone in each rooms, let's go in" Jin says, an arm sliding around my shoulders before he's leading the way toward the doors just as Jimin and Jungkook run to open them first.

"After you" they both say elegantly with a bow, eyes creasing and proud of themselves when I giggle before Jin's gently pushing me inside to avoid blocking the way, Taehyung close behind, body tilting left and right to see my face as we walk further into the house, the others soon coming in as well before closing the doors.

I take a moment to remove my shoes, which I set with the others and when we reach the first main room, my feet come to a halt, mind unable to believe what I'm seeing.

"Oh wow" I let out, shocked by the aesthetic beauty that doesn't seem real.

We enter a large living room that seems like it was made of dreams, as if it compiled everything I like and decided to create a masterpiece with them, especially the wall at the far end covered by shelves full of books surrounding a huge window that makes me gape in wonder.

This room feels so cozy and relaxing, I could spend my whole life just gazing at this from here and I would be happy.

"This is the most beautiful living room I have ever seen" I let out as I turn back to stare at my soulmates, newfound respect for their taste because I would never be able to come up with something like that, never.

They all either chuckle or giggle at my words, pride flashing on their face at seeing me so impressed and once they have all removed their shoes, Jungkook is suddenly rushing to a door before running downstairs without a single word.

I raise an eyebrow in confusion but when Taehyung joins my side, he smiles and leans closer to whisper "He probably just remembered the mess in his bedroom and in the home theater, doesn't want you to see his underwear thrown around".

Those are words that have Jimin gasping and rushing away in another direction and Hoseok bursts into laughter.

"Anyone else in need of a checkup before we make her visit?" Namjoon asks with a smile and a shake of the head, to which Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok shake their head. "I'm good, the latter claims, relaxed.

Taehyung's about to refuse when he freezes and frowns. "Wait... oh gosh yeah, I need to go" he lets out before hurrying to where Jimin went too without a look sent my way.

Yoongi huffs. "It's always the young ones".

Jin chuckles. "It is, isn't it? Anyway, let's show you around in the meantime. Namjoon's room is right there and the one next to it is mine. This here is the bathroom, there's one on each floor so three in total. The kitchen is that way and the stairs leading up to the second floor are there, we'll show you later" he starts explaining as he shows me the house before heading to where Jungkook went downstairs.

This time, it's Hoseok who goes down first to show me around, his hand linking with mine warm and welcoming.

"In the basement, it's usually where we get in some extra practice when we're not at work, we have a dance studio right there and a home theater as well" he says as he shows a closed door before leading the way to a room with a huge screen and the most comfortable-looking couch that is incorporated right into the floor, something that makes me want to snuggle right into it and sleep forever.

"A lot of our cuddling sessions happen here, you can see why" Namjoon muses with a grin when he sees my expression, a foot tentatively trying the couch, and it takes me barely a second before I decide to let my whole body flop down, Jin's gasp transforming into laughter reaching my ears as I hit the soft and fluffy surface with a satisfied groan.

"We should've started with upstairs, now she won't want to move out of there" Yoongi states before following in to lie besides me with a pleased sigh, himself clearly enjoying this as much as I am.

Namjoon sighs. "I guess we can continue the visit later, it's been a long morning" he says before coming in as well, Jin and Hoseok not far behind as they position themselves around me, which makes me get slightly self conscious when I feel their gaze on my form right in the middle.

I blink and scrunch my nose briefly in an attempt to keep my embarrassment at bay, but when I feel Yoongi's shadow slightly cover me, his body laying on his side, head propped on his hand to gaze down at me, I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks.

This isn't the hospital anymore, it's their home, a place where they can be comfortable, themselves, at ease and I'm here with them. They let me into the most private part of their life, in their hearts and it starts sinking in only now that I'm really going to be allowed to start living my life with them.

"What's making you shy, hun?" he asks with smiling eyes, a teasing smirk on his lips that has me gulping.

"N-nothing" I lie, hoping he would leave things at that but he's not accepting that kind of answer as he leans in closer, his face now inches away from mine and making my own heat up even more.

"Are you sure?" he croons, his free hand going to settle on my hip to pull me closer to him in a swift movement that has my breath hitching in my throat, mind almost forgetting that I have other soulmates observing us, almost.

"I-I'm very sure" I persist, heartbeat drumming in my chest, fast and loud before stuttering when I feel the couch dip, followed by a new body heat clinging to me.

"The way I see it, hyung, she's getting a little intimidated now that she's realizing where she is" Hoseok muses, his energy mimicking Yoongi's and making me feel even smaller between the two of them as I shrink in embarrassment.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asks as he comes join us, apparently done with his task, his eyes scanning the couch to see all of us gathered there.

"Our baby soulmate is growing shy and it's the cutest thing to see" Jin explains briefly, his gaze intently on me and not straying away even for a second, words that have my blush deepening against my will, much to their pleasure.

"Is she now?" Taehyung asks as he and Jimin come down, a sly cat quality in the way they saunter over, eyes taking in the sight with a hum leaving them as their eyes fall on my face.

"I guess she is" Jimin echoes smugly as he nears the border of the couch and I start to see how much what I saw at the hospital was but a glimpse of who they are.

A self that is now letting loose, free to express themselves as they want because they are back in a safe space where no one threatens to walk in at any time, where no strangers can step in their privacy, no pictures, no videos that would instantly find their way to the social medias.

A hand holding my chin forces me to turn to Hoseok to see his hooded eyes on me, a sight that has my throat drying up in an instant, hands growing sweaty. He seems to relish in that reaction of mine when his hearty smile turns almost dangerous, a smirk that makes my heart start a firework show from the inside.

"I hope you're ready for what's to come, honey, because where we might get busy often, we compensate equally in giving love any way we can. We love seeing our soulmates get flustered, you see, it makes us feel proud, like predators finally getting their prey and having such a pretty girl as you is only making that instinct more prominent" he murmurs, eyes flashing with satisfaction as he looks over the red that now joins my ears and throat, my body burning up under both his and Yoongi's touch.

With nothing to say to that, I can only bite on my lip tightly in nerves but that's a movement that only catches his and Namjoon's attention, eyes turning dark before Jungkook clears his throat, clearly sensing that this is now going a little too far.

"How about we start thinking about what to eat for lunch? I'm sure she's getting hungry, right Y/N?" he asks, an opening for me to use and I nod quickly, almost begging as I send a silent plea for help, my heart about to give up on me.

Jimin giggles and comes closer to grab my arms and pulls me up to my feet without so much as a groan or wince. "The big scary men just had to go and make you feel like a small little prey on the first day back home, didn't they?" he singsongs, amused by all this.

I pout and start trying to force my way towards the stairs to run away from them but he holds onto me with a laugh as he pulls me back into him, my feet only sliding on the floor with no progress towards the way to freedom.

"Don't goooo" the man whines, hands clinging onto me tightly like a vine but to help me, the man clearly seeing that he needs to take action if he wants to be my prince in shining armor, Taehyung comes closer and suddenly starts tickling Jimin's sides, something that has him letting go of me in a second with a screech.

Now freed, I gasp and rush to the stairs with an anxious laugh, a look behind me to see Jimin trying to free himself from the strong tickling man to run after me but Jungkook joins the duo with a grin, his own fingers on a mission to make Jimin want to pee himself and I feel slightly bad for him, just a little.

"She's getting away from us so soon, we can't possibly have that, can we?" Namjoon lets out with a chuckle before standing up, something I find oddly threatening as I make one step up in the stairs in wariness.

"I guess we're going to have to catch her then" Hoseok chirps as he follows behind and my heart responds with a heavy metal drumming session while my brain gets rid of the security lock to press on the red button, danger, danger.

Oh no.

"You better run, love, we're coming!" Jin adds and that's all I need to get going, heart in my throat as I make it back to the living room, completely lost in a house that I don't know yet. Damn it!

Deciding to go to the only place I have yet to see on this floor, I rush to where Jin said the kitchen is and stumble around it to where I can see a staircase leading up.

Not knowing what I'm going to find up there but also not caring that much in my moment of panic because my life is currently on the line, I go up as quietly as I can, but when I hear feet run over here, my eyes widen and I hurry up until I reach the floor, feet then taking me to a random door that opens to a dark bedroom.

Desperate, I look around me to find a hiding place, feeling like a child on the run from monsters. Am I?!

I look at the bed, noticing that there's enough space to go under it but it's too obvious, they're going to look there first. Darn it.

Not knowing what to do, there's got to be something around, I notice a black door in the corner of the room that opens to a small closet and since every walls are dark, I decide that this is where I'm going to die, there's no way out of this now.

The sound of many pairs of feet reaching the second floor has me moving quickly, hands pushing the clothes aside so I can pass through before closing the door as silently as possible and I sit down in the far corner, hands grabbing what appears to be a pillow to hide with it.

This is it, there's nowhere else I can go now. I either survive or die, there's no other options for me.

It's very anxiously that I listen to the feet and voices that start searching the floor, my heart beating so loud in my chest that I fear any of them hearing it, fear it leading them straight to me.

"Little kitten, where are you?" Namjoon asks in a singsong voice that appears innocent, without danger, but if he's taking part in this game, then he intends to win as much as the others and he won't go easy on me, that much is certain.

That's a reality that has me fear not being found out, but fear what they're going to do once they find me, because they are going to find me, it's just a matter of when.

And as I hear feet enter the bedroom I went to, I can only pray that the darkness manages to hide me well because if it doesn't...

It's over for me.

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