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"Hyung! Can you ask the shadows where she is?" Namjoon shouts as he searches around the room, his mind not having taken him to the closet where I am just yet.

Damn it. I'd completely forgotten about their abilities. Crap.

"You say I'm close? Alright, thanks hyung~".

Fuck. So Yoongi is a snitch then.

"That means you can hear me, right kitten? Don't be so nervous, I'm not going to do anything to you" Namjoon coos but it's like a wolf acting all cute before jumping, I don't trust him.

Holding my breath as much as possible, I hear him walk around some more before he gets closer to the closet and I close my eyes tight, now just hoping that he won't see me because I can't even imagine what he would do otherwise.

Just believe that Yoongi messed with you. Just think that he lied to you or something and go away.

"Ah, there you are".

My breath hitches in my throat and I open my eyes to see the door open to a very amused Namjoon, his hand holding the clothes aside to reveal my curled up body in the corner, the pillow barely doing anything to hide me from sight.

I press my lips together and can only observe as he gets inside, but where I expect him to pull me out, he instead closes the door.

And then it's pitch black again, except I'm not alone anymore.

His breathing gives me the chills, the light echo that keeps us away from the world bringing with it a sense of danger that has me on high alert, soul ready for anything that might happen, skin almost imagining his phantom touch, heart unsure and afraid, but also thrilled and impatient to see what's going through his mind right now.

Suddenly, a speck of gold appears in front of me, a simple dot that brings some light into the small space and I notice Namjoon sitting in front of me with a smile. He lifts a finger and just boops it into the air where another speck of gold appears.

My eyes widen as I remember what Taehyung had said yesterday. He'd said that Namjoon could paint the sky with beautiful colours.

And that is exactly what Namjoon does as he keeps spreading dots around him, a soft white and gold alternating until the space is filled with them and when he hums in satisfaction, where I think he's done, I realize that it was only the beginning.

With an open palm, he starts lathering strokes of purple, of blue, light and dark to create this beautiful universe that has my eyes wide as I take in everything I can, the way he so elegantly creates a masterpiece with his hands like it's the easiest thing he's ever done.

Then, with a twist of the finger, his creation slowly starts turning around us as it encases us in a beautiful world that lights up both the small closet and my heart, amazement filling all of me as he gazes at me with gentle eyes, none of that predator energy I was expecting to find to begin with.

"This is... gorgeous, Namjoon" I let out before breathing in deeply when my lungs start burning, my fascination having me forgetting how to function.

He smiles softly before looking down to grab my marked arm's hand and his fingers start sliding over my skin, trails of colours remaining behind, warm and tingling, it feels as if they're alive as they sway to the rhythm of my heart.

He slides between each hearts, each caress making my heart skip a beat, ones that the lines echo silently and when he reaches the inside of my elbow, he goes back down to do the exact same thing in the opposite direction, a tease for my soul as he avoid the marks but not enough that I do not feel the strength of his love that flows from the colours surrounding his heart.

He does the same again once he reaches my wrist before grinning when I gasp right as he finally slides a finger over it, my soul absorbing an immense amount of love that rivals with Jin's of yesterday and that's when I realize that my first thought was right.

I let the wolf in thinking he was only cute and soft when in reality, he's just as dangerous as any others.

His eyes turn satisfied, as if he knows exactly what went through my mind, my thought process as he keeps colouring my arm, but what was once warm and tingling starts becoming ticklish and teasing, not overwhelming but clearly enough to have a whine build up in my throat.

Eager to get some sort of break, I try to pull my arm out of his hold but he grips tighter, not done with his show of ability and power.

"You can't already be trying to run away from me, kitten, I just got started" he croons, hands grabbing the pillow still against my chest to put it behind him and then, with a hand on the small of my back and the other under my right thigh, he picks me up just enough to drop me on his lap, my legs forced on either side of him before he leans back into the pillow, a satisfied sigh leaving him as he looks me right in the eyes, admiration in his orbs as the universe he created still spins slowly around us, a magical setting for a magical moment.

We remain in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence, nothing else but us two, the love still flowing into me because of the mark covered by his touch softer, soothing, no signs that the others are still looking for me and part of me believes Yoongi has something to do with it, but I don't let my mind wander too far, not when I have such a special moment with a special man.

He lifts a hand to cup my cheek, eyes following the movement of his thumb sliding on the skin before they flicker back to mine.

"Take it easy this week. I know you agreed to help us, to be our manager, but don't let that weight you down. You're new to this world, new to us and I don't want you overdoing it. The concert happening this weekend is not a complicated one, it's meant to be comfortable. We're going to sing, dance a little and then sit down to talk with ARMY, there's nothing you need to worry about, nothing you need to concern yourself over" he requests sincerely, light pleading in his voice.

I smile and use my decorated arm to wrap around his neck, fingers going to slide into the hair on his nape, a delicate massage that has his eyes closing and a hum leaving him, his hands on my hips, fingers consciously or not kneading the skin gently and leaving only warmth behind.

"I understand. I will take this week to get to know more about BTS at a slow pace, but you can't keep me from caring for my soulmates. I'll be cooking meals, making sure you have water and if I see that the amount of sleep you're getting isn't healthy depending on how much you practice, I'll be stepping in, whether you want me to or not. Is that okay with you?" I ask with the cutest voice I can manage, hear his chuckle, the feeling of it under my fingers making me happier than it should.

"That sounds lovely. You should keep an eye on Jimin specifically though, he has self destructing tendencies so I would appreciate that. You don't need to worry about the rest of us, I don't think we're that bad. Also meals from you sounds lovely" he murmurs, my fingers threading through his hair making him into putty, something I find adorable and incredibly satisfying.

"I will see for myself, but thank you for telling me about him, I'll be careful and keep an eye on Jimin" I assure him, hear his reassured hum before the door knocks all of a sudden.

"I know you two are in here. You can say thank you to me for asking everyone to keep away from you by helping me cook, but since I had so much help, it's already done and I'm not having these efforts go to waste so come eat while it's warm" Yoongi's voice tells us before he's moving away silently.

Namjoon chuckles and sleepily opens his eyes to gaze at me, the light emanating from the colours he painted on air dimming as they slowly disappear, my skin soon getting naked until we can't see anything anymore and our position in the dark suddenly makes me very embarrassed.

It all should go well, get up and leave, except that due to my not seeing anything, my foot unknowingly steps on something slippery and just as I try to pull myself up, my body falls forward on an unsuspecting Namjoon, his only warning my gasp before my lips collide with something soft and warm.

At the tingles that spread through my whole body, his heart on my arm suddenly flares to life, bright and beautiful, the same happening to his own marked arm and my eyes widen as Namjoon's face right in front of mine comes into view, his eyes just as wide as mine and that's when we both process the kiss.

I quickly pull back with a shocked gasp and the light dims once more, heart beating wildly in my chest at what just happened.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.

"I-I-I'm so- fuck, I'm so sorry, I... I d-didn't mean, o-oh man-" I stutter out heavily, hands meeting his shoulders to try and push myself up again but my feet slip on something else and it's a repeat of earlier, except this time Namjoon catches me before pulling me into a tight hug, his heart hitting his ribcage with just as much strength as mine.

"Please don't apologize for something like that. I know it's early for you, but I'm... I guess it's wrong of me to say that I really enjoyed it but I truly did, don't go away just yet, please" he mumbles in my ear, voice pleading, his chin resting on my shoulder as mine does on his.

I blush, unsure of how to deal with this, embarrassed like never before but also relieved that he's taking this so well and when I hide my face in his neck with a groan, he easily understands my struggle, his laughter wrapping around me and swallowing me whole.

"Your face is burning up! It's okay, you don't need to be embarrassed, it was an accident. A lucky one but an accident all the same" he coos, arms pulling me closer if at all possible into his chest, a smile easily heard in his voice.

I huff out a laugh, slightly amused by his attempt at comforting me while also trying to keep himself from giggling aloud at what just happened, something I find adorable. As much as he can be intimidating, he can also be the cutest and that's something they all seem to share.

"I mean, if you're not too shocked by what happened, I guess it's fine... I think some clothes might have fallen to the floor because of our moving, we should open the door before trying again" I mumble shyly and he hums before allowing me to pull back just enough to open the door, the soft light coming into the closet letting me see that my guess was right, so many shirts now surrounding us. Oops.

I turn to Namjoon to see his cheeks pink and that helps me ease down a little, that I'm not the only one embarrassed by this, although for him it's more alike to excited and proud since this isn't new for him.

"I guess I should be glad that my first kiss was with a soulmate" I let out softly, words that have his eyes widening just as I pull myself off of him and to my feet, my face heating up some more at the admission and I run out of the room, hands on my cheeks to try and lower the temperature, without success.

"Wait! That didn't even cross my mind! That was your first kiss and it had to happen like that?! I could make the second one a lot better, come back here!" he exclaims loudly as he follows behind me, words that have my whole body burning up in a second while a gasp reaches us from down the stairs.

"Did I just hear first kiss?!" Jin shrieks and I suddenly feel like turning around and fleeing back up the stairs but knowing Namjoon behind me on my heels makes me cornered no matter what I do.

I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, red in the face and when I see our six soulmates staring at us, I could swear steam makes it out of my ears.

"Did you two kiss?" Jungkook asks while gaping and when my blushing intensifies, Namjoon's cheeks remaining pink as he nods, their eyes widen, all except for Yoongi who shakes his head, a clear of the throat to try and hide his smirk.

"My clothes couldn't handle all that activity in my closet, it's really too bad that you had to trip over them, or was that kiss meant to be and this was but an excuse for it?" Yoongi asks, an amused and nonchalant behavior to him that worsens my state as he flits around the kitchen to gather utensils while the others remain shocked.

"Was it bad? Do you need me to make it better? I could kiss you a lot better than he did if you want" Jimin offers, eyebrows rising up and down as he stares at me, tongue licking his lips as if to tempt me until Hoseok slaps the back of his head with a sigh.

"Don't let them pressure you into kissing them, honey, take all the time you need. From what I understand, it was an accident and today's only the second day, don't feel like you owe us anything" he says and I shyly nod at him, thankful for the words even though I didn't hate the kiss, nor did it feel like a mistake, it was just... unexpected.

"Now, because you took her first kiss, accident or not, you're going to be cleaning up the kitchen once we're done eating, I want nothing broken and everything shining" Jin decides, words that have everyone cheering except for Namjoon who stares at his hyung with betrayed eyes.

"Alone?!" he shouts and when Jin nods, Namjoon looks around to try and see if someone would offer him help but everyone looks away, a clear abandon that has my pity rising to the surface, but Taehyung's soon pulling me away from the kitchen and to the dining table situated besides the kitchen island.

"You don't have to help him just because you pity him, he'll survive. Anyway, it was his turn today so don't worry" he explains before pulling a chair from under the table and motions for me to take a seat, chair pushed as I lower myself onto it.

"But it wasn't his fault, I tripped and fell on him" I mumble, to which Taehyung just shrugs.

"He still got your first kiss" he retorts before quirking an eyebrow my way. "Do you regret it?" he asks and I feel myself blush again.

"... no" I let out hesitantly before jumping when a chair loudly slides and scrapes the floor.

I turn back to see Jungkook sitting down on the chair next to me with a pout, eyes falling on me and just observing in silence, orbs tracing over my face and noting the colour of my cheeks.

Hoseok follows behind and grins at the younger man before wrapping his arms around his shoulders, a wink thrown my way. "Awww, is our cute Jungkook baby jealous?" he asks sweetly and I note how Jungkook tries to remain serious, eyes creasing ever so slightly at the way he's being babied.

"A little bit" he admits before turning to me with innocent doe eyes that have my heart stuttering out of control.

I open my mouth before closing it just as fast, a sight that has him and Hoseok giggling while the others start joining us with plates, Namjoon's over-exaggerated pout plastered on his face while Jin rolls his eyes good-naturedly.

The former gazes at me and puckers his lips into a kiss just to tease me, something that has me choking on my damn saliva like a teenager.

"Namjoon! You big flirt, give her a moment to get over it, the poor girl!" Jin scolds him again while Jimin strolls over and does the same as Namjoon to me with a wink, a bright smile on his face as he comes to take a seat in front of me, head then going to rest in his hands on the table, tilting to the side just enough to be cute and sexy all at once.

That man knows exactly what he's doing and I'm not letting him win this round.

Instead of cowering under his gaze, which is exactly what he wants, I clear my throat, position myself to feel more dominant and mimic his position on the table, watch as confusion starts taking place on his face.

"Let me tell you something, Jimin, you're not the only ones able to make use of your charms. You see, I know exactly what you're doing and I'm not stupid enough to fall in your trap" I tell him with a wink of my own, lips stretching into a smirk when I see him narrow his eyes at me, triggered by this competition I just started.

He licks his lips and leans back into his chair, lips into a lopsided grin as he nods and a sudden chill goes through my body as I watch him stand up.

"Tae, switch" he demands as he saunters over, to which Taehyung obeys, a smile sent my way before he leaves my side for it to be replaced by Jimin.

Not about to give up so soon, I sit up straight in my chair and then cross a leg over the other, an eyebrow raised at him as I observe him in the most nonchalant way I can manage while the others can only observe in silence, interested by how this is all going to play out.

Jimin sits down next to me and this time, it's him who mimics my position, so much better must I add. He brings a hand to my hair to grab a strand to curl around his finger and his eyes meet mine, amused and powerful, in control.

"So miss is not afraid to fight for power, is she?" he croons, tongue swiping over his lips again and the movement catches my attention against my will, something he relishes in.

He leans closer to me, a hand going to my leg and sliding up to my thigh until he feels me fidgeting under his touch, his lips right by my ear then -

"Do you know how far I'm ready to go to win this?" he whispers his question, lips brushing against the shell and chills instantly cover my entire body, something Jungkook so graciously points out for the others to know.

"She didn't fight back against the right guy, Jimin is feisty" Yoongi muses, as if proud of the younger man while his eyes observe each of my expressions with a smirk, my power leaving me gradually with no way to keep it in my grasp as Jimin's hand slides up to my waist, all the way up to my shoulder, neck and cheek, after which he turns my head to face him, our noses almost touching.

"You look like you enjoyed being kissed, how about a second one right now, hm?" he asks with a sultry voice that has me claiming game over before it goes any further, hands cupping his cheeks to push him back gently, which is met with a sweet giggle from him, eyes into crescents as he lets go of his dangerous persona in a record time.

"You win, you win Jimin, oh gosh, is that what ARMY has to face all the time with you guys? How are they not dead yet?" I let out, out of breath with a hand over my heart as they all burst into laughter.

"Oh love, you haven't seen the real deal yet, nor have you seen Jungkook during a concert, he's just as bad if not worse" Jin says with his squeaky laugh and I turn to Jungkook to see him blushing at the revelation.

Hoseok must see my face because he's smiling at me and ruffling the younger one's hair. "Don't let that blushing face of his make you believe the opposite, when on stage, Jungkook is a whole new man, you'll see soon enough" he says and when everyone nods, I can only believe them, although I also can't see it.

But I guess that with his tattoos and piercings, he does give off... a vibe that can cause a lot of damage if handled properly.

"I'm sure you're all like that though, I'm excited to see how it goes, I just know it's going to be amazing. I'm going to listen to all of your songs before the concert, the official videos, fan made videos, everything I find" I tell them, excitement filling me at the prospect of getting to know more about them that way and the smiles I get back are endeared and pleased.

"Sure, you're not going to see the end of it though, ARMY is an ever-ending source of skills, the things they come up with sometimes" Namjoon says with a chuckle, the plate he was holding then set down in front of me before he goes to his seat at the end of the table.

"The food's going to be cold if we wait any longer, let's eat now" Yoongi says as he walks around the table to sit down in front of Jungkook and that spurs the others to take a seat as well, our attention now given to the delicious looking food in front of us.

"It's going to be good no matter the temperature and anyway, food is food, it can't be bad" I tell them but Taehyung's laugh makes me stare at him in curiosity.

"Oh but you haven't seen Namjoon in the kitchen yet" he says, his words causing Namjoon to frown sheepishly.

"I'm getting better, I'm following recipes that look easy and it ends up being pretty good, okay? Stop spreading false information" the leader counters but Jungkook leans over to me to whisper something in my ear, a whisper intentionally loud.

"When you start searching videos, type Namjoon god of destruction" he advises and I nod, just the name giving me an idea of what I'm going to find.

Said man just whines out a groan that makes us laugh until Jin decides that it's time to focus on eating, something about having lost enough time like this.

That reminds me of the practice they need to keep going if they want to be ready for the weekend and that's when I take note of the plates, some fuller than others.

Already, that gives me an idea of what and who to look out for, substitutes that could give the remaining nutrients needed because for some of them, it's clearly not enough, but I don't say anything, not wanting to get rid of the happy ambiance we have going right now.

That's something I can take care of later. I'll have to observe their habits if I want to get a plan ready for them, going as far as having a one on one meeting with them, not as their soulmate but as their manager so that they can explain to me what goals they want to achieve by doing whatever particularity it is that I find.

Not all of them will like that, I have no doubt, but this is very important to me because I need to know as much as possible if I want to be able to help them properly. Wanting to help doesn't mean that anything I do would be helpful, I need their input as well.

As expected, after going through lunch, everyone brings their plate to the kitchen, me included and after excusing themselves to get ready for practice, I stay behind with Namjoon, eyes staring at the plates with a frown.

Jimin barely ate anything, Jungkook too. Taehyung ate half of his food while the others finished what they had.

"Do Jimin and Jungkook always eat so little?" I ask, wait for Namjoon to take in what I'm talking about before he's nodding, his attention back on storing the rest of the food in the fridge before cleaning the dishes.

"Yeah, before a concert, Jungkook mostly drinks water, no food. Him eating today and yesterday is only because you're here and he doesn't want to worry you, same goes for Jimin. Taehyung doesn't have a big appetite before concerts either but he does try to eat when he's hungry, he'll snack from time to time. As for Jin, we actually need to keep an eye on him, he likes food so he has a tendency to eat more. Yoongi, Hoseok and I don't have trouble with eating, but we don't sleep a lot, I will admit that" he explains with a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

Well... some of that information is worrying, it thankfully gives me an idea of what to expect, but it certainly doesn't make me happy.

I pat my pockets, expecting to find my phone but then get reminded that I don't have anything with me anymore. Damn it.

Namjoon seems to catch the movement because he's soon searching his own pocket to hand his to me.

"You can use my phone, I don't need it for now so feel free to keep it with you. I do believe that tomorrow, Taehyung or Jin might take you to go shopping for some necessities, clothes, things for your room, we're going to have the guest room turn into yours, a phone and the likes so if you could just wait a day, we'll take care of all that. If you want to change your clothes, I can ask Jimin or Yoongi to hand you something" he offers and I nod, thankful because the outfit I currently have, the one I was wearing yesterday, although now washed and clean, isn't what I normally wear to be comfy at home.

"That'd be nice, please" I answer as I grab his phone, screen unlocking to reach the notes right away. Not willing to intrude on his privacy, I pay no mind to the thousands of notes already there and open a new one to write the information I have gathered so far. I can always have it transferred to the new phone when we have it.

That does leave me with the fact that right now, I have absolutely no money. If I work for them, my soulmates are actually going to be the ones paying me, something that has me frowning a little but a job is a job, it's not like the money would come out straight from their pockets.

I just don't want to depend entirely on them for everything, I should be able to buy my own clothes and the likes without having to need them for that so that's a one event only for sure.

I sit on the stool behind the counter, already lost in my reflections and note taking while Namjoon hums while washing the dishes, a comfortable ambiance between us that doesn't disturb our own thought process.

As I start making plans and samples of schedules that I will have to adapt as time goes, I don't even notice when Namjoon leaves the room until he sets a pile of clothes next to me, himself having changed into sportswear, ready to join the others and I look up, a little surprised.

"Here, you can change into that. If there's anything you need, we'll be in the dance studio downstairs, the door that Hoseok showed you earlier" he informs me and I nod, a small thanks for him before I bring my attention back to the notes to finish what I was doing before I forget.

The guys are doing a two days concert. It usually means that there will be one variant for Saturday and another for Sunday, which means they will have more songs and choreographies to practice to fit the different themes, but I do believe that the concerts themselves aren't going to be too bad.

It's the practice that worries me.

Today is Wednesday and they already lost a day and a half, possibly a half tomorrow too depending on who goes shopping for my belongings, something I will try to keep as short as possible because I know how precious their time is, but I already feel bad about it, I just hope that it won't make them nervous about skipping practice.

I know better than to keep idols from their tasks right before a concert, they need to keep themselves busy while they wait, so I usually stay on the sidelines and watch over them unless they show signs of over-exhaustion but I'm afraid that they're going to stay up all night to catch up on lost time.

That has me frowning and writing down more notes, booster snacks that I can make, drinks to keep them hydrated and the likes, anything to keep them from passing out.

A half hour goes by in the blink of an eye before I decide to go get changed in the bathroom, the clothes too big for me but clearly more comfortable than what I had, which is exactly what I wanted.

I then make my way downstairs, ready to get a glimpse of what they can do.

Next chapter will be a new one! Yay!

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