Help me!

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Eunji pov.

We were now back home. I was in my room thinking of what to do next, while my mom was out. She was looking for a new job, since the king fired her. My mom was also glad. She didn't want to work for him anymore. I have to save Jungkook. Who knows, what they will do to him. They said they will do anything to make him let them into the house. But how? I have to sneak into the castle. I need help for that. I packed my stuff and quickly left the house, after leaving a note for my mom. I walked through the village. I made sure nobody could see my face. Gladly, I knew who would help me. But I had to find that person first. Luckily, I know where to find that person. But to be honest, I don't like that place. Not at all. I opened the door and walked in. At first many people were staring at me, however they sopped when I sat down.

"What would you like?"

The guy at the bar said. I just shook my head. I don't drink. Thankfully he didn't bother and just walked away. After a while, a man sat down next to me.

Man: "Are you new here?"

I just nodded, so he wouldn't ask me to reveal my face.

Man: "This is a beautiful kingdom right?"

And again, I just nodded.

Man: "Aren't you feeling warm?"

He said and tried to remove my hooded cape. I quickly pushed his hand away and stood up. Everyone looked at us and suddenly it became really silent. The man got angry.

Man: "Hey! How dare you?"

He swung his arm, ready to slap me. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain, but it never came.

So I opened my eyes once again and saw a guard preventing the man from hitting me.

Guard: "You should leave, if you don't want to spend your night in a prison."

He said and let go of the man. The man quickly ran out of the place and the attention went back to us. The guard looked at me before he took my hand and brought me out of there. We were now in an alley behind the bar.

Guard: "What are you doing here? Your mom will kill me if she would find out that you were in a place like this!"

Eunji: "Hyuk Oppa, I need your help."

He looked into my eyes.

Hyuk: "Oh no, what have you gotten yourself into now?"

I looked down for a while, before my eyes met his.

Eunji: "I need your help saving my friend."

He looked around, checking if someone was there and then he looked back to me.

Hyuk: "What friend?"

Eunji: "He is in the prison of the castle. He got there yesterday an-"

Hyuk: "Wow, wow, wow! Hold on. The guy, who came there yesterday, is your friend?"

Eunji: "Yes."


Eunji: "He's not!"

Hyuk: "Did he do something to you?"

Hyuk asked while he was checking if I was hurt somewhere.

Eunji: "Oppa! Please listen to me!"

I said a bit lauder, making him stop and look at me.

Eunji: "He isn't dangerous. He is really nice. I-I found his world and, and I found him. He had this water which was magical- The thing is, that the king found him and captured him. I need your help to get him out of there. They will kill him."

Hyuk sighed and looked up. Then he looked back at me.

Hyuk: "The water is magical? In which way?"

Eunji: "It can cure every illness, that's what I know. Maybe it can do more."

Hyuk: "Then I guess the king wants the water?"

I nodded.

Hyuk: "How do you know it cures every illness?"

Eunji: "I gave it to my mom. You know, she was really sick. And it worked. My mom was totally fine. But the king found out and forced me to bring them to the water, or else they would kill mom."

Hyuk: "You brought them to the water? Why did they capture your friend then?"

Eunji: "The house, where the water is, is sealed with some kind of spell. They need him to get to the water."

Hyuk: "Oh god! You know, they will hurt your friend really, I mean really badly to get what they want."

Eunji: "I know! That's why I need your help."

I said with tears in my eyes.

Hyuk: "If he is from a different world, then doesn't he have any special power or something like that?"

Eunji: "He has, but they put some necklace on him. He can't take it off, or use his powers while waring it."

Hyuk: "God, Eunjiii!"

He said in frustration while running his hands through his hairs.

Eunji: "Please?"

I asked.

Hyuk: "You know that I am going to be in serious trouble if someone finds out."

I still kept on staring at him with my pleading eyes. Hyuk sighed.

Hyuk: "Someday you are going to get me killed, I swear."

Eunji: "Is that a yes?"

I asked while my face light up.

Hyuk: "Yes, I am going to help you."

Eunji: "YES!"

I said and hugged him tight. He is my best friend. But he is much more caring, like a big brother. I love him as a brother and he loves me like a sister.

Eunji: "So, what's the plan?"

I asked after I broke the hug.

Hyuk: "The plan is, that you will come here again. Tomorrow. I will get something from the castle to smuggle you in."

Eunji: "Tomorrow?"

I asked with my eyes open widely.

Hyuk: "Yes, tomorrow. Today it wouldn't work and I have to think of everything. Got it?"

Eunji: "Yes."

Hyuk: "Good girl."

He said and patted my head.

Hyuk: "Now go home and say hello to your mom from me."

Eunji: "Okay."

He smiled and hugged me.

Hyuk: "It's good to see you again."

He said and broke the hug.

Hyuk: "I missed you kiddo."

He ruffled my hair, before he walked away, leaving me alone in the alley.

Eunji: "I missed you too Oppa."

I said and walked back home. While I was laying on my bed, I kept thinking of Jungkook. I hope he is alright. Don't worry. I will get you out of there.

Jungkook pov.

Guard: "TELL ME!"

The guard screamed again before hitting me with the weapon morning star. This weapon is really no joke. It hurts like hell. I was on the ground with bruises and blood everywhere. I had no energy to even stand up after what they had done to me. But I still didn't give in. I won't let them have the water.

Guard: "You won't give up, won't you."

Even if it was hard, I still managed to look at him and give him a small smirk. Once again he hit me and then left. Hold on Jungkook. You have to stay alive. I said to myself before everything went black.

Eunji pov.

Finally, the next day came. I quickly got ready and left the house. I went to the place where we met yesterday and started waiting for him. And he finally came. He had a bag with him.

Eunji: "What's that?"

Hyuk: "A good morning to you too."

Eunji: "Good morning dear Hyuk Oppa. Can you please tell me what is in that bag?"

Hyuk: "Oh well, my dear Eunji, in this bag are your new clothes."

Eunji: "My new what?"

Hyuk: "You will change into this. You'll look like one of the workers in the castle. It'll be much easier to get you into the castle this way, so please, go change."

He said and held the bag in front of me, so I could take it. He smiled when I took the bag from his hands. I replied with the fake smile and went to change. After I came back he gave me another hooded cape. I wore it and followed him into the castle.

Jungkook pov.

The next day came and that meant another round. I was laying on the ground since last time, because I didn't have any energy left to stand up, so I just stayed there. The same guys like last time came in.

Guard: "Ready for the next round?"

I just gave them a cold stare.

Guard: "I take this as a yes."

He pulled me up and punched me hard, so I fell back down.

Eunji pov.

We finally made it through every guard, which was standing at each door. Now we were walking through a corridor and thankfully there was nobody in the corridor.

Hyuk: "You will now follow me to the kitchen, where I am going to give you food for the prisoner."

I nodded.

Hyuk: "I'll make sure the guards won't be there when you are going to take him out."

Eunji: "Okay."

As we were walking three guards came. I was glad, that my face was hidden under the hood.

Guard: "Hyuk! I need you to- Who is that?"

He said and pointed at me.

Hyuk: "She is one of the new maids."

Guard: "Good. The cell of the prisoner in the back of the castle is ... a bit messy. She should clean up."

Hyuk: "Sure."

The guard then turned towards me.

Guard: "Just clean up and leave. Don't do anything to, or ask anything about the prisoner, understood?"

I nodded.

Guard: "Good, now go."

We both bowed and left. He gave me things to clean up and secretly gave me medicine and bandages.

Hyuk: "He's probably hurt. That will help."

He said as he handed me everything.

Hyuk: "Make sure nobody sees you."

I nodded and we walked towards the cell. The guards let me in and Hyuk stayed outside. I walked in and looked around. And instantly I froze in my spot. Jungkook was laying on the ground. He was covered in blood. He had many bruises and his body laid there lifelessly on the ground. I let everything fall down what was in my hands and quickly ran to him. I got on my knees and looked at him, being unsure if I should touch him or not.

Eunji: "J-Jungkook?"

My voice cracked, as I looked at him. Tears already steaming down my face. With shaky hands I looked if he had pulse. Thank god I could feel the pulse. I quickly got up and took the medicine out, together with all the bandages. What have they done to you? I cried while carefully cleaning his wounds. To clean all his wounds, I had to remove his clothes. When I saw his upper body, my eyes got teary. Yes, he had muscles, but I could only see his wounds. They looked horrible. He must have been in so much pain. Blood was everywhere and it hurt me, to know all of this is my fault. That's why I tried to be as gentle as I could, while tears were making their way down my cheeks. After I was done, I had to put medicine on the wounds.

That is going to hurt. Slowly I put the medicine on him. Strangely, he didn't show any sign of pain. Is he still unconscious? Soon I was done. I put back the medicine and the bandages, which were left. Slowly, really slowly, I managed to get him of the ground and lay him down on the bed. After I covered him with the blanket, which was on the bed, I quickly cleaned up the room a bit. After I was done, I looked at his necklace and saw, that there was a little hole in it. Does it open with a key? I have to find that key. Hold on a little longer Jungkook. I said as I kissed his forehead. After I took a last glance of him, I wiped my tears away and left the cell. The guards outside locked the door after I was out and I walked away. I am going to find that key.


Here's a nother part!

Sorry for the slow update. I hope you guys still liked this chapter.

Don't forget to coment! ;D

Bye bye! <3

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