Was it a good idea to fall for you?

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Eunji pov.

Another day with Jungkook. It was awesome. Right now, I was at home making dinner for my mom and me. She would come any moment. Then I finally heard a knock on the door. I opened it with a smile on my face, but that smile soon disappeared when I saw that my mom wasn't alone. There were guards of the king and the king personally was standing there next to my mom. I looked at my mom confused. They made their way into our house and I followed them into the living room.

King: "You must be Eunji, right?"

I just nodded, still not understanding what was going on. My mom didn't say anything. Not at all. I could see fear and guilt in her eyes. What is going on?

King: "Well, my friend, your doctor and your mom told me something really interesting."

He said making me look at my mom, who looked to the ground the moment our eyes met.

Eunji: "What did they tell you?"

King: "They all told me about this water which could cure your mom, who was as good as dead."


King: "And I am quite interested. I would like to see where you got the water?"


King: "Listen. You seem like a smart girl. Make the right decision now."

I looked around, trying to find a way out.

King: "Will you lead me to your friend? After we will get the water, you and your mom can live in the palace. You would live like the kings and queens."

I looked at him and shook my head slowly. He shied.

King: "I really hoped that it wouldn't come to this point."

He gave his men a sign and they grabbed my mom. One of them pulled out a small knife and cut the hand of my mom.

Eunji: "Mom!"

My mom winced in pain. I wanted to go to her, but one of the knights stopped me.

King: "She is still alive ... And she will stay alive, if you will lead me to the fountain. If not, your last family member will die and you will live the rest of your life in prison."

The guard punched my mom in the face and she fell down. My teary eyes wandered from my mom to the king. I was mad, really mad. Now the guard got his sword and was ready to kill my mom. He swung his sword up and then towards my mom who was laying on the ground.

Eunji: "NO! STOP!"

He stopped and gave me a glance before looking at the king, who was looking at me.

Eunji: "I will bring you to him."

He smirked at me before giving the guards a sign to leave my mom alone. Then his eyes landed on me.

King: "It's good that you are cooperative."

I looked at the ground and let a single tear fall down. I'm so sorry Jungkook.

Jungkook pov.

Today was awesome. I was the whole day with Eunji. She is fun. Now I have to wait until tomorrow to see her again. I looked down and smiled while remembering our time together. Then I looked up at the moon again. The stars were reflecting in my eyes, while I was smiling at the moon. Eunji, I think I have fallen for you...

Eunji pov.

The king and his guards stayed at our place at night, to make sure that we wouldn't run away. The next day we started to make our way through the forest. I was walking as slow as I could. What should I do?

Guard: "Faster!"

He said and pushed me a bit. My mom was also there. The king would kill her in front of me, the moment I decide to do something stupid.

Guard: "Wait! She is leading us into the dark forest!"

One of the guards said, making all of us stop walking. Everyone was looking at me.

Eunji: "The portal is in that forest."

Guard: "Why should we trust you?"

Eunji: "If the portal was in the normal part of the forest, then obviously more people would've found it."

King: "She is right. And if she would lie to us, then her mother will die, so why should she?"

We continued our way and soon we were in front of the tree.

King: "That's the portal?"

I nodded.

King: "Your mom is going to go first."

He said. I know why. He wanted to test if it's save. My mom did as she was told. After she was through it, one by one everyone went through. When we were on the other side, I lead them into the dark forest. And then we made it. We were standing in front of the house.

King: "Lure him out of this house."

The king said to me.

Eunji: "What?"

King: "You know what I mean."

I shied and walked towards the door, while the others were all hiding in the woods. I slowly opened the door and walked in.

Eunji: "Jungkook?"

Jungkook pov.

I was lost in my thoughts, when a voice from downstairs brought me back to reality. It was Eunji's voice. The moment I realised that it was Eunji, a smile appeared on my face. I quickly made my way downstairs.

Eunji pov.

Jungkook came downstairs. He looked at me and smiled. I turned around and ran out of the house. His eyebrows frowned and he followed me outside. I ran behind a tree and he stopped walking.

Jungkook: "Eunji?"

Please don't Jungkook...

Jungkook: "Is everything okay?"

Suddenly I heard how someone was being hit. I quickly came out and saw the guards fighting against Jungkook. Jungkook was about to transform, when one of the guards put something around his neck. He couldn't transform anymore.

The guard kept punching him till he fell down. He looked exhausted. The corner of his lips had blood on it.

King: "You like this necklace? It prevents you from using your magic."

Jungkook managed to look up, into the eyes of the king. In his eyes I could see anger, confusion and sadness.

King: "Oh, if you wonder how we found you, or this place, there is this beautiful girl, who was so kind, that she brought us here."

He said and looked at me. Jungkook followed his gaze and his eyes also landed on me. His eyes winded and I could see them getting teary. He looked hurt. He then looked down and closed his eyes. I could see one single tear escape his eyes. With one arm he supported himself, while his other arm was around his waist.

He was hurt badly and I couldn't do anything. My eyes were also teary. I betrayed him. He trusted me. With all his strength, Jungkook tried to stand up again. One guard walked towards him and hit him on his head with the backside of his sword. Immediately he lost his balance and his consciousness.

Eunji: "JUNGKOOK!!"

I was about to ran towards him, but one guard stopped me. My tears started floating the moment Jungkook fell down. I am so sorry. I fell on my knees. My eyes were fixed on his body, which was laying there on the cold ground. Then two guards took him away.

Eunji: "Where are you taking him!?"

I said, while I quickly stood up.

King: "He isn't dead. We are going to take him to the prison in the castle. Where is that water?"

I stared at him, thinking of should I tell him or not.

King: "TELL ME!"

Eunji: "I-It's inside."

He gave one of his guards a sign and they walked towards the door. They tried to open it but it didn't work.

King: "Why isn't it open?"

He asked me.

Eunji: "I don't know."

He then pulled my hair.


I winced in pain.

Eunji: "I don't know!"

King: "LIAR!"

He then pushed me, making me fall down and walked towards the entrance of the house. The attempt to open the door failed again. The guards of the king also tried to break the door down or find another way in, but it didn't work.

Guard: "It's no use. I think, there is a spell on this house. We can't go in."

King: "Then we have to make that guy let us in."

He said angry and looked at Jungkook.

King: "Let's bring him to the castle." He said and everyone started to make their way back. What will happen now?

Jungkook pov.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. but I had incredible pain in my body. Where am I? Then the memories hit me like a flash. I sat up and leaned my back to the wall. Why did she do that? I trusted her... I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, so it would touch the wall too. What have I done? They found the house, they found the creatures and they found the water. I stood up. And I also can't get rid of this stupid necklace, which makes sure, that I can't use my powers. All of this just because of a stupid girl! I started punching the wall.

My eyes got teary. I was hurt. Not because of the pain in my hands, from the punching, but from the pain in my heart. The pain which was caused from Eunji. I should've never trusted a human. What am I going to do now? I thought, when I stopped punching the wall. My hand slid down the wall, like the tears slid down my cheeks. I am not going to break my promise. I will protect your world. No, I will protect MY world. I promised to myself while my head lifted, showing my eyes, which were filled with anger.



I am sorry for uploading really slow, but life is really stressing me out right now... 

Anyways, I J-Hope you liked this chapter ;D

Bye Bye! <3

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