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After that I walked through the tree and was back in my world. It's funny, I was no longer scared of the dark forest. With a warm feeling, I got back home. After I made dinner, my mom came. We ate together and she told me about how her first day back at work was. She told me that her old employees in the kings kitchen were happy to see my mom healthy and back again. I was happy for her. She loved her work, so why would I be against it? We washed the dished together. It was fun. My mom really tried to spend more time with me and I liked it really much.

Soon the next day came. After my mom left I cleaned the house a bit and quickly left after. I was excited to know more about Jungkook and the creatures there.

Jungkook: "Hey."

Eunji: "Hi Jungkook. Missed me?"

He just smiled and shook his head while looking at the ground.

Jungkook: "Let's go."

He said and started walking.

Eunji: "Oh! Can you tell me first about those black butterflies?"

Jungkook: "You mean these?"

He said and pointed at one, who was flying over some flowers.

Eunji: "Yes."

Jungkook: "They are pure soles."

He said while following the butterfly.

Jungkook: "They lead you to your destination."

Eunji: "Is that why one of them lead me to your house?"

I asked and he looked at me.

Jungkook: "They did?"

I nodded and he continued walking.

Jungkook: "Then there must me a reason why you are here."

Eunji: "Really?"

Jungkook: "Hm. They also brought me to the house. And I found my place."

Eunji: "Pure souls huh? I thought pure souls would be white."

Jungkook: "Why? Who says that everything good has to be white and everything bad has to be black?"

Eunji: "No one."

Jungkook just chuckled at me. After a while, I noticed that we were in front of a waterfall. A cliff was separating us from each other. I looked around and saw Jungkook standing next to a fallen tree, which was leading from one side to the other one. He got on the tree and held his hand out for me to take. I smiled and took his hand. Gradually, we got on the other side.

Jungkook: "You've seen those black butterflies in the room with the fountain right?"

Eunji: "Yes."

He turned towards me while standing next to the waterfall.

Jungkook: "Did you ever wonder where they came from?"

He asked and smiled, before he disappeared behind the waterfall, still looking at me. I smiled and quickly followed him. It was another cave. In this cave, there were those black butterflies, everywhere. In the middle, there was a pond. The water in it was glowing. It was a glowing, which I've seen before.

Jungkook: "Yes, the water is the same, which is in the fountain."

He said, making me look at him.

Jungkook: "The butterflies live here, but they also stay at the house and that's why there is also this water in the house.

Eunji: "Oh okay."

We were now sitting next to the water. It was silence. I then inconspicuously splashed water at him.

Jungkook: "Eunji! This is magical water."

Eunji: "Oh sorry."

I said and looked down. Then suddenly I felt someone push me. The next thing I remember is that I was in the pond and Jungkook was laughing hard next to the pond. I was shocked but then I smiled. While he was busy laughing I got near him. Once I was near enough, I pulled his arm and he fell into the water. Now it was my time to laugh at him. His head popped out of the water and he stared at me, before a smirk appeared on his face. I had a bad feeling.

Eunji: "No Jungkook! No!"

His smirk grew wider and he started splashing water at me.

Mom pov.

Another day at work. It was great working again. We were making lunch for the king and talking about different stuff. I was putting the food on the tray so the other workers could take it to the king, when suddenly the personal counsellor came in. He looked around and his eyes winded when he saw me. He then walked towards me.

Counsellor: "You are back again?"

Mom: "Yes."

I said continuing on my job.

Counsellor: "How came that you are fit again? I heard that you got sick really badly."

Mom: "I guess it wasn't my time to go."

He looked at me suspiciously but then my boss came.

Boss: "I am really sorry counsellor but we have to get lunch for the king ready. If you don't mind, I would please you to leave the kitchen."

The counsellor eyed me before leaving the kitchen. What was that? I asked myself and continued working.

Jungkook pov.

Eunji: "Goodbye Jungkook."

Jungkook: "Goodbye Eunji."

She smiled at me before going through the tree once again. I think, I'm starting to like her. I thought myself and walked back towards my home. She will come again tomorrow. She is different, she is really interested in everything here. Does she also like me? Would she like someone like me? I asked myself and my eyebrows frowned. Probably not... I shouldn't expect too much.

Counsellor pov.

It's strange. The fact that the old chef is back, is bothering me. I know that she was really sick ... how came that she is suddenly cured? There must be something else behind this. And I will find out what.

Mom pov.

The next day came and I said goodbye to Eunji, before leaving. Another day in the kitchen of the king. Don't judge me, I love my job. When I came there my friends greeted me. We talked for a bit and I started to prepare king's breakfast. The day went by and I was ready to go home when suddenly she counsellor stopped me.

Mom: "How can I help you?"

Counsellor: "I would like to ask you something."

Mom: "Sure."

Counsellor: "I would really like to know how you got back on your feet."

Mom: "Huh?"

Counsellor: "Did your doctor gave you something?"

Mom: "Medicine."

Counsellor: "I mean something else."

Mom: "I don't know what you are talking about. And if you would excuse me now. I was going home. My daughter is waiting for me."

Counsellor: "Daughter?"

Mom: "Yes, my daughter."

I said and left him standing there. Why do I have the feeling that he isn't going to let go. I shook my head and continued my way.  

Eunji pov.

I learned a lot of his world. It's really interesting. He showed me so much and I think I like him. But does he like me too? Probably not. He was once again waiting at the place where met yesterday.

Eunji: "Hi Jungkook!"

I smiled happily while I was walking towards him. He turned around and also smiled at me.

Jungkook: "Hey. You ready?"

Eunji: "Totally!"

I said exited.

Jungkook: "I will show you something amazing if ..."

He looked to his left and then back to me.

Jungkook: "If you'll catch me!"

He said and started running.

Eunji: "Hey! Come back!"

I said and started chasing him. He just laughed out loud and continued running. This boy!

Mom pov.

Another day at work. Until now, I was back into my old routine. The whole day was good. Now I was making dinner for the king. After I was done, my employees took it to the dining hall. I was cleaning the kitchen before going home when my friend came to me.

Friend: "Hey, the king wants to see you before you leave."

Mom: "Me?"

Friend: "Yes, I am also surprised. I hope it's nothing bad."

Mom: "Yeah, I should go."

I made sure that I looked good enough to sand in front of the king before I walked in.

Mom: "You called me, your majesty?"

King: "Ah, yes. Come here."

He said and I walked towards the table. Next to the king there was the counsellor standing. He smirked at me and I looked back to the king.

King: "My counsellor told me that you are completely fine now."

I nodded.

King: "It's quite surprising. I mean we all know how sick you were. Tell me ... how were you able to get back on your feet?"

I looked at the counsellor.

King: "We talked with your doctor and he told us something interesting about some water, which your daughter gave you."

My eyes winded. The doctor betrayed us.

King: "Well first he wasn't telling us what we wanted to know, but when we were about to bring his son into this, he was ready to tell us everything we needed to know."


King: "It would be good if you would tell us everything honestly. Or else we would talk with your daughter and I can tell you that we won't be easy on her. Not at all."

He said making me panic.

King: "She is at home right now, right?"

He said and smirked at me.

Oh no...


What will happen next?

What do you think?

As always, I hope you liked this chapter ;)  

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