Chapter 28

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JP (Fusion) POV

[I had just finished my talk with the new chancellor Leo Akakba. He told me that my purple uniform is supposed to show my status even above Obelisk Blue students. He also told me that there will be a lot of changes in the future but none currently. I was going to be one of his favorite students and that I should be ready for assignments that he was to give me. I still don't know what happened to my brother and why he is missing. I don't understand what could have happened to him. I was heading to my dorm to pack my things and move to my private dorm when I'm stopped by Alexis and Celina]

3rd Person POV

Alexis: JP, I heard that you're leaving the Obelisk Blue dorm.

JP: You heard right.

Celina: What's with the purple uniform?

JP: This is supposed to show that I'm above Obelisk Blue.

Alexis: You're a step above Obelisk Blue? What an honor.

Celina: I always had faith in him. I knew that he was always a step above the rest.

Alexis: So, what are you doing now?

JP: Well, first I'm moving my things. Then I'm going to find Zane and challenge him to a duel to put him in his place.

Alexis: You're still going to challenge him?

JP: Of course, I am. No one messes with my friends. Then I'm going to help Syrus and Celina with their tag duel.

Celina: It's no longer a tag duel. I'll be dueling for the both of us. I would like help from you JP.

[Alexis and Celina glare at each other]

JP: Well, that sounds good. I'll move my things and then find Zane. It will the battle of the Cyber Dragons.

[JP grabbed his new disk that the Chancellor Akaba or the Professor gave him. He was going to find Zane and put him in place. He was going to beat Zane with his own deck. He was going to defeat Zane and he was going to enjoy it. JP started to laugh a little psychotically. He was going to show why he was a step above everyone else. He walked down to the Obelisk Blue dorm. He found Zane and called out to him]

JP: Zane!

[Zane turns to him not impressed]

Zane: What do you want? What's with the getup? Purple doesn't suit you.

JP: The color I wear shows the academy that I'm a step above you.

Zane: There isn't a duelist better than me in this school.

JP: Well, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and duel me?

[Zane grabs his duel disk]

Zane: I'm always ready for target practice. I know your deck inside and out. You won't defeat me.

JP: There is a difference in our decks though. That will give me the edge.

Zane: It won't matter. I will still defeat you.

[JP and Zane activate their duel disks]

JP: I win, you're expelled.

Zane: That's crazy. Why are you doing this?

JP: You hurt my friend. I'll make you pay. Let's get this show on the road!

JP/Zane: Duel!

Turn 1-JP

JP-8000 LP/Zane-8000 LP

JP: Time to get your game on! I'll go first. My turn. I put two cards face down in and summon Cyber Dragon Core in ATK Mode.

Cyber Dragon Core: Level 2- 400 ATK/ 1500 DEF

JP: This monster's name becomes Cyber Dragon on the field. The effect of my monster activates. I add the spell Cyber Repair Plant from my deck to my hand. Turn end. (Gestures to "bring it on") Show me what you got. Show me why you claim to be the best student at Duel Academy so then I can knock you down.

Turn 2-Zane

JP-8000 LP/Zane-8000 LP

Zane: You better watch your mouth. My turn. I draw. I summon Cyber Larva in ATK Mode.

Cyber Larva: Level 1- 400 ATK/ 600 DEF

Zane: Now by sending both our monsters to the Graveyard I can fusion summon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon!

Chimeratech Fortess Dragon: Level 8- ??? ATK/ 0 DEF

Zane: This monster's ATK is the number of monsters that was used to fusion summon times 1000.

Chimeratech Fortess Dragon: 0 ATK - - - 2000 ATK

Zane: Now it will attack you directly! Evolution Result Artillery!

JP: I won't let you! Trap Card Open! Draining Shield! Now I gain LP equal to your monsters ATK!

JP-8000 LP - - - 10,000 LP

JP: Hahaha!

Alexis: Does JP seem different to you?

Celina: A little.

Zane: I place one card face down and end my turn.

Turn 3-JP

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-8000 LP

JP: My turn. I draw! From my hand I activate a spell: Cyber Repair Plant! I can add a Cyber Dragon from my deck to my hand! It won't stay long because I'm summoning it! If you have a monster and I don't I can summon this monster without tributing!

Cyber Dragon: Level 5- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

JP: Now my monster will destroy yours! Cyber Dragon, attack! Strident blast!

Zane: Urk.

Zane-8000 LP - - - 7900 LP

JP: Turn end.

Turn 4-Zane

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-7900 LP

Zane: My turn. I draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 5-JP

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-7900

JP: All you can do is defend yourself! My turn. Draw. Battle. Cyber Dragon, destroy his face down! Strident Blast!

Zane: Urk. The effect of my Shining Angel activates! When it's destroyed I can special summon 1 LIGHT monster with 1500 ATK or less from my deck! I choose Proto Cyber!

Proto Cyber Dragon: Level 3- 1100 ATK/ 600 DEF

Zane: This monster's name becomes Cyber Dragon while on the field.

JP: You're not impressing me. I'm not done. By sending our two monsters to the Graveyard I can fusion summon! I fusion summon! Come forth, my own Chimeratech Fortess Dragon!

Chimeratech Fortess Dragon: Level 8- 2000 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP: Turn end.

Turn 6-Zane

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-7900

Zane: You're not impressing me either. My turn. I draw. I can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 7-JP

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-7900 LP

JP: That's right! Feel helpless! My turn. Draw. From my hand I activate a spell! Double Cyclone! This allows me to destroy both our face downs!

Zane: No!

JP: Now your field is empty! Now my monster will attack you directly! Evolution Result Artillery!

Zane: Ahh!

Zane-7900 LP - - - 5900 LP

JP: Turn end.

Turn 8-Zane

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-5900 LP

Zane: I'm not out of it yet. My turn. I draw. I place a card face down and end my turn.

Turn 9-JP

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-5900 LP

JP: You're running out of options. My turn. I draw. I place a card face down. Battle. My monster will attack you directly! Evolution Result Artillery!

Zane: Ahh!

Zane-5900 LP - - - 3900 LP

JP: Turn end. You might as well surrender. There is nothing you can do.

Turn 10-Zane

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-3900 LP

Zane: I'm not finished. My turn. I draw. I can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 11-JP

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-3900 LP

JP: Why do you still fight? Just surrender!

Zane: I won't.

JP: Well, I'll just crush you! My turn. Draw. I summon Cyber Dragon Core in ATK Mode! I add Cyber Repair Plant to my hand. Its name becomes Cyber Dragon! Battle. Chimeratech Fortess Dragon, attack him directly! Evolution Result Artillery!

Zane: Ahh!

Zane-3900 LP - - - 1900 LP

JP: Cyber Dragon, attack! Strident Blast!

Zane: Ahh!

Zane-1900 LP - - - 1500 LP

JP: You have one last chance! Turn end!

Turn 12-Zane

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-1500 LP

Zane: I won't lose to you! My turn. I draw! I summon Cyber Dragon Zwei in ATK Mode!

Cyber Dragon Zwei: Level 4- 1500 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Zane: By showing a spell card I can change its name to Cyber Dragon! From my hand I activate a spell: Overload Fusion! By banishing from my field and Graveyard I can fusion summon Chimeratech Overdragon!

Chimertech Overdragon: Level 9- ??? ATK/ ??? DEF

JP: This is interesting!

Zane: This monster's ATK and DEF becomes the number of monsters used to fusion summon times 800.

Chimertech Overdragon: 0 ATK - - - 2400 ATK

Zane: Battle! My monster will now destroy your Cyber Dragon! Evolution Result Burst!

JP: Oh no!

[JP's face goes from scared to almost pure evil]

JP: Nice try! Trap card, open! Dimensional Prison! This trap banishes your monster!

Zane: No!

JP: Hahaha!

Zane: I place a card face down and end my turn.

Turn 13-JP

JP-10,000 LP/Zane-1500 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I can end this in two ways. The new way or the most painful way. You choose!

Zane: Just take your turn!

JP: New way it is! Time to show the difference in our decks! From my hand I activate a spell: Cyber Repair Plant! I add Cyber Dragon Drei! I now summon this monster!

Cyber Dragon Drei: Level 4-1800 ATK/800 DEF

JP: This monster becomes Cyber Dragon! It also turns all Cyber Dragon to Level 5!

Celina: I see what he's doing!

JP: I overlay my two Level 5 Cyber Dragons to build the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Come forth! Rank 5! Cyber Dragon Nova!

Cyber Dragon Nova: Rank 5- 2100 ATK/1600 DEF

JP: Why should the fun stop there? I rebuild the Overlay Network! I XYZ Summon! Come forth! Rank 6! Cyber Dragon Infinity!

Cyber Dragon Infinity: Rank 6- 2100 ATK/ 1600 DEF

JP: This monster gains 200 ATK per overlay unit!

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2100 ATK - - - 2700 ATK

JP: I now activate my monster's special ability! I can turn my other monster into an overlay unit, so my monster gains another 200 ATK!

Cyber Dragon Infinity-2700 ATK - - - 2900 ATK

[Zane looks in fear]

JP: Stare into the face of defeat, Zane, and get ready to pack your bags to leave! Cyber Dragon Infinity, attack Zane directly and end this duel!

Zane: Ahh!

Zane-1500 LP - - - 0 LP

[Zane falls in defeat]

JP: Pack your bags, Zane, because your days at the academy are done!

Zane: You can't do that!

JP: Well my new status and authority says I can.

[Zane stays kneeling in defeat. Alexis goes to his side because she felt a little bad. Celina smiled as JP walked away]

Celina: (Thoughts) There's the JP that I love so much. Standing up for what he thinks is right. Now with his new authority he can make real changes.

[Celina catches up with JP and they both spend the rest of the day with each other while all the other students tried to comprehend what just happened]

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