Chapter 29

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JP (Syncro) POV

[I can't remember what happened all I can remember is me crashing my duel runner. Everything else is just blank. I feel my surroundings and feel that I'm on a couch with a blanket on top of me. I hear two familiar voices arguing over something. I open my eyes]

3rd Person POV

???: I'm telling you, Luna that I get to hang out with him this time! You did last time! He's my big bro after all!

Luna: I keep telling you that we'll let him decide, Leo.

[JP sits up]

JP: Okay, what are you two arguing about now?

[Luna and Leo run over to JP]

Leo: You're awake!

Luna: Way to state the obvious, Leo.

Leo: JP, how about we duel?

JP: Maybe but first. Can you tell me how I got here?

Luna: We don't know. We found you in the streets lying next to your duel runner. You didn't wake up. Your duel spirits told me that you were on a serious mission.

JP: Well, I can't remember what it was. Hopefully I'll remember it soon. Sounds like it was important.

Leo: You know what clears my memory? A duel!

Luna: Leo, quit pestering him! Although I'm sure he wants to hang out with me and talk about duel spirits.

Leo: That's not fair, Luna!

JP: Guys, I'm not going anywhere any time soon. Leo, a duel sounds good. It might jog my memory a little bit. Afterwards, Luna, you and I can spend the rest of the day talking about duel spirits.

Luna: Don't you have to go home? What about Rin and Yugo?

JP: I'll let them know I'll be home late. Besides, Rin is probably looking for the Black Rose Witch. (Thoughts) For some reason she seems very familiar then again, I could be wrong.

Leo: Alright, JP! Let's do this! First though, are you going against Jack Atlas again?

JP: That's the plan.

Leo: Awesome! The Master of Faster versus the Blue Eyes Master!

Luna: Leo, you need to be quiet about that. He didn't tell us his secret just, so you can go screaming it at the top of your lungs.

JP: I'll be back in a second, Leo.

[JP walks away and calls Rin and Yugo]

Rin: JP! Is that you? I was so worried!

Yugo: I told you that you had nothing to worry about, Rin!

JP: I'm fine guys. I'm crashing with Luna and Leo for today. I'll be home later.

Yugo: Tell Leo, "Hi" for us.

Rin: Also tell Luna not to do anything funny! She'll know what I mean.

JP: So, Rin, you going to look for the Black Rose Witch again?

Rin: No. I'm taking a break for today. (Thoughts) Is he getting close to learning my secret? If he does know then he doesn't know that I'm not the real Black Rose Witch! I'm just covering for a friend who's the real Black Rose Witch. That reminds me. I still need to find that coward that ran the other day. (Out loud) Well, you better come home in one piece, JP!

JP: I will. Later, guys.

[JP hangs up his phone and walks back to Leo and Luna]

JP: Yugo says. "Hi", Leo.

Leo: Yugo is so cool!

JP: Rin says don't do anything funny, Luna.

[Luna pouts]

Luna: Of course, she would say that.

Leo: JP! How about that duel?

JP: Sure, but we'll have to be quiet about it. I don't want to attract any unwanted attention. My monsters stand out quite a bit.

Leo: Then I'll just have to be quick and beat you!

JP: Keep dreaming.

Luna: I'm rooting for you, JP!

Leo: What about your twin brother?

Luna: You don't stand a chance.

Leo: Thanks for the support, sis.

[JP and Leo activate their duel disks]

JP: It's time to rev it up!

JP/Leo: Duel!

Turn 1-JP

JP-8000 LP/Leo-8000 LP

JP: I'll go first. My turn. I place a card face down. From my hand I activate a spell: The Melody of Awakening Dragon! By sending a card to the Graveyard I can add two Blue Eyes from my deck to my hand!

Leo: I'm getting nervous.

JP: I summon Kaibaman in ATK Mode.

Kaibaman: Level 3- 200 ATK/ 700 DEF

JP: I activate his effect. By sending him to the Graveyard I can summon from my hand my most faithful ally: Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Blue Eyes White Dragon: Level 8- 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

JP: Turn end. Now the effect of my White Stone of Ancients activates! I can summon another Blue Eyes from my deck! Show me what you got, Leo.

Turn 2-Leo

JP-8000 LP/Leo-8000 LP

Leo: You want it? You got it! My turn. I draw! I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and another card face down and end my turn.

Turn 3-JP

JP-8000 LP/Leo-8000 LP

Leo: You going to bring out that Blue Eyes Twin Burst Dragon?

JP: Why would I do that?

Leo: It makes the most sense.

JP: Not really and I'll show you why. My turn. Draw. Battle. Blue Eyes, attack his face down monster!

[Blue Eyes destroys the face down which was Morphtronic Lantron]

Leo: When my monster is destroyed while in DEF I don't take any battle damage this turn.

JP: Clever, Leo. Turn end.

Turn 4-Leo

JP-8000 LP/Leo-8000 LP

Leo: My turn. I draw. I summon Morphtronic Remoten in ATK Mode!

Morphtronic Remoten: Level 3- 300 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Leo: Once per turn while my monster is in ATK Mode, I can banish one Morphtronic monster from my Graveyard and add I Morphtronic monster with the same level. I end my turn.

Turn 5-JP

JP-8000 LP/Leo-8000 LP

JP: You'll have to do better than that, Leo. My turn. Draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Lightning Vortex! By sending one card to the Graveyard I can destroy all of your face up monsters!

Leo: No!

JP: Ready, Leo? Battle. Blue Eyes, attack Leo directly! White Lighting!

Leo: At the same time?

JP: I don't choose favorites!

Leo: Ahh!

Leo-8000 LP - - - 2000 LP

JP: You okay, Leo?

Leo: I'm okay. You don't quit. So I won't either! I will be just like my big bro!

[JP smiles]

JP: Turn end.

Turn 6-Leo

JP-8000 LP/Leo-2000 LP

Leo: Must make this turn count. My turn. I draw. From my hand I activate a spell: Morphtronic Accelerator! By returning one Morphtronic monster from my hand to the Graveyard I can destroy one of your Blue Eyes and then draw a card!

JP: Clever move.

Leo: Thanks. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Turn 7-JP

JP-8000 LP/Leo-2000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I activate the other special effect of my White Stone of Ancients in my Graveyard! By banishing it I can return Blue Eyes from my Graveyard to my hand.

Leo: Ah man. My last move did nothing. He still got his Blue Eyes back.

JP: I summon Maiden with Eyes of Blue in ATK Mode!

Maiden with Eyes of Blue: Level 1- 0 ATK/ 0 DEF

Leo: Oh no! I'm in trouble!

JP: I tune my Level 1 Maiden with Eyes of Blue with my Blue Eyes White Dragon! I Syncro Summon! Come forth! Level 9! Azure Eyes Silver Dragon!

Azure Eyes Silver Dragon: Level 9- 2500 ATK/ 3000 DEF

[When JP's dragon appears he starts having flashbacks of the Crimson Dragon and his signer mark and knew what he was doing before his accident]

Leo: JP, you okay? Did I jog your memory?

JP: You did but let's finish this duel first! When my dragon is summoned, all dragons become unaffected by card effects this turn. Battle. Azure Eyes Silver Dragon, attack his face down!

Leo: No!

[JP's monster destroys Leo's monster which is Morphtronic Celfon]

Morphtronic Celfon: Level 1- 100 ATK/ 100 DEF

JP: Turn end. You're hanging in there, Leo. I'm proud of you.

Turn 8-Leo

JP-8000 LP/Leo-8000 LP

Leo: Thanks, big bro! My turn. I draw. I can't do anything. I end my turn.

Turn 9-JP

JP: That was your last chance, Leo. My turn. Draw. I activate the special ability of my Azure Eyes Silver Dragon! I can bring back my Blue Eyes from my Graveyard!

Leo: Uh oh.

JP: You wanted to see my Blue Eyes Twin Burst Dragon, Leo? Well here it is! From my hand I activate the spell: Polymerization to fuse together my two Blue Eyes! I fusion summon! Come forth! Level 10! Blue Eyes Twin Burst Dragon!

Blue Eyes Twin Burst Dragon: Level 10: 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Leo: I should have kept my mouth shut.

JP: Battle. Blue Eyes Twin Burst Dragon, attack Leo directly and end this duel!

Leo: Ahh!

Leo-2000 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[JP walks over to help Leo]

JP: You did better than before, Leo. I'm proud of you.

Leo: Thanks, big bro. Next time I'll beat you.

JP: Keep dreaming.

[Luna runs over to JP]

Luna: Now that is over...JP can hang out with me! Let's go, JP!

[Luna grabs JP's hand and pulls him away]

JP: Luna, where are we going?

Luna: Somewhere alone!

JP: I'll catch you later, Leo!

[Leo just laughs as Luna pulls JP away]

Leo: You better hurry, Luna, or Rin will take him from you!

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