Chapter 30

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[The World Duel Carnival has already started. A lot has happened since that Masked Boy left out "dimension". I've beaten several people and got their number cards for Astral. I'm the leader of the Photon Duelists again although I don't want to be. I visit Rio everyday while she's in the hospital. She is doing well even though she's lost her brother. I will avenge him. I'll find that Masked Boy and destroy him until there's nothing left. I've already beaten a few duelists in this tournament. Tori has followed me the whole time. Our objective is to collect heart pieces and once we all the pieces we need we advance to the finals. I just another piece but it won't fit. I'm pissed]

3rd Person POV

JP: This is pissing me off! I got this heart piece and it won't fit. I didn't steal the thing. I won it fair and square!

Tori: Maybe the piece you won isn't the right one. There could be hundreds of combinations.

[JP takes deep breathes]

Astral: You calm now?

JP: Yeah. I just had to breathe for a second.

[Out of nowhere a giant blast of ammo is fired toward JP and Tori. They jump out of the way]

??? POV

[That should get his attention. We made a bet years ago and now I'm coming to challenge him to a duel and win]

3rd Person POV

[JP and Tori start running away from the attacker]

JP: Astral, what do you see?

Astral: You're under attack!

JP: No joke, genius!

??? POV

[I missed. Well he can't escape my hover craft! Why is he running in the first place? I thought he would remember this by now]

3rd Person POV

[JP and Tori spend hours running away from the attacker. They climb to the top of the building]

JP: Hopefully she won't find us way up here.

???: Guess again!

[JP and Tori turn to see the attacker standing on her hovercraft]

???: Any last words because now's the time...

[The attacker falls off her hovercraft. JP can catch her before she lands. JP sees who the girl is and recognizes her]

JP: Oh, hey, Anna.

Anna: It's about time you recognized me! I thought you forgot about me.

JP: Well, when you're firing a cannon at someone they don't think very clearly.

Tori: Why are you after JP, Anna?

Anna: I'm here to call in a bet.

JP/Tori: A bet?

Anna: Yes. We made one years ago and now I'm calling it in! You do remember the bet, JP? Right?


JP: Anna, when we meet again let's duel and the loser has to do whatever the winner says.

Flashback End

JP: I do remember. It was a bet that we made just before you transferred schools.

Anna: That's right!

JP: It really is nice to see you again, Anna.

[Anna blushes. Tori gets jealous]

JP: Well, I made a bet and I'm going to make good on it. Let's do this!

[JP and Anna get ready to duel]

JP/Anna: Duel disk, extend and set! Duel gazer, activate!

Computer: Augmented Reality Link established.

JP/Anna: Let's duel!

JP: Before we begin, what are the stakes?

Anna: If I win our match then you must become my boyfriend for the rest of your life!

Tori: What!

JP: That's fine with me.

Tori: JP!

Anna: What about you, JP?

JP: I win: we start out as friends and then see what happens from there.

Tori: JP, you better win this or I'll kick your butt!

[Anna sees this and giggles]

Anna: What's wrong, Tori? Nervous that I'll take him away from you?

Tori: No! Not at all.

Astral: Human love is such a peculiar thing and packs some serious fire power.

Turn 1-Anna

JP-8000 LP/Anna-8000 LP

Anna: Ladies first in this duel! It's my turn! From my hand I activate a spell: Upstart Goblin. I get to draw a card and you gain 1000 LP.

JP-8000 LP - - - 9000 LP

Anna: I place a monster face down in DEF Mode and two cards face down and end my turn.

Turn 2-JP

JP-9000 LP/Anna-8000 LP

JP: My turn. Draw.

Anna: Trap card, open! Pyramid of Light!

JP: What does that do?

Anna: You'll see. Just continue with your turn.

JP: I summon Gogogo Ghost in ATK Mode!

Gogogo Ghost: Level 4- 1900 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP: Battle. Gogogo Ghost, attack and destroy the face down! Fear Strike!

[JP's monster destroys Anna's monster which was Mirror Ladybug]

Mirror Ladybug: Level 1- 100 ATK/ 100 DEF

JP: Turn end.

Turn 3-Anna

JP-9000 LP/Anna-8000 LP

Anna: Is that all you got, JP? It's like you're not even trying! My turn. I draw. I spend 500 LP to summon Sphinx Teleia in DEF Mode!

Anna-8000 LP - - - 7500 LP

Sphinx Teleia: Level 10- 2500 ATK/ 3000 DEF

Anna: When Pyramid of Light is on the field I can special summon this monster from my hand. I summon Mirror Ladybug in ATK Mode! I'll end my turn with a face down. You're up, JP!

Turn 4- JP

JP-9000 LP/Anna-7500 LP

JP: My turn. Draw. I summon Gogogo Gigas in ATK Mode!

Gogogo Gigas: Level 4- 0 ATK/ 2200 DEF

Anna: Why would you summon that in ATK Mode?

JP: So I can do this! I overlay my Level 4 Gogogo Ghost and Gogogo Gigas! With these two monsters I build the Overlay Newtwork! I XYZ Summon! Come on out! Rank 4! Number 39: Utopia!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Number 39: Utopia: Rank 4- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

JP: I'm not finished. From my hand I activate a spell: Rank Up Magic Barian's Force! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Utopia! This card turns Utopia into a Chaos XYZ Monster! Go Chaos XYZ Evolution! Come on out! Rank 5: Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray V!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray V: Rank 5- 2600 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Anna: You've learned some new tricks since the last time we've met.

JP: I equip ZW Lightning Blade to Utopia! This raises Utopia's ATK by 1200!

Chaos Number 39: Utopia Ray V- 2600 ATK - - - 3800 ATK

JP: When Utopia is equipped with this weapon, ZW can't be destroyed by card effects and Utopia can't be destroyed by card effects.

Anna: Uh oh.

JP: I activate the special ability of my Utopia Ray V! By using one Chaos Overlay Unit I can destroy your Sphinx Teleia!

Anna: Oh no!

JP: It gets worse! You then take damage equal to its ATK! Spinning Blades of Destruction!

Anna: Ahh!

Anna-7500 LP - - - 5000 LP

JP: Battle. Utopia, destroy Mirror Ladybug! Rising Sun Star Slash!

Anna: This is going to hurt! Ahh!

Anna-5000 LP - - - 1300 LP

JP: I'll finish you next turn. Turn end.

Turn 5-Anna

JP-9000 LP/Anna-1300 LP

Anna: Don't think you're ending this duel! Make all the moves you want, JP because I'm going to win you yet! It's my turn! I draw! From hand I activate a spell: Upstart Goblin! I get to draw a card and you gain 1000 LP.

JP-9000 LP - - - 10,000 LP

Anna: I spend 500 LP to special summon Andro Sphinx!

Anna-1300 LP - - - 800 LP

Andro Sphinx: Level 10- 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Anna: That's all I can do. I'll go down swinging!

Turn 6-JP

JP-10,000 LP/Anna-800 LP

JP: Time to end this! My turn. Draw. I activate the special ability of my Utopia Ray V! By using another Chaos Overlay Unit I can destroy your Andro Sphinx and you take damage equal to its ATK!

Anna: This is the end!

JP: Spinning Blades of Destruction!

Anna: Ahh!

Anna-800 LP - - - 0 LP

Winner: JP

[JP walks over to help Anna up. She is tearing up]

Anna: This was my one chance and I blew it. I didn't even get to summon my Rank 10 XYZ monster.

JP: You didn't blow anything, Anna. We can start as friends and if anything happens it will happen.

[Anna smiles]

Anna: Tori?

Tori: Yes?

Anna: Just know that I'm in it to win!

[Tori turns red. Anna prepares to fly away when JP stops her]

Anna: What is it, JP?

JP: (Whispers) I've always had a crush on you!

[JP pulls away. Anna turns dark red]

Tori: What did you say to her, JP?

JP: Don't worry about, Tori.

[Anna gets on her hovercraft and gets ready to fly away]

Anna: Sorry that I don't have a heart piece but good luck in the tournament, JP!

[Anna blows JP a kiss and flies away. Tori gets very jealous]

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